The next day, early in the morning, after Conan got up, he immediately left the Mori Detective Agency and went to investigate again.

But these have nothing to do with Li Mu.

After Li Mu got up in the morning, he went directly to Hokkaido.

After all, Fei Yingli has been pregnant for several months, and now her belly is very big, so she needs Li Mu to stay with her more.

After arriving in Hokkaido, Li Mu came to a villa. After passing a series of security checks, he entered the villa.

Because the crime rate was too high, Li Mu was afraid that Fei Yingli and Yukiko would be in trouble, but he strengthened the guard.

Even for the guards, Li Mu made sure that they had no second thoughts before allowing them to take up their posts with peace of mind.

After arriving at the villa, Li Mu saw Fei Yingli sitting on the sofa. He walked over gently and hugged Fei Yingli from behind.

"Yingli, how are you? Are you feeling better lately?"

Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Li Mu, and then happily covered her belly

"Okay, but she keeps kicking me lately"

"That means she is more lively."

Li Mu walked to Fei Yingli's side and leaned his ear against Fei Yingli's belly, listening to the sounds inside.

Perhaps because he inherited Li Mu's excellent bloodline, Li Mu vaguely heard his child calling him 'Dad'.

Of course, this is just bullshit.

"Li Mu, you are back."

As soon as Yukiko came out of the kitchen, she saw Li Mu. She ran over quickly and threw herself into Li Mu's arms.

Li Mu stretched out his hands, hugged Yukiko, pulled her into his arms, and then fell on the sofa.

"Yukiko, thank you for helping me take care of Eri during this time. Yukiko turned around in Li Mu's arms and said shyly:"Thank you for what, Li Mu, how about you also give me a child and let Fei Yingli take care of me then?""

On the other side, Conan finally found the clue and hurried to the station.

Just after arriving at the station, Conan glanced at the surrounding stations and said quickly:"Sera, you go there, I'll go here, and report immediately if I find it."


Masumi Sera drove his motorcycle, separated from Conan, and walked to another station to look for clues about the murderer.

After a while, Conan saw a car on a bridge. Opposite the car, it happened to be the Shinkansen.

Conan's pupils shrank and he understood immediately

"Damn it, is that so?"

Conan's mind quickly stormed, and then he thought of a way. He immediately released the football in his belt, blocking the murderer's sight.

The murderer saw the sudden appearance of the football and was stunned for a moment. Then, he happened to see Conan.

He took a look. When Conan arrived, the murderer got angry, blew up the football with a machine gun, and then aimed a sniper rifle at Conan

"Kid, if you want to blame me, I blame you for being nosy. Remember, in the next life, be a person who doesn't get in the way."

After saying that, the murderer pulled the trigger.

At this moment, Masumi Sera drove up to Conan, pushed Conan away, and was hit by the murderer.

"Tsk, didn’t it hit?"

Although the murderer wanted to kill Conan and the other two, considering his own goal, he immediately focused on his target. With a gunshot, the target fell to the ground.

The murderer did not dare to stay long and drove away immediately. Therefore, Conan and Sera Masumi saved their lives.

Conan didn't care about chasing the murderer, and quickly called the police, then called the ambulance, and took Sera Masumi away.

Within half an hour, Sera Masumi was sent to the emergency room. He went to the room for rescue, and then Officer Megure and others also came over.

As soon as they came, Officer Megure immediately walked to Conan's side, but looking at Conan in a low voice, Officer Megure did not ask any questions.

Then Mori Kogoro Xiaolan and others also came They rushed over one after another and waited patiently outside the emergency room.

Xiaolan looked at the door of the emergency room and said worriedly:"I don't know how Serang is doing. Is there anything wrong?""

"Xiaolan, don't worry, Seriang will be fine. After all, there was no bullet that hit her, right? Yuanzi patted Xiaolan's shoulder and comforted her softly.

Xiaolan opened her mouth to speak, but then thought of something and asked quickly:"By the way, Yuanzi, why didn't you see Li Mu today? Where are the others?""

······Asking for flowers·······

"Li Mu? Yuanzi thought for a while, and vaguely thought of what Li Mu said in the bathroom yesterday.

"By the way, Li Mu seemed to say that he was going to Hokkaido for something important."

"It seems so, I'm going to tell him to call him."

Xiaolan also thought about it, walked aside, picked up the phone and called Li Mu.

In a villa in Hokkaido, Li Mu was sitting on the sofa. Fei Yingli was close to Li Mu, swallowing and vomiting something from time to time. Suddenly

, a cell phone The ringtone rang.

Li Mu took the phone, looked at it, and said quickly:"Yingli, it's Xiaolan's call. Please pay attention."


Fei Yingli nodded, and then continued to do her own thing, as if nothing happened.

"Hey, Xiaolan, what's the matter with you?"

"Okay, I understand, just wait, I'll go back right away and I'll be there in the evening."

Li Mu hung up the phone, and then left a heavy mark on Fei Yingli's face.

"Okay, Yingli, Xiaolan has been involved in a certain case. I'm going back later. Please be careful."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll take care of it for you."

Fei Yingli cleaned up for Li Mu, and then lay down next to Li Mu to rest.

Li Mu walked to Yukiko on the side, pulled Yukiko into his arms, and nodded on her face.

"Yukiko, I'm going back, please pay attention to yourself, I will trouble you during this time."

Yukiko also recovered, leaving traces on Li Mu's face and showing a faint smile.

"Li Mu, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Yingli and let her give birth to the child. Just go back with peace of mind. Nothing will happen."

Li Mu left a sum of money for Fei Yingli and Fei Yingli, then checked the safety nearby, and then drove away from Hokkaido alone.

In the afternoon, Li Mu finally returned to Tokyo after a long drive. Arrive at the hospital.

The Great Voyage: The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins with!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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