Yuan Dagu:"Speaking of which, President...is it convenient to send out memory copies?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I'm sorry...it's not convenient!"

Krululu:"Should I say...is that really the case?"

Zero Louise Silk:"Huh... I'm a little disappointed, but I'm also relieved!"

Louise Zero:"Sure enough, the president is still the same president... The previous president published the novel"The Wandering Earth" so neatly! I thought his account was stolen. (Luckily.jpg)"


Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Account hacking is okay!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……How long are you going to play with this hacking thing?"

Kosaka Kirino:"Of course I will play for a lifetime! You idiot brother who has no consciousness at all."

Liu Peiqiang:"……Being able to draw something like this! I'm very satisfied."

Tony is not the richest man:"Well... the technological inheritance of an entire alien civilization! And according to the president, this is the civilization technology that crushes the earth.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Mr. Liu Peiqiang, maybe you can use this to become the Tony Stark of your world!!"

Whitebeard Dad:"……"


Kasumi Shiko:"It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it...but think about it carefully! It feels like something is wrong from beginning to end."

Sakata Gintoki:"The terrible Tony Stark...he is too narcissistic.!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If he is not narcissistic! Then is he still Tony Stark?"


Yukinoshita Yukino:"I can’t refute it!"

"Ding! Kusuo Saiki successfully drew the two-way foil through the unlimited lottery."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han fell silent, and his expression gradually became extremely exciting. He no longer knew where to start with this rant.

He could regard it as a coincidence that he had drawn the three-body civilization inheritance before. After all, the guild can indeed draw anything...

But now that it has drawn items that are also from the Trisolaran world, two-way foil...

Su Han feels that things are not that simple.

"Is it because The Wandering Earth and The Three-Body Problem are written by the same author? So...this time the lottery is specifically about catching three-body wooling?"

Although Su Han still feels that this explanation is a bit forced, this is the only way he can explain it now.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"emmm... What is the two-way foil?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"This name...could it be……"

Kousaka Kyosuke's eyes narrowed and he made a guess.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"A certain kind of special electronic component?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Gudazi:"This name... is indeed possible."

Hatsune Miku:"……If it were just an ordinary electrical appliance! Doesn't it mean that Saiki Kusuo suffered a loss this time? Hatsune

Miku smacked her lips. She only knew one thing, that is, ordinary electrical appliances were of no use to Kusuo Saiki.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……This is not necessarily the case! Although this thing may not be useful for Saiki Kusuo! But its destructive power is indeed terrifying."

Kurogami Metaki:"……Being able to make the president say that the destructive power is terrifying...hiss.

Dr. Roman:"How scary is it?" Is it similar to a super-large-yield nuclear bomb? The kind that can directly destroy the planet?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Let me put it this way! This thing also comes from the three-body world I mentioned before! Once you use it... it will destroy the entire solar system!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Because its function is to directly reduce the three-dimensional world to the two-dimensional world. (Really. I’m going to the second dimension. jpg)"

Ayumi Aikawa:"F*ck… so scary!"

Kosaka Kirino:"My scalp is numb from shock!"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"Wait a moment... I want to ask a question! Kuroko

Tetsuya:"Is something like this that can destroy the entire solar system useful to Mr. Kusuo Akiki?""

Muto Yugi:"Yes... maybe Saiki Kusuo's current basic explosive power! It can destroy galaxies like the solar system."

Muto Yugi also fell into thinking.

Horikita Suzune:"I remembered that before, Mr. Saiki Kusuo raised his hand and directly reversed the sun's one hundred thousand years! I was trembling all over and dared not speak."

Echizen Ryoma:"We are upstairs, shivering."

Yinglili:"The longer you stay in the guild, the more you feel that the union is unfathomable... A strange member who pops up randomly... might be a boss beyond your imagination!

Angel Yan:"I'm speechless.""

Hiko didn't know what to say. She even felt that... there might be a terrifying existence in the guild that could defeat the ultimate fear that even their angelic civilization was taboo on.

Saiki Kusuo:"I sensed it a little bit... 2 Xiang Foil, it’s not that it has no effect on me!"

Saiki Kusuo:"Maybe I can study its operation theory, and then use it to develop a new superpower similar to two-way foil."

Daddy White Beard:"……"


Kousaka Kyosuke:"……Is this still possible?"

Kosaka Kyosuke expressed that he was shocked.

Ernesti:"It seems that from now on... no one will really dare to offend Mr. Saiki Kusuo! Otherwise, he will just send you to the second dimension! Who can withstand this? (Dog head saves life.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay! It's time for me to slip away too."

But before Su Han left, someone liked him.

Riyue Yekong:"@苏小小. President! Wait a mininute! I have something to ask for.

Su Xiaoxiao:"What's the matter?""

Three suns and moons in the night sky:"……Well, can the world I live in be integrated with the world that Miss Sanzenin Nagi lives in?"

Mikazuki Yakora:"We have been chatting privately during this period! Getting along is okay."

Horibei Suzune:"Is the progress between you two... so fast?"

Horibei Suzune fell into deep thought. Should she also look for someone in the guild who is willing to be compatible with the world she lives in?

After all, she has been a member of the guild for so long, and she is very clear about the destructive power of time travellers.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Of course!"

Su Han raised his eyebrows and did not ask Sanzenin Nagi if he was willing. After all, the last time it was Sanzenin Nagi who proposed the invitation for world fusion like Mikazuki Yozora.

He pulled the two worlds into the fusion box and clicked The formal integration was completed. Then, a message popped out.

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