Mission name: Kill the Samsara Team.

Team title: Saint Team, DC Team, Abyss King Team.

Introduction to the Samsara Team: Saint Team! It means a special team in which all members are named saints. The so-called saint is the strongest person who can theoretically be born in the reincarnation space. DC team, this is the strongest abyss team that has transcended the reincarnation space!

Introduction to the characters of the reincarnation: Bat Demon (acquired Batman inheritance, possesses extremely high wisdom), Golden Hulk (fusion of Superman blood and Hulk blood, a monster in terms of strength), Black Lightning (acquired Flash inheritance, extremely fast speed)

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robbery mission mode)

Mission reward: 300,000 points, a random inheritance from the DC world's strongest, integrated with self-Tao


Staring at this mission, Su Han fell into silence for a long time. Afterwards, he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"This mission... is a bit interesting!"

Whitebeard's father:"The Saints team... Gu la la la! In theory, is the strongest one that can be born in the reincarnation space? No... It should be said that this DC The team has transcended the reincarnation space to a certain extent!"

Whitebeard fell into deep thought.

Yuan Dagu:"Because it is powerful enough! So it breaks away from the constraints of the reincarnation space! Has it become a relatively independent existence?"

Yuan Dagu:"It is also a normal thing... However! This also shows how difficult these opponents are....Perhaps, they will not be much easier to deal with than the time travelers."

Yuan Dagu looked serious. In previous battles, the average strength of the time travelers was far higher than that of the reincarnations... However, this team of saints Obviously breaking the rules.

Thor Odinson:"So! I'm still curious about how Mr. Batman and Mr. Superman feel. (Funny Dog Head.jpg)"

Sakata Gintoki:"Actually, I'm quite curious too! After all, the opponent has gained The Bat Demon, who is inherited from Batman and has extremely high intelligence, and the Golden Hulk who combines the blood of Hulk and Superman at the same time... I estimate that Batman and Superman have a huge psychological shadow."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I think so..(face covering.jpg)"

Batman:"……There is no psychological shadow area! After all, gaining my inheritance does not mean that you have truly become me!"

Batman:"Or the other way around...if he can't get rid of the restrictions of my inheritance! Then he will live in my shadow his whole life."

Batman is very calm.

Clark Kent:"……Honestly! I admire Batman very much, because I am not as calm as him now!"

The honest man Clark was very frank and did not hide his thoughts at this time.

Clark Kent:"However, I really want to participate in this mission! Wrestle with the Golden Hulk."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"You can grab the task...emmm, this can only depend on your hand speed and luck. Anyway, I'm not prepared... ahem, not prepared to snatch this mission!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Hiss...this sharp turn of yours!" So coquettish...I thought you weren't going to give the task to someone else!

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Is this a normal thing?" After all, the enemy we face this time is not weak! For people with average strength, it is better not to participate in the mission and drag down teammates! Yukinoshita

Yukino is very calm, and she is also not prepared to participate in the task snatching.

Gudazi:"……I actually want to participate in the task snatching... because this time the task reward has something I value very much."

Hatsune Miku:"????"

Hatsune Miku:"What...the inheritance of any strong person in the DC world? I think this is the hardest to say...after all, it is possible to get the inheritance of a relatively weak strong person."

Hatsune Miku :"Not to mention... Miss Gudazi! Or other strong people in the union who are interested in snatching tasks... They all have their own path! This inheritance will not be of much help to them, right? Sirzechs

:"You said it wrong... Miss Gudazi is interested in it! It should be the one who achieves self-achievement in the back."

Hatsune Miku:"……What?"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Mistress, you joined the guild later! In addition, I have not deliberately learned about this information... so you may not know! Achieving one's own path is an excellent summary and improvement."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan of the Fallen Angel:"Basically...unified the Self-Tao! This means confirming your future path! You just need to keep walking along this path... and you won't be afraid of hitting bottlenecks or anything."

Hatsune Miku:"……"

Although she is a singer, she only practices a little bit in the various training systems in the union so that she can protect herself, rather than trying to become a strong person. But this doesn't mean Hatsune Miku doesn't know what Black Cat means.

"It's really scary," Hatsune Miku murmured,"No wonder Gudazi is so determined to steal this mission."

Himura Kenshin:"I'm here! We also have to compete for this mission."

Himura Kenshin also received a private message from Sakata Gintoki, and he probably understood how rare the opportunity to achieve his own path is... Although in the early years, basically every world fusion mission had such a reward. But now, After all, the situation is different.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Get ready to start grabbing the mission."

Su Han didn't care how many people were participating, he counted a few silently in his mind, and then suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's officially started!"

A piece of information suddenly shot out.

"Ding! Union President Su Xiaoxiao! Batman! Thor Odinson has successfully participated in this mission."


Then, there was an uproar in the guild.

Ayumi Aikawa:"? ? ? ? Damn it! Except for the president, all the people who got the mission were people from the DC and Marvel worlds?"

Tsuchima Mi:"Consider the opponent for this mission! It’s the DC team whose abilities all originate from DC Marvel… I feel like I’ve discovered something!"

Akuya:"You mean... PY transaction?"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"……"

Sakuragi Hanamichi:"……"

Kirishima Touka:"That's too direct for you to say that!"

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