Staring blankly, even with simple wisdom, one void creature after another understands how supreme the central figure is.

And all they have to do is obey.

Yes, obey.

Submit to more powerful void creatures...It is the simplest and most terrifying rule in the void.

And now...

"Hoo, ho, ho...

A sudden neighing sounded in the depths of the void, but countless void creatures looked up to the sky and neighed, as if to welcome their only true god to come to the world....

But at this moment, what Yu Ziyu didn’t know was that...Among these thousands of void beings, there are a few quite intelligent void creatures whose eyes can’t stop twinkling.

"I want to be like that..."

"I want to follow such a king..."

"Is this the humanoid posture in the starry sky?"...

Their eyes couldn't stop flickering, and these void creatures looked at the void emperor who was kneeling on one knee in front of Yu Ziyu, with longing in their eyes. them...These low-level void creatures are not even qualified to kneel down and worship.

And only after stepping onto the sixth level, he turned into a human form...

Only then can we bow down before this 'great existence' like these emperors of the void.

"I think..."

"I really want become stronger...Humanoid..."

More and more desire...It makes one void creature after another go crazy.

And this is not to blame for these void creatures.

Simply because when Yu Ziyu spoke, she had given her words magic power.

It can arouse the most primitive desires of these void creatures, and as the highest-level void creature, Yu Ziyu has absolute control over these low-level void creatures. so...The commotion Yu Ziyu caused this time was quite terrifying.

Look up...Thousands of creatures in the sky looked up to the sky and roared...with blazing eyes.

One after another, as if they were injected with chicken blood...

However...this is just the beginning...

They still need to grow...

And for these void creatures, the best growth...Nothing more than war.

In this way, with a grin, Yu Ziyu also said the last words

"I will open the long-lost door to the void for you....Kill, parasitize...destroy...destroy...Release the most primitive desires in your heart to your heart’s content..."...

And shortly after that...Buddhism is as calm as ever.

There was even the sound of chanting from time to time, echoing everywhere.

And this is the great world of Buddhism.

Quiet, peaceful, like a real other shore.

But, yes.

As among the starry sky, there are few terrorist forces in the big world....The world is in the cracks of space, quietly entrenched.

Except for the occasional extraterrestrial clan, which gives the Buddhist disciples some headaches...Most of them are as stable as ever... only...The level of Buddhism...It will most likely be broken today

"This is the Buddhist world!"

Looking for some traces left behind by killing the Holy Son of the Buddha Realm last time... Yu Ziyu also came outside the Buddha Realm....

Look up...The entire world is like a golden dome, located in the cracks of space.

Sanskrit is shrouded and Buddha's light is diffused.

It also has the mark of Buddha’——Swastikas flash around the dome

"That's the extraterrestrial demon clan...." whisper softly...Yu Yu also noticed a lot of life that was like black mist, shooting towards the Buddhist world like crazy.

But don’t wait for them to flood into the Buddhist world.


The Buddha's light was so bright that it evaporated them one after another like the scorching sun, causing countless neighs and even wails....

Demon clan...One is a strange race that lives in the cracks of space and is always peeping at all races.

However, what they are spying on are cultivators among all races.

The stronger the cultivator, the more they like him.

They often invade the spiritual level of cultivators in the form of 'inner demons'...

If the practitioner is invincible...Then everything will be swallowed up by the 'Devil Clan' and become nutrients for their growth...

However, this terrible race has gradually declined since the rise of Buddhism.

Simply because Buddhism cultivates the heart.

Among them, there are countless methods of cultivating the mind.

In other words...Buddhism is the biggest enemy of the Demon Clan.

Even the most astonishing genius of the Demon Clan, the Demon King of Six Desires, was lost in the hands of Buddhism....

It can be seen that...Buddhism is scary...

And now...

These low-level demons are attracted by the practitioners in the Buddhist world and keep charging.

But before they even got close, they were purified by the Buddha's light.

What is worth mentioning here is that although the Buddhist cultivation method is very restrained by the demon clan,...But Buddhist practitioners are also the best food for the demon clan.

If he can devour a few Buddhist disciples, he can even appear in the starry sky in the form of an inner demon....So for them, it is also a qualitative transformation.

And this is understandable.

The more dangerous, the more deadly...The chance of hiding may be greater. so...It is not an exaggeration to say that Tian Mo Yi and Buddhism are natural enemies.... only...When Buddhism was strong, the demon clan was hiding in a corner...

Only when Buddhism is weak can the demon clan truly run rampant in the world.

"Compared to Buddhism...The Tian clan is still half a step behind."

Sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also grabbed it casually


In an instant, the end of the world became so close, and a small demon clan fell into his palm.

【Race: Demon clan.

Equal level: Extraordinary second level.

Racial characteristics: No entity, existing in a void.

Talent: Ability to manifest inner demons in the starry sky...It can even devour everything of the cultivator....】

Look at it quietly...Yu Yu also found it interesting.

The demon clan is really good.

If your guess is good, in a certain era...This race should be like the Void race, the enemy of all races.

But after the rise of Buddhism...This race has also completely declined....

Even, become a member of all races...

Now...This one dollar...It is the era of the void.

From space cracks, deeper dimensions...Known for their 'bizarre' and 'all-encompassing', the Void clan is driven by the 'most primitive desires'...Will become the new enemy of all races.

Moreover, it is even more threatening than the Demon Clan.

It's even more terrifying.

And all this is because the demon clan needs to use the inner demon method to manifest in the starry sky.

But the Void Clan...But it can come directly, and it can also rely on erosion and parasitism to turn all races into nutrients for growth....

"Could it be said that every era will give birth to a race that can be called the 'enemy of all races'?..."

Amid some suspicion, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but guess. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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