Arriving at the hospital, Li Mu just stopped the car and happened to meet Mr. Okiya Subaru.

Li Mu stopped, looked at Okiya Subaru and said,"Mr. Okiya Subaru, are you here to see a doctor, Sera Masumi, or someone else."

Okiya Subaru's eyes glowed, and he smiled and said,"Yes. Ah, come here to see a friend, how about you? Mr. Li"

"It's nothing, I just came to see Sera, after all, we are friends after all"

"Yeah? Then I'll leave."

Okiya Subaru didn't say much, got into his car"Zero Nine Seven", and drove away.

Li Mu watched Okiya Subaru leave, and then came to the third floor and walked outside Sera Masumi's ward.

Opening the door, Li Mu Walking in, he came to Xiaolan's side softly.

Xiaolan also noticed Li Mu, quickly stepped forward, and gently hugged Li Mu

"Brother Li, you are here, Shiliang..."

"Don't say it. I've seen it. Seriang is only temporarily comatose and is fine."

Li Mu patted Xiaolan's shoulder and comforted her softly.

Xiaolan also relaxed inside.

Li Mu and Xiaolan Yuanzi stood for a while, staring closely at the unconscious Sera Masumi.

After a while, Yuanzi spoke. :"Okay, Brother Li, it's getting late. How about we go take a rest and have a meal?""

"how? Haven't you eaten yet?"

It was already around seven o'clock when Li Mu came, and it was already dark outside. It was long past time to eat.

"Yes, because we are worried about Sister Sera, we have been here and haven’t had dinner yet, and now we are hungry."

Yuanzi touched his lower abdomen with a trace of ugliness on his face.

"Okay, wait until the others come over, we'll go have dinner, I'll treat you"


Li Mu and the others waited for a while until Conan and others came over and took Xiaolan to eat.

Perhaps because of Serang Zhenchun himself, Nan did not notice Li Mu and was very serious beside Serang Zhenchun.

Li Mu and the others left. hospital, had a late meal nearby, and then came to the hospital again. Several people accompanied Sera Masumi

"By the way, Xiaolan, are you going back tonight? It’s better to stay and stay with Sera Masumi"

"this..."Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then looked at Sera Masumi who was still unconscious.

"Brother Li, please go back. Yuanzi and I will stay with Shiliang here."

"Yes, Brother Li, just go back and take away this little devil Conan."Yuanzi also spoke in agreement.

"Okay, then let's go back."

Li Mu pulled Conan and took him away.

Outside the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu looked at Conan who was still deep in thought behind him, and suddenly said:"Conan, you haven't understood yet. Hunter was not the one who killed the person. If I guess Yes, he is trying to train an excellent sniper......."

Conan's pupils shrank, an idea flashed in his mind, and he figured everything out in an instant.

Although he is still not sure who the murderer is, Conan has roughly guessed it and knows a lot about the murderer.

"Thank you, Brother Li, I have figured it out and I will go investigate."

After that, Conan opened the car door anxiously and left in a hurry.

Li Mu watched Conan leave, shook his head, said nothing, and continued driving.

But Li Mu did not go home, but came to the hospital again.

Just entered the ward Xiaolan noticed Li Mu and was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Li, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Li Mu stepped forward and hugged someone with one hand.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I have sent Conan back, but I miss you a little. I wonder if you can stay with me for a while."

Xiaolan felt Li Mu's restless hand, her face turned red, and she said shyly:"Brother Li Da 3.5, don't be here. What if you are discovered?"

"This is true, after all, the ward cannot be closed, and it is easy to be discovered."

Because nurses often come over to check on patients, they need to open the door. If they are here or there, they will be seen easily.

"Don't worry, you won't be discovered."

Li Mu pulled Xiaolan and walked into the bathroom on the side, then exposed his head and looked at the garden with a smile.

The Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage begins!

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