After Li Mu took care of Shiliang Zhenjun, he took the stairs and returned to the top floor.

At this moment, Xiaolan and three people were standing together outside Li Mu's room.

Heye was the last one to come over. As soon as he arrived, Heye saw Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I didn’t expect you to be here too. Did you also come to see Brother Li?"

Yuanzi and Xiaolan also looked at Heye, with a slight blush on their cheeks.

"He Ye, you are not like me."

He Ye's face turned red after hearing this.

She really missed Li Mu, so she ran over secretly at night.

Unexpectedly, she could see Xiaolan and Yuanzi

"Okay, it's so late, it's better to find Brother Li quickly, otherwise it will be bad if others see him."

Yuanzi interrupted the two of them, and then immediately knocked on the door.

Xiaolan and He Yexiangxiang also did the same.

This night, if someone accidentally discovers it, I don't know how to explain it.

I can't say The three of them came to Li Mu's room to admire the moon.

"I'm here."

Li Mu spoke immediately after seeing Xiaolan and the others.

However, when Li Mu spoke so suddenly, Xiaolan and the others were startled.

After all, everyone would be frightened if he appeared so suddenly.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

Li Mu approached Yuanzi and the others with a smile.

At this time, the three of them also saw Li Mu through the faint light, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Li, you really scared me to death."

"Yes, Brother Li, where did you go just now? How to get here?"

When mentioning these, Li Mu was a little speechless.

"Xiaolan, Sonoko, it’s true that you two just came out and were almost seen by Sera Masumi, but luckily you were discovered by me."

"What? Sister Sera found out."

Xiaolan exclaimed, her face pale.

If this matter is known to others, where will the three of them put their face?

Many things can be known, but only the matter with Li Mu is absolutely confidential. Can't be discovered.

Not only Xiaolan, but also Yuanzi and Kazuye are afraid, for fear of being discovered accidentally.

"Brother Li, did Sister Shiliang really see it? How to do this? Will Sister Sera tell the truth?"

The three of them were all a little worried, for fear of being told.

"Don't worry, I've taken care of it. Before coming, I knocked her out and put her in the room. Don't worry about it now."

Li Mu walked up to the three of them, grabbed one with each hand, and then walked towards the room.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Li Mu's words. At least they didn't have to worry about being discovered.

After entering the room, Li Mu immediately closed the door. Then they looked at Xiaolan and the others with smiles on their faces.

How could Li Mu refuse the person he sent to them?

Xiaolan and the others noticed Li Mu's smile and felt a little nervous. Their cheeks were slightly red, and they felt a little nervous.


The next morning, Sera Masumi woke up.

As soon as she woke up, Sera Masumi felt a little dizzy, especially the back of her neck, and there was some pain.

"It hurts so much. What's going on? Why is my head so dizzy? I didn't drink yesterday."

Sera Masumi didn't come back to her senses for a while.

But for a moment, Sera Masumi suddenly remembered what happened last night.

Last night, she found Xiaolan and Sonoko leaving, so she wanted to follow them to see what happened between them. There was some secret in the room.

Then she was knocked unconscious by someone.

Yes, Sera Masumi was sure that she must have been knocked unconscious by someone else last night.

When she thought of this, Sera Masumi immediately got up and turned over herself clothes to make sure he was fine.

Then Masumi Sera looked around again and rummaged through his luggage to make sure nothing had been stolen.

"Strange, could it be that the guy yesterday didn't steal anything, or maybe he had some conspiracy?"

Sera Masaki couldn't figure out why he was knocked unconscious and who was the person who knocked him unconscious.

Suddenly, Sera Masaki realized that Xiaolan and Sonoko left last night, and they didn't know where to go at night. Where is it?

When he thought of Xiaolan and Sonoko, Sera Masumi immediately looked aside.

After seeing that nothing happened to the two of them, Sera Masumi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know the reason, as long as the two of them were fine, , that’s okay

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it's already morning. Get up quickly. The teacher will take roll call this morning."

Sera Masaki pushed the two of them, and then walked to the bathroom on the side.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also woke up in a daze and rubbed their sleepy eyes.

Last night, the two of them and Li Mu were tossing It was midnight, and now they got up so early, the two of them were still a little tired.

"Xiaolan, I'm really sleepy. I really don't want to get up so early. Brother Li was really, really tossing yesterday."

Yuanzi was drowsily asleep and accidentally told what happened last night.

Xiaolan was about to speak when she suddenly realized what she was doing and immediately covered Yuanzi's mouth while looking around.

"Yuanzi, please keep your voice down and don't talk nonsense. What if others hear you?"

Sonoko also reacted at this time. He looked around and saw that Sera Masaki was not there, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn it, I almost said it, but luckily Sister Sera didn't hear it"

"Yuanzi, are you two talking about me?"

In the bathroom, Sera Masumi stretched out her head, holding a towel in her hand, with a trace of water droplets on her face.

"Nothing, we didn’t say anything."

Yuanzi shook her head quickly.

Serang Zhenzhun looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi, always feeling that these two people had something to hide from her.

Especially what happened last night, she has always been worried about.

She really wanted to know, Xiaolan Where did Yuanzi and Yuanzi go and what did they do?

"You two don't look very good. Didn't you sleep last night? Did you do something?"

Seliang Zhenzhen asked suspiciously.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi's expressions changed, with a hint of blush on their faces.

"No, we didn't do anything."

The two said in unison.

Pirates and dragons are destined to

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