However, Yu Ziyu heard that if the little Loli loses consciousness, her dolls will return to their original shape...

I don't know if this is true. if true...Such a little loli may leave a big flaw in the future...

"if it is possible...Can you help her take a look?..."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also kept this matter in mind.

But, this is not the time to pay attention to these things

"half a year later...virtual feast...I'm going back to rest first."

After saying hello, Yu Ziyu also took a step forward. In an instant, time and space rotated... Yu Ziyu's figure appeared quietly in the most luxurious palace in the Gods and Demons Continent.

Sitting high on the throne...Yu Yu's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

Buddhism is not easy to mess with...

If it is the Demon Court...Yu Zi would never go to war with Buddhism directly.

After all, in a battle, even those as powerful as Demon Court would suffer heavy casualties.

But the Void Clan is different...

Yu Ziyu has no feelings for the Void Clan...Use it more like a tool.

This is Yu Ziyu's trump card to check and balance all races...

So......Tools must bring out their value.

As for this, the entire Void clan doesn't care. What they need is a guide to open the door to the Void for them and descend into the starry sky....

As for what is the purpose?

Empty lives don’t care.

Not even asking.

Only the Void Emperors who stand at the top of the Void Clan would consider these things.

And it is worth mentioning that...Today, the Void Clan has many Void Emperors following Yu Ziyu.

And now the Original Sin can be said to be the strongest force among the Void Clan....

"Void clan...Compared to all races with inheritance, development is still too slow...."

Amidst the somewhat helpless voice, Yu Ziyu also rarely fell into deep thought...

The potential of the Void Clan is truly terrifying.

Yes. When it comes to combat power...It’s really not on the same level as Wanzu.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that Buddhism is preparing to invade this time is a hard nut to crack.... so...Now Yu Yu wants to guide the Void Clan better...Then grow.

Until we can truly compete with all races......

And what is the fastest way to cultivate strong people?

Of course it's war.

The vaster and more terrifying the war, the greater the chance of a strong man being born.... in this way...Yu Ziyu also wants to start several large-scale void invasions.

One is that eradicating dissidents can also cause trouble for forces such as Buddhism and the Gods....

The second one is to cultivate strong men in the void...

"From now on, the emperors of the void who will be cultivated will all be named after their numbers. I am number zero, and Zi Lian is number one...."

"Thus...The combat power of the Xu clan can also be clearly determined...."...

While muttering, Yu Ziyu was thinking more...

As of now...In the land of void, he will build an infinite empire of void. At least, there will be hundreds of void emperors following him.

That's the only way...Only then can he create a transcendent void force in the void.

Unify the entire Void Clan...

The more he pondered, the clearer the thoughts in Yu Ziyu's mind became...

If nothing else happens...He needs to stay in the land of void for a while... and all this is just to create an order that belongs exclusively to 'void' in the depths of void.

Rules are made by the strong.

And now, Yu Ziyu will create his own order in the name of 'the master of the void that transcends everything'......

Time passes slowly...In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

And in just these two months, the number of the Void clan gathered around the Gods and Demons Continent has reached tens of millions....

Yes, tens of millions.

But now, when I look up, I can see endless void creatures that have filled every corner of the void.

"Roar, roar.."

"Yin, Yin..." growl, neigh...Thousands of strange sounds echoed in the void, but they really made the void a little more lively.

However, this is not important.

What really matters is the six figures standing in front of the void army.

They are obviously petite in stature. They are all in human form.

But in the eyes of those void creatures...They have become the biggest terror.

Depressed, unable to breathe... suffocating...

Every void creature looked at these six figures and bowed their heads honestly.

Just, at this moment...If you don't wait for these void creatures, what should you do?


The entire void was shaken.

Look up...In the vast void army of people, a passage was slowly pulled out.

As if another invisible force pushed away the void creatures on both sides, revealing a ten-meter-wide road.

And right at the end of this road...

"Step, step..."

The sound of footsteps sounded like stepping on other people's hearts, making countless void creatures tremble slightly.

The aura coming from the top of the void food chain made them instinctively afraid, even terrified.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu did not hesitate. Instead, she raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said with a smile:

"..I am, the master of space and everything...."

"And all you have to do is obey me..."

The faint voice sounded in the hearts of thousands of void creatures, but it was difficult to question.

Some are just...One by one, the void creatures roared more excitedly and even crazily.

And at this time, raise your hand and press it down


The invisible force actually suppressed the voices of thousands of void creatures...

At this moment... Yu Ziyu raised his eyes and looked around...

He seemed to be the center of the world.

Countless pairs of eyes focused on him

"Ha ha.."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu used an extremely bewitching voice to say this to the countless void creatures:

"Work hard and grow..."

"When you reach the sixth level...You can be like them and follow behind me..."

The words fell,

"Swish, swish, swish...

The void was flashing frequently, but it was Zi Si, the fallen angel Avril, figures like gods and demons one after another, slowly walking behind Yu Ziyu.

It seems to be following, but also surrendering...

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of the Void..."

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of the Void..."...

The chorus of the six void emperors...echoing in the void...

Accompanied by these six humanoid figures, they knelt on the ground on one knee....He knelt down in front of Yu Ziyu.

A terrifying existence that makes the Emperor of the Void crawl on his knees....There is only the Supreme that transcends everything’--Lord of the Void. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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