While his thoughts were ups and downs, the First Immortal of the human race was a little helpless.

However, now he can't do anything.

The only thing that can be done is to watch quietly.

Even, he still has to wait for the arrival of this one

"You will come."

Muttering softly, the First Immortal of the Human Race is also looking forward to meeting Yu Ziyu.

The span of two eras. The two eras are the pinnacle of existence, a meeting that can be recorded in history. Just think about it, the First Immortal of the Human Race is both Some expectations...

At this time, in addition to the first immortal of the human race, there was another person who also noticed Yu Ziyu's breakthrough.

"What an amazing little guy."

Sighing from the bottom of his heart, the ancient Chaos Clock also rang a faint bell.

The bell's faint sound shook the world.

But the Chaos Clock made no more movements.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu has reached a critical period.

What he can do , just don’t bother.

As for the rest, don’t worry about it.

It’s not necessary or necessary.

With this little guy’s talent, a breakthrough is inevitable...

And in fact, it is the same.

With the body of a blue dragon, Yu Ziyu can control the thunder calamity, and with endless mist of chaos, which turns into endless spiritual power, Yu Ziyu's great god can reach the nine realms of the sky, and a breakthrough is inevitable.

However, now, the most critical thing is still those nine people

"I hope you won't disappoint me..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the little guy in the nine small worlds.

One after another, the origin elves sit cross-legged in one realm.

The rich spiritual energy is almost substantial, which is very shocking.

They are practicing and making breakthroughs.

It's not just them.

Looking carefully, there is a towering figure standing quietly behind the nine of them.

This figure, like a sculpture, stands between heaven and earth.

Very scary.

And they were actually second-generation Jianmu.

Yes, Erdai Jianmu.

A sacred tree with Jianmu's bloodline.

In the past, Yu Ziyu refined the second-generation Jianmu into puppets and gave them to the nine original spirits.

And the nine origin elves are also good.

Each of them holds a tree.

Man and wood merge into one, as if they were one body.

To a certain extent, the second-generation Jianmu is their natal divine weapon and their companion divine tree.

Therefore, when the origin elves broke through, the second generation Jianmu also sensed it and actually continued to grow.

This is amazing.

It was also a surprise.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also mobilized the power of time


Just listen to a roar, visible to the naked eye, the nine worlds are changing....

In a daze, the entire nine realms seemed to have accelerated.

And this is Yu Ziyu's power.

Accelerating the world a thousand times, giving them an even longer time to break through.

It also makes the changes and even evolution of the nine realms faster.

Yu Ziyu's time is limited, and she cannot wait for hundreds of years.

Therefore, acceleration time is inevitable.

As for the sequelae, he will take action to erase them for these little guys in the future.......

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, several days had passed.

And on this very day...


Amid the sudden roar, the entire chaos was shaken.

Visible to the naked eye, a purple beam of light rose into the sky.

What is even more shocking is that there is an extremely strong aura that also rises violently.

"This is?"

With a sound of surprise, Yu Ziyu did not expect that it was Zi'er who was the first to break through and set foot on the Dominion.

Zi'er, the original spirit bred in the Void World.

She is the saint of the Void Clan.

Now, it seems that this girl has no one in the Void Clan. There are less benefits to be gained.

Yu Ziyu smiled in his heart and was also a little happy.

The first source elf has broken through. Can other source elves break through? Can it be far behind?

And, more importantly, is...

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yu Ziyu also saw it. When Zi'er broke through, the entire small void world was shaken.

Unimaginable power spurted out from the small world of the void.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by a very terrifying roar, eight purple torrents could be seen with the naked eye, spurting out from the small world of void and spreading in all directions.

And just as these eight torrents were swirling, the entire small void world began to undergo drastic changes.

Yes, upheaval.

The earth sinks and the sky rises...

It was like the creation of the world, very shocking.

And just when the small world of the void was transforming, Yu Ziyu's mind sank into the small world of the void for the first time.

Feel the changes in the world and all the subtle changes.

And, more than that...

Just because, at this moment, he seemed to have turned into a giant, and he could easily mobilize the vast power of the void to do the things that created the world.

And this is the real blessing for Yu Ziyu.

You know, the creation of the world is a rare opportunity for those with great supernatural powers.

But now, he can actually integrate his mind and experience the world.

And, most likely more than once.

Perhaps, it is the ninth creation of the world.

And in this way, one can imagine what kind of fortune it is.

After the ninth attempt to open up land, Yu Ziyu might be like the legendary Pangu and actually do the first thing.

Moreover, unlike the legendary Pangu Kaitian, the body and soul are extinct.

If he has experience, success in opening the sky is inevitable.

This is creation. true creation

"For beings like me, so-called resources are secondary. What is really important is perception....It's acquaintance..."

"And my great god can reach the nine realms of heaven...What I stole is the experience of 'creating the world', which can improve my state of mind to a great extent...."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also gained insight into the 'real great fortune' of the nine realms of heaven.

Any great supernatural power can steal fortune and seize heaven's secrets.

His great magical power transformed the three realms into one thing, stealing a breakthrough from the bottleneck and helping him to cross the seventh level of the Heavenly Gate in one step.

His great power, the Blood God Technique, stole the 'Secret of Immortality'.

And now, his great sect that can reach the nine realms of heaven also has the power to steal creation.

It’s just enlightenment.

Kaitian enlightenment.

An opening of the sky is no less than a world-shaking creation. and...Open the sky nine times...

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