Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"????"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Endaiko:"This... what expression should I show now?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Although it sounds scary, but if you think about it carefully... you will find that it is indeed reasonable."

Sakata Gintoki:" After all, Gao Yao borrowed this principle to become Zhao Gao. If Gao Yao really succeeded in killing Liu Bang and changed his name, under the inertia of history, he might be able to succeed Liu Bang with his eyes closed."

Lu Bang III:"I suddenly remembered Liu Xiu from the Yanhuang period, the Han Dynasty... the son of destiny! It's like God pushed you to become the emperor."

Muto Yugi:"Six six six six six."

Gao Yao:"……I'd better try to rewrite history first.

After repeated deliberation, Gao Yao finally made up his mind and his eyes became firm. Dr.

Roman:"I have one thing that I'm curious about... Well, why doesn't Mr. Gao Yao hurry up and find someone to treat his injuries?""

Doctor Luo Man said it very tactfully. He was referring to Gao Yao who is now an eunuch.

The reason why he did not say it directly was because he was afraid that his too direct words would hurt Gao Yao's self-esteem.

Cheng Yong:"I have helped with this kind of thing. He solved it. Something about a panacea!"

Cheng Yong was very calm. By the way, he also received a set of points for triggering a side mission. Although it may be due to reasons beyond his influence, the points are not many, only 10,000 points... but it is better than nothing.

Al Nesti:"!!!!"

Nan Xiaoniao:"The panacea... can it even work in this regard?!"

Nan Xiaoniao's eyes went straight.

Tu Shan Honghong:"It's normal, right? Isn't the panacea the panacea? Not to mention the eunuch, I suspect that even if the head is cut off... as long as there is still breath left, maybe after swallowing the panacea, it will be able to grow Body."

Kaitou Kidd:"That kind of scene...it feels super unscientific when you imagine it. It is completely inconsistent with the law of conservation of mass."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"……You've already joined a guild, why do you still care about whether it's legal or not?"

Wugeng Liuli covered her forehead and expressed that she was very speechless. What the union recognized was an iron law in itself!

After all... even the first-class strong men in the union can rewrite the world at will if they want to. Laws of order.

Gudazi:"So, where is Mr. Song Ci, the executioner of the Ming Dynasty? @songci."

Song Ci:"……Don’t mention the words Daming."

Song Ci let out a long sigh, and at the same time felt a sting of conscience.

He was obviously a loyal minister of the Song Dynasty, so why did he seem to...have betrayed the Song Dynasty and switched to the Ming Dynasty?

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"I have to say, the Song Dynasty The Punisher is an excellent memory copy. I even feel that this memory copy has affected my world view...Song Ci told me that people can still live like him."

Sawada Tsunayoshi took a few deep breaths and then managed to calm down. But his expression was still determined.

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Even if I can't be a person like him...but I yearn for it very much. he! Even if I could get a little closer to him, I would be willing to do so."

Sakura Kinomoto:"……"

Three crescent moon night sky:"?"

Hijikata Jūshirō:"This... is a bit scary."

Sakata Gintoki:"A mafia boss would actually say this. I don't even know what kind of expression I should show. (Mixed mood.jpg)"

Sawada Tsuna Ji:"!!! I'm not a mafia."

Wang Duoduo:"However, facts speak louder than words."

Wang Duoduo was noncommittal. He suddenly thought of something and added with a strange expression.

Wang Duduo:"But I really didn't expect... Sawada Tsunayoshi is still resistant to these three words."

Accardo:"If it weren't for sure that the union can protect union members, and Song Ci can't do it This kind of thing... I have to wonder if Sawada Tsunayoshi has been brainwashed."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Real.jpg"

Fan Xian:"But if you think about it carefully, it's understandable. Sawada Tsunayoshi is such a kind person. And a gentle person! Longing for justice, longing for fairness."

King Arthur:"I think... the elite class of human beings will not be like the three-body class, or what is shown in this memory copy, right? This is too dark. Yes."

Artoria looked very serious.

King Arthur:"Moreover, I have studied the Five Thousand Years of Yanhuang issued by the union members! The Song Dynasty was a dynasty that had been forced by foreign enemies and wandered on the verge of real extinction several times until it finally became truly extinct." King

Arthur:"Such a dynasty with great A dynasty oppressed by foreign enemies, even if it is corrupt! It will still be suppressed within a certain limit, right?"

Luo Feng:"……?"

Ah Xing:"……"

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"Miss Al, I'm very strange...what on earth gave you such an illusion?"

Luo Ji looked strange, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. Is Arturia really the chosen king of Great Britain? How could such a naive idea arise.

Or is it because the political environments of Great Britain and Great Song Dynasty are so different that Artoria has some misunderstandings in this regard?

Luo Ji tapped his fingers lightly on the table, lost in thought.

Liu Peiqiang:"Perhaps it's because the Great Britain where Artoria lives now is such a country with external and internal troubles."

Liu Peiqiang:"In fact, human greed is endless. The Song Dynasty simply talked about force, maybe It is not too powerful, but it is extremely rich! It can even be said that in the era of the Song Dynasty, it was the richest country in the world."

Liu Peiqiang:"The huge economic size, coupled with the control of officials of that era He has great power and does not breed corruption... Isn't that strange?"

Shinomiya Kaguya:"There is a saying, and it is true."

King Arthur:"So... the reason why I have not seen this kind of corruption, Is it because the dynasty I live in is too poor?"

Artoria's mouth twitched several times. She wanted to refute, but she didn't know where to start. She froze in place.

Chu Liuxiang:"……"

Huang Rong:"……"

You Suowei:"How did you come to this conclusion... How did you come to this conclusion?"

You Suowei was a little dumbfounded.

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"No… Miss Al, there is definitely corruption in your world. And it’s not small… The reason why you don’t see much, I think you just don’t see it."

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"I I believe that your tutor has a very deep understanding of this."

Miyazono Kaoru:"Clear Vision Warning.jpg"

Heidi Xiao:"Merlin said that even if he saw the most tragic thing, he would not do it. The slightest psychological fluctuation... Who makes him a half-human, half-nightmare existence! In itself, he doesn't have many human emotions?"

Jiujianxian:"So, wasn't the matter of the Song Dynasty's criminal officer discussed at the beginning? ? How come you suddenly brought up the Song Dynasty itself... and then started discussing corruption?"

Jiu Jianxian rubbed his temples with a headache.

With these guys in the guild, topics jump too quickly. It even made him feel like he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Gabriel:"Speaking of which... the bond between Song Ci and Diao Guangdou is really touching."

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