Tony is not the richest man:"It mainly depends on what you think!"

Tony is not the richest man:"If you don't want to go, then forget it. You are just a child after all! There is no shame in escaping."

Tony gave the answer directly without comment. suggestion.

Although he is also very curious about the story of Yagami Taichi.

But if this curiosity came at the expense of the lives of children like Taichi Yagami, then he would rather Taichi Yagami and his companions had never been to the Digimon world at all.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……You think so wonderfully! Tony."

Su Han is not very optimistic about this.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Taiyi Yagami and others are the chosen children! Su Xiaoxiao:"

The words"chosen child" are not just added.

Xia Shizi:"What did the president say?""

Su Xiaoxiao:"To explain briefly... it is almost a doomed fact that they will go to the Digimon world. This is definitely not something you can escape without participating in a summer camp activity.……

Atreus:"Fate... This really makes people emotionally complicated!"

Atreus himself was very resistant to the so-called arrangement of fate. At this moment, seeing what happened to Taichi Yagami, his heart A resonance arose.

Although his age is not much different from Taichi Yagami, he has experienced much more than Taichi Yagami. Therefore, he is much more mature than Taichi Yagami.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually, I think strength is the most important thing no matter what time."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Participate in this summer camp activity and continue to cooperate with your Digimon companions to enhance your strength! Only in this way can you become more powerful. Get ready to face the crisis in the future."

Su Han thought of Yagami Taichi's sister Yagami Kia'er.

Even though Kia Yagami was not involved in the summer camp activities at the beginning due to physical reasons, in the end, she still entered the Digimon world and participated in the battle to solve the vampire monsters.

Taichi Yagami:"Even if you want to escape, you can't escape. You will eventually enter another world."

Taichi Yagami:"I understand! Thank you, President, for reminding me."

Taichi Yagami gritted his teeth. If he can escape, then He may choose to escape. But since there was no way back, he moved forward.

He is the owner of the Badge of Courage. Although he is still young at the moment, he still shows the bright side of his humanity.

Symbol of peace:"……If you can't escape, then, Yagami boy, when you encounter danger! Just ask me for help."

A symbol of peace:"While risking your life! Reach out to others who can help you. This is not shameful!"

Nakiri Erina:"Uncle Ou is indeed very enthusiastic and reliable. However, I thought of a very serious question...Does Uncle Ou have any points?"

Symbol of peace:" Hahahaha! Coincidentally, the reform of the hero system that I discussed with Mr. Tony last time was also very effective, and I also have a lot of points in my hand!

Xiaozhi:"All Might... I think it would be more appropriate for me to go.""

Xiao Zhi:"After all, the nature of my Pokémon is very similar to that of Digimon. And, my Pokémon just so happens to need a real battle! Thereby improving one's own strength."

Xiao Zhi has made too many preparations to win the Quartz Competition. But when he thinks about it now, he still feels that he cannot win the final victory in the Quartz Competition.

"If this time I take my Pokémon to the Digimon World and experience the baptism of battle in the Digimon World, it should be able to further improve the strength of my Pokémon, right?"

Xiao Zhi feels that maybe after this training, he will truly have the strength of a champion.

Even if not, he is at least a king level, or a quasi-champion, right?

A symbol of peace:"……Xiaozhi's participation in the battle is really beyond my expectation!"

Xiao Zhi:"If it were All Might, maintaining the security of the world would already require a lot of effort!"

Xiao Zhi:"If you go to other worlds, maybe you won't have enough time, right?"

A symbol of peace:"……Let’s talk about it until then."

Tony is not the richest man:"It's really not a big problem. If you can't spare the time, I will send an anti-reincarnation eye mecha over there."

Tony is not the richest man:"Not to mention sweeping the digital world, but there is still no problem in protecting the safety of Yagami Taichi and others in the early stage."

Tony thought about it and felt it was trivial.

Anyway, he has a lot of Iron Man armors at home. Even if he throws an Anti-Reincarnation Eye mecha at home, doesn't he still have Hulkbuster armor and Anti-Godslayer armor at home?

Not to mention, Tony has recently been thinking about whether he can build anti-Superman armor and anti-Super Saiyan armor. Tony's level of care in these two sets of armor is even higher than the previous three sets of armor.

He is We are going to develop these two sets of armor into a star-level combat power.

Although this is just a goal, the real realization is still very far away... It will take a few years or decades. It is not surprising. Maybe in the end There is still a possibility of failure.

Yagami Taichi:"Thank you all uncles, sisters, and brothers!"

After Taichi Yagami learned that his safety could be guaranteed, he breathed a sigh of relief, but then he felt a little uneasy.

Taichi Yagami:"But will this be too much trouble for you?"

Tony is not the richest man:"It doesn't matter! Maybe I can get some points by protecting you."

Tony is not the richest man:"And! We also have our own purpose in going to that world, and maybe we can collect some useful information."

Kayaba Akihiko:"……"

Kayaba Akihiko's MMP stuck in his throat

"If I ask to go to the Digimon World now... I'm afraid no one will agree, right?"

After a long silence, Kayaba Akihiko sighed.

He also has great curiosity about the Digimon world, but he is not strong enough and is obviously not qualified to go there.

"Tony has the Iron Man armor! And he also uses his own powerful magic strength. Is it possible to go to that world and detect the truth of the Digimon world while protecting the chosen children of the Digimon world? but I……"

What can Kayaba Akihiko do in another world?

If he is really in danger, maybe he will need the protection of the chosen children.

"What a cruel reality……"

Kayaba Akihiko fully realized the importance of strength at this moment. But even if he realized it, there was nothing he could do.

Because the world of Sword Art Online is simply an everyday world.

Do you want to gain the power of cheating from his world? It would be better for him to practice the two colors of Haki in the guild, or various ninjutsu.

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