
A sudden roar sounded in a corner of the void.

Looking for the sound, he saw a figure wearing six purple wings. He spread his wings and turned into a giant, flying towards the deepest part of the void.

And this is exactly Yu Ziyu...Today's Lord of Original Sin, the Lord of the depths of the void, transcends everything.

"I don’t know, what are those little guys doing?"

Rarely chuckled, Yu Ziyu was also curious about what Intangible, Weapon, Zi Lian and others were doing during this period of time. The void is no better than the starry sky.

In the void, nothingness is everything, it is empty and lonely, and even life is small. There are very few of them.

A place like this is naturally boring.

So...Most of the students in the void are sleeping......

But the Void Emperors under Yu Ziyu were different.

I don’t know if Yu Ziyu is used to being taken out to go crazy. They don’t like sleeping very much, and they have developed their own hobbies.

The little Loli seemed to be invisible and transformed, playing with her dolls all day long.

It's like weapons. I spend all day studying fancy weapons....

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it...

"No, it’s still the same as when I left, one playing with dolls and the other playing with weapons...."

Amid some suspicion, the diamond-shaped crystals deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes flashed fiercely.


In an instant, countless spaces folded in front of Yu Ziyu...

But with the help of these folded spaces, Yu Ziyu stepped out in one step...In an instant, he had traveled a distance of several star fields.

And this is the horror of space.

So close to the end of the world, just a moment's notice......

And shortly after that...In the deepest part of the void, on an infinite continent, Yu Ziyu's figure also came slowly. looking down...The entire continent was already purple, and Yu Ziyu's eyes seemed to have spanned space, and actually landed on the continent, in the palaces in several directions.

Every palace is unique.

Some are like castles, some are like palaces...But it's all gorgeous and terrifying.

And among these palaces...Surprisingly, there are members of the most terrifying organization in the void - Original Sin....

Invisible, weapon, fallen void angel Avril, jealousy. Purple Sickle...One after another, they are all terrible life forms of extraordinary sixth level.

What is even more shocking is that at the moment they became Original Sin, they also harvested the Void Divine Weapon that was connected to their destiny.

And when these void magic weapons grow up,...Even grown to the level of an imperial soldier...I am afraid that the highest combat power of the entire Void clan will not be weaker than Void.

And this is the terrifying potential of the void...

A civilization entrenched behind the stars...

And now, the leader of this civilization is Yu Ziyu...the master of the void who transcends everything.

"Hum hum..."

A sneer, and the six fierce movements behind him


As momentum continues to rise...A wave of air suddenly centered on Yu Ziyu and swept across the entire continent.

"This is?"

"It's the boss"

"quick...The boss returns..."

One exclamation after another, the members of Original Sin were more excited than the last.

Just because, after being bored for several years, they finally waited for the return of their master

"elder brother...you come back..."

Before anyone arrived, the boundless purple mist was already sweeping in... Then in Yu Ziyu's smiling eyes, a little loli holding a doll came from the depths of the mist.

Wearing a purple gothic lolita dress...The face is as delicate as a porcelain doll.

There seemed to be no surprise hidden in his smiling eyes. invisible...Original Sin is a mysterious member...The method is also the most bizarre.

At this moment, a charming voice came from behind Yu Ziyu.

"boss...I miss you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of jade arms hooked on Yu Ziyu's waist from behind.

It seems to express intimacy and declare sovereignty.

And this is the fallen void angel Avril....

It's just that this girl doesn't know what's going on....I don’t know that my strength has fallen, even my soul seems to have fallen....There is actually a tendency to stick to Yu Ziyu.

However, this should be normal.

According to Avril, they fell into the void angel clan, and the strong are respected.

The more powerful the existence, the more they like it.

Even enemies are no exception. in this way...There is nothing wrong with liking Yu Zi.

However, Yu Ziyu was skeptical about Avril's explanation...

After all, this guy was really not aloof towards other people.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and the wings behind her spread out, brushing away Avril's hooked jade arm. Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"How have you been in recent years?"

"Boredom, not ordinary boredom."

As if complaining, Avril folded her hands on her chest and said full of grievances.

"Forehead...Is it so futile?"

With a sound of suspicion, Yu Ziyu also looked at the other arriving figures.

"Compared to the void feast in the starry sky, this place is really boring."

Grinning, full of cold jealousy, he also sighed.

"That's true...I haven’t collected any new dolls for a long time...."

He raised a doll transformed into a sixth-level giant in his hand....The invisible little lolita is also harmless to humans and animals.

"All right..."

There was a moment of silence, and Yu Ziyu smiled helplessly.

It seems that just as he guessed...Some of his actions awakened the desire in these guys' bones.

But, that’s okay.

Desire is not a bad thing. as a void creature...They were born to hunt all races in the void, and Yu Ziyu had already opened the shackles in their hearts and released the demons in their hearts.......

After briefly reminiscing about the past, Yu Ziyu did not waste time, but went straight to the topic:

"Everyone, please prepare for some time....We're going to walk under the stars again..."

As soon as he finished speaking, several figures standing around Yu Ziyu were shocked, and then their eyes burst out with light.

Even the third king, who was known as 'jealous', even licked the corner of his mouth and said expectantly:

"Can I hunt again?..."


After nodding, Yu Ziyu's face became solemn, and then in an extremely serious voice, he reminded:

"But this time, be careful...We're not just having a little fight like before...."

"..But start a real war..."

"And the reason why it's called a 'war' is just because...Our hunting target this time...It is the most terrifying force in the starry sky - Buddhism..."...

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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