Gabrielle also became rarely serious, with a sigh on her face.

Gabriel:"I personally think that after Diao Guangdou sold the grain to the enemy...if he wanted to protect himself, he could definitely protect himself. But in the end, he still died!"

Alice:"Indeed, but his Death... makes people feel more desperate. Song Ci is a pure maintainer of order, and Diao Guangdou is a pure destroyer of order.……"

Alice:"His death can only prove that when order completely collapses, real interests cannot maintain order by buying others off."

Alice let out a long sigh with a complicated expression.

Shazam:"Well, when it comes to an avalanche, no snowflake is that what you mean?"

Shazam thought thoughtfully.

Alice:"Although it's wrong, it can't be said to be completely wrong."

Cheng Yong:"So, what is Mr. Song Ci going to do? The Song Dynasty has been rotten to the core."

Song Ci:"……I don't know what to do either. Song

Ci's eyes were distant and melancholy.

Jiujianxian:"I have a good suggestion!" You might as well let your world merge with Qin Shihuang's world, and finally let Qin Shihuang unify the world and carry out reforms... In this way, wouldn't all the problems be solved?"

Heavenly Sword Song Que:"……?"

Ogiso Yukina:"……"

Zhu Di:"……"

Zhu Di:"Why don't you choose to merge with my world?"

Zhu Di was unconvinced.

Nakano Mijiu:"The gap between your world and Mr. Qin Shihuang's you really have no idea at all?"

Nakano Mijiu's mouth twitched several times, and she was quite dumbfounded.

Four Eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng:"I personally think that if Song Ci's world really has to be integrated, it would be best to merge with Mr. Zhu Di's world."

Four Eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng:"After all, Qin Shihuang is too powerful! The Song Dynasty Ti Xingguan The Song Dynasty of the world is integrated into the Immortal Qin Empire where Ying Zheng is located. The Song Dynasty itself is of no help to Qin Shihuang."

Lu Xiaofeng, Four Eyebrows:"And... the current Qin State is too powerful! It has developed to that point, ordinary people It is also very difficult to blend in... If you insist on forcing it, it will easily lead to the low status of the general people of the Song Dynasty in the end! Even if Qin Shihuang orders it, it is easy to form an unspoken rule there."

Lu Xiaofeng said lightly He stroked his beard gently and spoke seriously.

Four Eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng:"It's different with Zhu Di. He has just completed the reform. With the average level of the Ming Dynasty... the resources and population of the Song Dynasty's criminal world are of great help to him. It can Follow him to progress and develop together!"

Evil King Shi Zhixuan:"It makes sense."

Amano Haruna:"What Mr. Lu Xiaofeng said makes sense...not the strongest is the best, but the most suitable is the best."

Amano Haruna nodded thoughtfully.

Lang Fanyun:"Actually, you have overlooked the simplest thing! Why don't you let the worlds of Gao Yao and Song Ci be integrated? In the mythology, Qin Shihuang is also in power, right?"

Miyazono Kaoru:"????"

Heidi Shaw:"……"

Jiujianxian:"Can such an operation be possible.jpg"

Zhu Xingtuan:"What you said makes sense, I was speechless for a moment!"

Heavenly Sword Song Que:"This kind of thing should be done by themselves Decide."

Song Que showed a noncommittal expression.

Su Han smiled dumbly and did not comment on this.

He finished his dinner and returned to his room. Then I played games for a while with some of the game bosses in the guild. When it got dark, I washed up and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Han woke up very early. He stretched his body, got up, washed and started to eat breakfast. Then, he suddenly felt that someone in the union was following him, and he frowned.

Su Xiaoxiao:"What happened?"

Owen:"Mr. President! Just be patient, something big has happened in my world."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……?"

Su Han's expression became strange. Is Owen from Jurassic World? The most dangerous thing in that world were the dinosaurs... But weren't the dinosaurs tamed by Owen a long time ago?

"Could it be that the human country in that world felt that dinosaurs were a high threat and were preparing to throw nuclear weapons to exterminate the entire dinosaur population?"Su Han muttered in his heart.

After thinking about it for a while, he simply asked directly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"First tell me what you encountered, and if I can help you! Try to help.


The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan of the Fallen Angel:"It would be great if this time it was a mission..."

Owen:" In our world, three extremely powerful ancient dragons suddenly appeared. These dragon species want to conquer the dinosaurs under my hands! Then defeat all human kingdoms in the world, take humans as slaves, and use them to serve the dinosaurs... In other words, let humans serve the entire dragon race.

Owen:"Of course, because I have established a bond with the dinosaur." Therefore, the three-headed dragon's plan went bankrupt! However, the three-headed dragon took a grudge against me and is now chasing me crazily.……"

Owen:"If it weren't for these dragons under my control, which have been strengthened very well by me during this period, plus I have cultivated some extraordinary powers in the union... I would be dead now."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Fallen Angel Black Cat with Twelve Wings:"The mood is complicated.jpg"

Kyousuke Kosaka:"It's so scary."

Gintoki Sakata:"Mr. Owen, your life experience... is really colorful."

Gintoki Sakata smacked his lips.. I don't know what kind of expression I should show now.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Are the three dragons that suddenly appeared...are they time travellers? It feels a bit different. Could they be reincarnations? That's not right either."

Yukinoshita Yukino was lost in thought, her brows furrowed. She felt that all the information was completely inconsistent.

Sirzechs:"Maybe it's a situation similar to the invasion of an alien plane?"

Sirzechs' eyes flickered and he boldly made a guess.

Natsume:"Let the president take a look at the union task list."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

After a brief silence, Su Han smiled noncommittally, and then turned his attention to the guild task list, and sure enough, he found a task quietly displayed there.


Mission name: Slaughter three dragons across time. Mission introduction: [Three giant dragons that are notorious in a certain high fantasy world. They are the Emerald Dragon King, the Silver Dragon King, and the Holy Dragon King. The three-headed dragon king, in a high fantasy world, reaches the top and rules the world.

And one day, they killed a special time traveler, and obtained from the time traveler the special secret of swallowing the world and transforming themselves. In the end, he embarked on this evil path and completely engulfed and destroyed his own world.

And now, they have set their sights on reality... Because of the excellent technology in the real world, the Three Dragon Kings hope to enjoy the convenience of this world until they are completely tired of it, and then destroy and devour it. 】

Task requirements: Completely kill the three dragons across the world.

Task restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (can snatch the task mode). Task reward: 200,000 points, an unlimited lottery.

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