Demon Court...There are many strong people, and now...Under the vigilant gazes of countless people, one prince after another in the Demon Court, and the generals all took action.

Faintly, there is a trend of outward expansion.

"Since the return of the Demon Emperor, Demon Court seems to have become more confident....Even the expansion is not concealed"

"This is normal. Who is called the Demon King, the first person in the starry sky?"

"Too...Why is the strong one?...The Demon King is strong, so he should naturally occupy more resources...."...

There was discussion one after another, and many people's eyes flickered.

Just because, they understood the reason why every strong man in Demon Court seemed to be beaten to death.

But, understand, so what?

The expansion of Demon Court is inevitable.

Don't say stop it...Even if people want to persuade me, they dare not.

But to be honest, today’s Demon Court...It's really scary.

As powerful as the Titans and the Angels, they are willing to become pawns......

And at this time...Deep in the small world of life, Yu Ziyu, who was sitting quietly at the stone table and deducing the formation, paused for a moment, then turned his eyes and looked not far away.

Over there...Just like the elf queen stepping out of the painting, stepping on tiny steps, she welcomes you step by step.

"Owner...Niu Mo, Ji and others all started taking action.."

"As for the gods we are paying attention to, Buddhism is as calm as ever...."


Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also used the wine on his fingertips as a chess piece to point out a piece, making the entire starlight even more hazy.

"Calm is not a good thing...Instead it could be the calm before the storm..."

As he spoke slowly, Yu Ziyu's eyes were filled with indescribable depth.

Faintly, you can see a clock and a diamond-shaped crystal flowing deep in the eyes.

And at the next moment, under the somewhat shocked gaze of the Elf Queen, the Demon King's slender figure in white slowly changed.

Purple intention struck him, and six purple wings slowly spread out behind him.


As the wings spread, the purple ripples continued to spread, but they hovered within a radius of ten square meters.

"Boom, boom, boom...

Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, a purple energy ball with a diameter of more than ten meters completely enveloped Yu Ziyu's figure....

At this time, if you feel carefully, you will definitely feel a heart-stopping pressure surging in the purple energy ball.

It seems to be the top predator in the food chain, and it is indescribably terrifying.

It’s even more frightening...With coldness


Taking one step forward, it was like falling into someone else's heart, causing the Elf Queen, a sixth-level living being, to tremble.

Slowly raising her eyes, what caught the Elf Queen's eyes was a purple figure.

With six wings on his back, six hanging tails like phoenix feathers flutter on the wings.

Slender figure...face unclear...

But the oppression from the void is like reality...Until you can't breathe.

At this time, Qiang was like the Elf Queen, and her breath was frozen.

"This is the master of the void that transcends everything...."

My heart was shocked, and the Elf Queen, the personal maid who had been in contact with Yu Ziyu for a long time, understood too much.

It's just that understanding is understanding.

But when she saw her master in such a posture, she still couldn't hide the shock on her face.

Totally two people.

Not only looks, but also breath...

And that kind of indescribable, indescribable temperament...

You know, no matter how much you conceal the Demon King's temperament, he is still so powerful that he dominates the world and makes people dare not look directly at him.

But this person's temperament... is extremely evil, as if he is the source of all troubles, just seeing...I feel like I'm sinking

"simply unbelievable..."

Suppressing the shock in her heart, the Elf Queen was also in disbelief.

However, at this moment, a wisp of purple intention suddenly hit her. It was almost too late to react. It fell in the eyes of the Elf Queen. It was a momentary effort, and just such an instantaneous effort, the deep purple intention had already covered her entire body. pack

"Do you like my attitude?"

In a voice full of playfulness, one finger already picked up a bunch of green hair of the Elf Queen....


She seemed a little nervous, and the Elf Queen's eyes flashed slightly.

Don't wait for what she says


The purple meaning that filled the sky was like a replay, constantly shrinking and rushing towards Yu Ziyu's body.

Even Yu Ziyu’s body was constantly getting in trouble....

At this time...The Elf King suddenly discovered...Yu Ziyu’s figure has long been standing in the distance....

But just now, it was just an afterimage.......

"I don’t like the too-peaceful Ten Thousand Races....It’s time to set off a more violent storm..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's eyes were as deep as purple black holes.

"Master... do you want to take action again?"

As if she realized something, the Elf Queen also asked curiously.


Nodding. Yu Ziyu took one step forward.

"I’ll leave the Demon Court to you....I am leaving..."

"Yes, master."

In response, the Elf Queen quietly watched Yu Ziyu leave....Until time and space rotate, Ziyi completely disappears from sight...The Queen of Spirits just raised her eyes and looked at the bamboo forest not far away.


With a wave of her right hand, endless greenery swayed, but it was the Elf Queen who sprinkled the sky with the power of life.

The owner likes this quiet bamboo forest very much.

Keep it up until he comes back... besides...During this period, she also had to use her master's identity to issue orders... to prevent outsiders from noticing that the master had left the Demon Court.

And this is her and the Mermaid Queen...What should be done most.

As a personal maid...The two of them are not flower vases.

Regardless of cultivation or talent, they are top-notch when looking at the stars.

It’s because he has been with his master for a long time...They know their master quite well. They can be considered as 'Blue Star's secretary', and they are very close secretaries.......

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