Su Xiaoxiao:"Talk about it. Big Mom is just weak, don't defend yourself."

Su Han rolled his eyes. After amnesia, Charlotte Lingling's combat power was even more powerful than before her amnesia. Can you believe this? This is also a hammer wash.

Su Xiaoxiao:"In addition, it's not like Kusuo Qi doesn't have the means to kill Heavenly Dao.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Theoretically, the world collapse blow he used before can directly kill Tiandao. After all, this is a method that can destroy the entire six realms."

Gui Yanye:"So what does the president mean?" Gui

Yan Ye was a little confused at this moment. Since the enemy can be easily dispatched, why is the battle not over yet?

Su Xiaoxiao:"But the key issue is that the way of heaven is now connected with the dawn of life."

Su Han shrugged and continued to speak.

Su Xiaoxiao:"He can completely forcibly tie up the connection between himself and the people of the world. If Kusuo Qiki really wants to kill him, then he will be killed together with the people of the world."

Su Xiaoxiao:"So......Saiki Kusuo is now slowly severing the relationship between the Heavenly Way and the people of the world. Wait until this is completed, and then start sending the Heavenly Way on the road!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"So that's it."

Wu Geng Liuli suddenly realized.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"No wonder I always felt that the attacks performed by Saiki Kusuo just now were weird, and I always felt like I was restrained."

Tony is not the richest man:"So, now Saiki Kusuo is constantly dividing the way of heaven. Body. Isn't it to prevent the resurrection of Heaven, but to cut off its connection with this world?"

Tony Stark nodded thoughtfully, feeling that everything could be explained.

Yuan Dagu:"Isn't this a normal thing? The so-called resurrection is actually a limited resurrection."

Yuan Dagu:"The immortal is like Majin Buu. Under the attack of a vitality bullet... the body Every cell in it has been completely destroyed. So what if you don't die?"

Accelerator:"I've almost killed everyone here."

Accelerator:"@狗大神. I'm on the river of time and space by the way. I met your wife, children, and a bunch of your comrades... Should I put all of your relatives and friends into the real world now?"

Master Dugu:"!!!!"

After a brief silence, Master Dugu looked at Tiandao who was completely suppressed in front of him and nodded.

Master Dugu:"Then I'll trouble you."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Actually, I'm quite did the bunch of people on the long river of time and space feel when they saw Accelerator?"

Sakata Gintoki:"What's this? Anyway, they can't beat Accelerator. Accelerator can easily suppress them without hurting them with just one confrontation."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

One way:"……How do you know I'm using this method?

Gudazi:"It's so true."

Sirzechs:"I was speechless for a moment.""

Accelerator:"@青木昋. Having said that, how did you solve it over there? Accelerator

's mouth curved into a strange arc.

Accelerator said,"The enemies I want to kill here are much more than you." Or do you want me to go to the top of the Nine Heavens to help you?"

Saiki Kusuo:"……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Accelerator... The reason why Saiki Kusuo is slower than you is mainly because of the need to cut off the relationship between heaven and earth. What is there to urge?"

Kurosaki Ichigo started to join forces. Mu Nanxiong was aggrieved.

Accelerator:"Why do you do such a meaningless thing?"

Accelerator frowned.

Accelerator:"Kill Tiandao directly... As for the collapse of heaven and earth, by reversing time and space, all the innocent lives that died will be resurrected."

It's just death. Accelerator has experienced too much in his own world. After all, Haruhi Suzumiya will cause big troubles from time to time... But fortunately, the power of the devil can finally reverse everything...

Kosaka Kirino:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……you."

Although it cannot be said that Accelerator's words are wrong, Accelerator's attitude does make people a little uncomfortable.

Saiki Kusuo:"There is no need to discuss this topic... I have almost solved it."

Saiki Kusuo directly interrupted the exchange between the two parties. He took a deep breath, and his expression became cold and solemn.

After completely cutting off the connection between heaven and earth and heaven, Saiki Kusuo's many clones once again performed a killing blow.

This Once, the heavenly path fell down.

In the vast six realms, there was a rain of blood falling down.

God Dugu stared at this scene with an expressionless face. He no longer knew whether he was happy or melancholy at this moment. I don’t know how many eras and how many years. His efforts... were completed so suddenly today.

After a brief silence, he closed the guild's live broadcast.

Gui Yanye:"It's so terrifying."

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"……"

Ten thousand years later, I was resurrected:"Wait a moment, Tiandao is dead... Does that mean I no longer need to follow the original route?"

Chen Nan looked dull.

He thought of the tragic route in which all his comrades and relatives died, and he was the only one alive... He suddenly felt that what happened today was a bit dreamy.

Izumi Sagiri:"……Aren't you happy to have your relatives and friends killed?"

Izumi Sagiri's brows stood up in an instant.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"No... I didn't mean that."

Dugu Great God:"I can understand his feelings... because I also feel like I am in another world at this moment."

God Dugu sighed faintly.

Accelerator said:"The reward for this mission is quite good."


Haruhi Suzumiya:"By the way...they have side missions this time."

Haruhi Suzumiya suddenly remembered this matter.

Minami Kotori:"Can you please reveal the reward information for this mission?"



Chu Zihang:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"What the hell?……"

If he hadn't considered that he couldn't defeat Accelerator, Tony Stark would have started spraying.

Yuan Dagu:"You can ask the president directly about this kind of thing, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I do know their mission information... but it's best for them to reveal it themselves. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It's so scary!"

Saiki Kusuo:"There's nothing I can't say."

Saiki Kusuo was speechless and didn't know how to evaluate Accelerator's awkward character. Finally he sighed and continued to speak in the union.

Saiki Kusuo:"350,000 points, and an unlimited lottery draw. It's that simple!"

I am a Marquis:"Is this... simple?"

Sakata Gintoki:"The rewards for this mission are very generous!"

Kuro Ichigo Saki:"It's normal. Their opponent is Heaven. This time, even the top bosses at the top of the second level may not have been able to complete it perfectly in the past. What's the problem with getting a mission reward of this level?"

Aisaka Taiga:"It makes sense."

Hatsune Miku:"I was speechless for a moment.jpg"

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