Sera Masumi looked at Ran and Sonoko.

If she wasn't sure at first, now she was sure that Xiaolan and Yuanzi were indeed hiding something from her.

But Xiaolan and Yuanzi didn't tell her, so she was too embarrassed to ask any more questions.

Xiaolan and Xiaolan's faces suddenly turned red when Sera Masumi looked at them like this, but they still pretended to be calm.

All of this was seen by Sera Masumi.

Sera Masumi didn't expose it, turned around and walked into the bathroom, continuing to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, I thought I was discovered"

"Yeah, it was really scary."

Fortunately, Sera Masumi didn't hear it, otherwise she would have been speechless.

She had clearly seen it, but she just didn't say it out loud.

Soon, the three of them brushed their teeth and washed their faces together, changed their clothes, and arrived at the gathering place.

Li Mu has already been prepared and is waiting below the hotel.

On one side is the gathering place of Xiaolan School, and on the other side is the gathering place of He Ye School.

Xiaolan and Ye stood in the crowd, looking at Li Mu from time to time, thinking in their minds Zhong always thought of what happened last night.

Last night, they had been tossing for so long and were already very exhausted.

But fortunately, they survived.

Also in the crowd, Hattori Heiji stared at Li Mu dissatisfied, I wish I could eat Li Mu.

Li Mu pretended not to see the resentful look.

Hattori Heiji stopped looking at Li Mu and turned to look at Kazuya next to him.

Somehow, Hattori Heiji always felt that Kazuya's face was a bit expressionless. Not too good, seems a little listless

"Heye, you don't look good. Did you not get a good rest last night?"

He Ye's cheeks were slightly red after hearing this.

She did not get a good rest last night, because Li Mu was so powerful and tormenting her so much.

It was until midnight.

When she went back to sleep, it was already around one o'clock in the morning.

Today She got up at around seven o'clock in the morning and gathered around eight o'clock.

She rested for more than six hours, but she also exercised all day yesterday. After walking such a long distance, she was naturally very tired.

"It's nothing, maybe I walked too much yesterday and didn't get a good rest at night."

Of course it is impossible for Kazuha to tell Hattori Heiji the real reason for his fatigue.

Hattori Heiji had doubts in his eyes and did not believe Kazuha's words at all.

If he is very tired, he should fall asleep easily at night and not be so tired.

"He Ye, how could you lie? You should not only be tired, but also have insomnia."

He Ye:"…………"

She thought Hattori Heiji had discovered something, but it turned out that she just thought she had insomnia.

Since Hattori Heiji said so, she could only reluctantly admit it.

"Yes, I was a little tired last night, but I couldn't sleep, so I didn't fall asleep until very late. I woke up so early this morning, so I was a little tired."

Hattori Heiji nodded after hearing this, showing a look that was indeed the case.

Kazuya was a little speechless for such an idiot Hattori Heiji.

But since he thought so, what else could Kazuye do.

Li Mu was waiting for Kazuye They suddenly stood up straight and looked at a figure to the side.

But the figure disappeared in an instant.

But even so, Li Mu could still clearly see the person's appearance.


That's right, that person is none other than Hattori Heiji's mother, Chiba Shizuka.

Li Mu didn't expect that he could meet Chiba Shizuka here, and Chiba Shizuka clearly saw him.

Now that he found Chiba Shizuka Hua, Li Mu naturally wanted to go out and say hello.

Thinking of this, Li Mu sent a text message to He Ye and the others, and then walked in the direction of Chi Bo Jinghua.

"Xiaolan, look, why did Brother Li leave? Is there something going on?"

"I don’t know, maybe something happened."

Xiaolan and the two were a little curious.

Just as they were about to say something more, they heard their cell phones ringing. When they opened their phones, they saw Li Mu's text message.

"I have something to do now and will come to you in an hour. Don't worry."

Not only Xiaolan and Yuanzi, but He Ye on the other side also received this text message.

The three of them didn't say anything.

Since Li Mu was fine and had already said hello, they naturally couldn't say anything more.

After Li Mu left the hotel, He directly sensed Chi Bo Jinghua's aura with his knowledge, and quickly followed him. After walking for a while, Li Mu followed Chi Bo Jinghua to a nearby park.

This park usually has a lot of people, but most of them At night, many people come for a walk.

Of course, there are also many people for a walk during the day.

But that was at dawn, and now many people have gone to work, so there are no people walking here.

Plus those Students are also in class, so there are not many people in the park now.

Li Mu walked for a long time, and then saw Chibo Jinghua walking into the trees on the side.

It is estimated that Chibo Jinghua discovered Li Mu, so he wanted to wait inside Li Mu.

As for the outside, although there are usually few people, it is inevitable to be discovered by others.

After Li Mu walked into the bushes, he saw Chi Bo Jinghua standing next to a big tree.

Today Chi Bo Jinghua was wearing black clothes, and jeans underneath.

Although the clothes are very ordinary, it depends on who is wearing them.

If they are worn on ordinary people, they will naturally be more ordinary, but if they are worn on Chibo Jinghua, then they will be more ordinary. Not ordinary at all.

When Chi Bo Jinghua saw Li Mu coming, she felt happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface. Instead, she pretended to be calm. But this calmness, in Li Mu's eyes, was so false.

Li Mu could understand I could see the unconcealed joy in Chi Bo Jinghua’s eyes.

"Jinghua, why are you here today? Did you come to Kyoto for something?"

Chibo Jinghua leaned on Li Mu and looked into Li Mu's eyes with her big shining eyes.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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