king:"Actually, there is only one question I'm more curious about now... The old Marquis and everyone want to conquer Digimon! But I'm thinking, is it very difficult to conquer Digimon?" king:"

Instead of thinking about conquering Digimon, Digimon, you might as well think about going next door to collect Pokémon. At least the Pokémon world has a complete process for collecting Pokémon. Just buy a Pokémon ball!"

Tony is not the richest man:"It makes now I suddenly It's strange, what on earth is the old man thinking?"

I am a Marquis:"……Long-winded! Pokmon's attacks can't kill anyone, so it's not suitable to be my pet!"

I am a Marquis:"My pet! At least it can't be inferior to my giant wolf, right?"

If the pets are weaker than the giant wolf that comes with the theocracy of Marquis Vauban, then it's a waste of time to recover pets.

Nakiri Erina:"Sounds very reasonable.……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Actually, I don't care about Pokémon, Digimon, etc. If there is a particularly handsome Pokémon that looks like an angel! I would also like to conquer it."

Nangong That month:"……The world you live in is really colorful!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Nowhere, the world Miss Nangong lives in is also very exciting."

Nakiri Erina:"Indeed! This is the first world I've seen where vampires exist.

Weber:"Ahem... Although it's rude to interrupt now, Miss Nakiri!" There are vampires in our world too."

Nakiri Erina:"……Yeah?

Weber:"Yes, it's just that the memory copy was not mentioned at all."

Weber:"The vampires in our world...can't be called vampires. They should be called Dead Apostles." There is also a terrifying existence among the Dead Apostles called the Ancestor of the Dead Apostles... There are also pure-blood vampire ancestors, but they are very rare and very powerful."

Nangong Nayue:"……The true ancestor of another world?

Leader Luo Hao:"Bring this up!" I'm a little weird. Leader Luo Hao:"

When I watched Bloodthirsty Attack before, for some reason, I always thought of the God Killer. Obviously the worldviews of the two worlds are completely different!

Su Xiaoxiao:"I think it looks quite similar!" The world of Blood Devouring Frenzied Attack has its supreme True Ancestor, and the world of God Killers also has its supreme God Killers! And the protagonists of the two memory copies... I feel that they are not much different."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……It is really sad that the true ancestor of a vampire can become like Xiao Gucheng."

I am a Marquis:"Those who are simply powerful but have no courage are so miserable."

I am a Marquis:"It's just like Kusanagi Godou! So what if he becomes a God Killer? If others want to, they can still easily twist their noses and walk away."

Marquis Vauban is very disdainful of Kusanagi Godou. And now, the target of his disdain is Akatsuki Castle.

This kind of person who simply has strength but no courage is not considered strong in the eyes of Marquis Vauban. By:

Busushima Yako:"……So now I'm a little curious! What decision will Miss Nangong make after knowing the fate of her world?

Nangong Nayue:"Everything is business as usual." We are still far away from the timeline of the memory copy! What am I anxious about?"

Xia Shizi:"???"

One way:"???"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"???"

Weber:"……Wait a moment! What does it mean that we are still far away from the timeline of the memory copy? Weber was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what it meant.

Nangong Nayue:"Literally!""

Nangong Nayue:"I just learned the news recently that the Fourth True Ancestor's feast of flames has not really begun yet."

Xia Shizi:"……Can anyone explain to me what Miss Nangong Nayue means?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"The Banquet of Flames, this is the stage where the Fourth True Ancestor is born! According to Nangong Nayue's words, the current Fourth True Ancestor is not Xiao Gucheng."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Or it could be the other way around. It was precisely because of this incident that Xiao Gucheng became the fourth true ancestor!"

Su Han's eyes flickered slightly. He didn't expect that the timeline would be so far ahead this time.

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, how will Yue-chan prepare to treat this feast of flames?

Nangong Nayue:"Let's take a look!" After all, if you know this kind of information in advance and don't explore it... it would be too embarrassing, right?

Nangong Nayue:"That's right!" @四代目火影. @Tony is not the richest man."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Why did you call me out?"

The Fourth Hokage:"If the new members need my help, they can ask it directly."

Nangong Nayue:"I suddenly saw the magic circle on the guild interface that can move long distances, and the special spell called Flying Thunder God! Seeing as the uploader is you...please ask me how to practice these two techniques! Is there any price to pay?"

Tony is not the richest man:"……So that’s what happened! If you want to practice, just practice."

Tony thought it was a big deal at first, but after hearing this, he laughed out loud.

Tony is not the richest man:"If you can practice cultivation, I will be happy for you."

Weber:"……I get very angry when I think about this! Mr. Tony is so unreliable. Last time, they took away a bunch of magic materials from me! As a result, they still haven’t given me an accurate answer, whether they will give me a suspended ring or not."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Ahem! I showed the pile of magic information to Master Gu Yi. She only glanced at it and then started laughing! I asked her if she wanted a ring, but she laughed and said nothing... What can I do? I'm desperate too!"

Weber:"……I cried!"

Webber was good at sighing. When he saw this, he knew that there was little hope.

When he thought of a magic from another world that could be called a great magic disappearing in front of him, he felt the pain in his heart.

The Yondaime Hokage:" The things uploaded by the guild in that column can be downloaded and practiced at will, and there is no need to inform us original owners!"

Nangong Nayue:"……If that's the case, then I'm relieved! (Photo)"

Nan Gong Na Yue directly uploaded a photo, and what was shown in the photo was the scene where Nan Gong Na Yue's delicate hands outlined the magic circle of Kama Taj's lineage.

Nakiri Erina:"???"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"???"

Let the world feel the pain:"……Damn it!"

Shirai Heizi:"Wait a minute...Miss Nangong Nayue shouldn't have a ring yet, right? So how did Miss Nangong Nayue outline the magic array?"

Shirai Kuroko was stunned. Nangong asked Tony if he could practice before that month, and obviously he hadn't started to touch it before.

But after asking, he directly sketched the magic array diagram. What was he doing? This was a direct cheat!

And , How did you get started without the Xuan Ring!!

In the guild, except for the president, no one has done such a thing.

Nangong Nayue:"I myself control the magic of the space control system! He has an extremely deep understanding of space... Flying Thunder God, the entry requirements are very harsh, and it is incompatible with my system, so there is no way to get started in a short time."

Nangong Nayue:"But the magic circle is so simple and easy to understand. As long as the foundation is slightly changed, it can be compatible with my own system."

Shirai Kuroko:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Kuroko Shirai, who controlled the movement of space, and Minato Namikaze, who had profound knowledge in the flying thunder god technique, fell silent. They said they were devastated.

Su Han's brows twitched, and after a brief silence, he revealed a hint of understanding. He thought this was normal.

After all, Karma Taj’s is also magic.

Kuroko Shirai is a person with super powers on the technological side and cannot practice magic.

The Yondaime Hokage mastered ninjutsu and had no understanding of magic. It's understandable that they can't get started without the hanging ring.

But the gap witch Nangong Nayue is different from the two.

Nangong Nayue himself controls the magic of the space control system. He has his own understanding of space magic. With knowledge, it is not surprising to complete this step without hanging the ring.

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