"You guy."Saiki Kusuo sighed quietly.

But Saiki Kusuo knew in his heart that Accelerator took into account that he didn't like killing, so he took on the job of killing the most. As for the danger of Tiandao, it is far more than Others... for beings like them, the way of heaven is just like that

"So what’s next for us?"The Great God Dugu was about to speak but stopped.

"Just kill him directly."Kusuo Saiki's expression returned to calmness. As soon as he had a thought, the environment around the two of them changed, and they instantly appeared on the ninth level of the sky. The terrifying murderous intention fell from the sky, almost freezing the air.

"Dugu...you actually dare to appear in front of me. I really don’t know whether I should say you are brave or you are looking for death."A voice without any emotional fluctuations sounded.

A round of eyes appeared in the sky. There was greed, thinking, and fear in this round of eyes, but if you taste it carefully, it seems that there are no emotions at all.

If it is simply just God Dugu appeared in front of him alone, and Tian Dao would be very happy. Because this meant that he could get rid of the difficult guy Dugu God...

However, he had just suffered a big loss from Accelerator, which made him He became vigilant for a moment. He even felt that the appearance of Dugu was a trap... He was cautious.

"God, today is the end of everything."

God Dugu stared at Tiandao expressionlessly. Now that the chess game has been started, he will not regret it or think about a more perfect plan.

After all, God Dugu is not only a wise man, he is also a wise man. A top powerhouse who has reached the pinnacle of cultivation. To be able to reach this point, he also fought hard

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"Saiki Kusuo suddenly raised his palm, and the terrifying telekinesis burst out instantly, opening up small worlds one after another in the void.

He grabbed these small worlds and smashed them in the direction of heaven..

The small world was collapsing, and the force of world destruction suddenly impacted on Tiandao's body. Tiandao was trembling, and blood fell from it. He let out a sharp scream and was severely injured.

"In terms of pure combat power, I am not at the top of the first level of the guild."Saiki Kusuo spoke softly,"In terms of physical fitness, I am inferior to Saitama, in terms of extraordinary power, I am inferior to Accelerator... There are even many times when I don't have the ultimate kill against the same level. Do you know why I am able to step like this? Join the first level of the guild?"

Master Dugu looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes a little straight. After a brief silence, he shook his head

"Because I have too many superpowers……"Saiki Kusuo's voice was calm,"Among the strong men of the same level, I lack the means to win with one strike. However, for every strong man of the same level, I have a way to restrain or defeat them!"

He used his clone. Technique, countless Kusuo Saiki appeared in the void. They all began to condense the energy in their bodies with expressionless faces, and then... released it with a bang.

Tiandao, which had already begun to recover, withstood this blow and shattered again.

As for Saiki Kusuo's body, he exerted all his superpowers and began to divide the currently fragmented heaven.

The guild chat room exploded.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"Six six six six, this wave is really good."

Tony is not the richest man:"Saiki Kusuo: Among the same level, I may be the weakest. But others are not necessarily You can beat me! (Manual funny.jpg)"

Yuan Dagu:"……I suddenly thought of A Certain Magical Index. Is the weakest the strongest?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"If you say that, my elder brother Accelerator won't be happy."

Sakata Gintoki:"Maybe it's Accelerator's sister?"

One way:"……"

Accelerator:"Sakata Gintoki, you want to die, right?"

Accelerator had a look of killing intent on his face.

Sakata Gintoki:"Sister Yuriko Suzuki, I'm sorry! I forgot that there was a newcomer here. I will never reveal this secret of yours again."……"



I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"Sister...sister?"

Chen Nan took a breath of cold air. He repeatedly looked at Accelerator in the picture, but he didn't see it...

Su Xiaoxiao:"This operation makes my scalp numb."

Accelerator:"When I go back, I will settle the score with you."

He was furious in his heart. The wings behind Accelerator turned into a slashing sword and suddenly slashed down.

The slash he gave himself with the sword blessed the concept of death and the law of being sure to hit. Under the control of the demon god's power, all the strong men of the Chaos tribe in front of them exploded into a bloody mist. There is no ability to resist at all.

With a gentle grasp of Accelerator's palm, their souls were directly wiped from their roots. Of course, as the dependent race of Heaven, even if they die, their original mark will be engraved in the body of Heaven, and they can be resurrected as time goes by.

However, this is not what Accelerator should consider. Because he believes that it is impossible for Tiandao to survive after this battle

"Next up, which lucky guy? Accelerator felt it with all his strength, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,"That's right, I feel it."……"

"Is the man behind the scenes in the river of time next?"Accelerator sneered, took one step forward, and plunged directly into the river of time.

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Izumi Sagiri:"I would like to interview Mr. Sakata Gintoki. Did you feel panic when you saw Accelerator showing such terrifying killing methods?"

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!!"

Doctor Roman:"On the surface, he is as stable as an old dog, but in fact he is panicking."

Ernesti:"No, he is already panicking on the surface."

Sakata Gintoki:"I will hug the president's thighs now. , is it still too late?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I am in retreat recently. I have to resolve all private conversations and decline to ask for help."

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Your family is in retreat and you are still bubbling in the guild. How about watching the live broadcast?

Sakata Gintoki felt a trough stuck in his throat and didn't know how to spit it out.

Hatsune Miku:"Actually, I always feel weird."

Hatsune Miku frowned tightly. After hesitating for a moment, he cautiously asked in the guild.

Hatsune Miku:"Kusuo Saiki really fights Accelerator. It's hard to tell the winner...Why does the visual experience of Kusuo Saiki's action always feel so different from Accelerator?"

Katsura Yanye:"This is actually It’s easy to explain... They are both Yonko, so Big Mom and Yonko Kaido should be at the same level in theory, right? Why is Kaido’s combat power shown by transforming into a dragon much stronger than Big Mom?"

Izumi Sagiri:"Because...Charlotte Lingling injected too much water?"

Izumi Sagiri answered cautiously.

Gui Yan Ye:"!!!!"

Doctor Roman:"No... It should be said that their combat power is essentially the same level, but the external range is different."

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