"Okay, Li Mu, get up quickly, and then we go out for a walk. Don't continue to lie here."

"I know, I know."

Li Mu rubbed his head, then got up and got dressed.

Not long after breakfast, Yuanzi arrived

"Xiaolan, how are you? Do you want to go shopping together?"

"Okay, okay, I just want to buy a piece of clothing, let's go together."

Li Mu's face suddenly darkened. Going shopping with a few women was the worst.

Think about the last trip to Qunma County, with Ye Wai and Xiaolan, how many things he bought and how much he carried.

He is probably going to go this time.

Sure enough, the two women had just finished their discussion and set their sights on Li Mu.

"Brother Li, are you going?"

"Yes, Brother Li, let's get up as soon as"097"."

Two peerless beauties have extended a warm invitation. Does Li Mu have the right to refuse?"

"Okay, if you want to go, let's go together. Let's leave now."

"Great, Brother Li, let’s go."

Xiao Lan and the other two took Li Mu's arm and left the Maori Detective Agency.

When they arrived at a commercial street, Xiao Lan and Yuanzi took Li Mu to a nearby clothing store.

Li Mu stood at the gate. , looking at the various clothes inside, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that watching beautiful women change clothes is also a very good choice. If possible, you can also change clothes for them.

After entering, Sonoko chose a black Dress, outside the changing room, winked at Li Mu

"Li Mu, come here and change my clothes. It's not convenient for me to be alone."

"OK, I'm coming."

Li Mu didn't hesitate. He went directly into the changing room and put Yuanzi into a black dress. After changing clothes, Yuanzi walked out of the dressing room and turned around in front of a mirror.

"Li Mu, Xiaolan, what do you think of this dress? Is it good? Li

Mu held his chin and said seriously:"It's very good. This dress suits you very well. I think you can buy it.""

"Yeah? Then I bought it."

Yuanzi said very domineeringly when he heard that Li Mu liked it.

As a rich man, Yuanzi doesn't care about the price.

The waiter looked at such a generous Yuanzi and burst into laughter.

As for Li Mu and Yuanzi who had just changed clothes, , he subconsciously ignored it.

After Yuanzi bought the clothes, he turned to look at Xiaolan, pointed at the white color and said:"Xiaolan, why don't you buy this, we can match black and white and make a pair."

Xiaolan walked up to the dress, looked at the price, and hesitated a little.

This dress is not special or cheap, and she still can't afford the price.

After all, Xiaolan has been running a family since she was a child, so she naturally needs to take good care of herself. Especially... There is also a father who spends money but cannot make money.

Li Mu saw Xiaolan's hesitation, took a step forward, and said softly:"Xiaolan, I am your man, what I have is yours, whatever you want, Just buy whatever you want, I have plenty of money."

Xiaolan thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

After all, Li Mu has already spent so much money, it doesn't matter if he spends a little more.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let me change your clothes and see if they look good."

Li Mu pulled Xiaolan and went directly into the changing room.

The waiter's eyes widened. Are young people today so open-minded? They actually entered the changing room together.

Although he was speechless, Li Mu must still be a big customer. He Naturally, she didn't dare to say anything.

A few minutes later, Xiaolan walked out wearing a pure white dress, just like a princess. She looked so cute.

Xiaolan strolled up to Li Mu and said with a blushing face:" Brother Li, what do you think of this dress? Is it okay?"

Yuanzi took Li Mu's arm, winked at Xiaolan, and joked:"What do you think? Xiaolan, you are an angel. You look good in whatever you wear, right, Li Mu."

Xiaolan is indeed very beautiful, and with her angelic smile, she is very beautiful and cute.

Li Mu looked at it for a while and said seriously:"Indeed, Xiaolan, you are like a clothes hanger, any clothes will suit you."

"Thank you, Brother Li."

Xiaolan lowered her head shyly and looked at Li Mu with some embarrassment........

"Okay, Xiaolan, let’s go to the next one."

Li Mu bought the clothes directly, and then took Xiaolan Yuanzi to the next store.

While Xiaolan and others were happily shopping, on the other side, Conan was looking for clues alone, and finally found the remaining three A clue in a person.

Conan discovered that the person was also near Tokyo and quickly started searching nearby.

Similarly, Sera Masumi also found a clue about this person and was reading newspapers in the library.

At night, Sera Masumi found a clue and immediately came nearby

"Seriang, are you here too?"

Conan saw Sera and ran over quickly.

Sera Masumi was also stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly:"Conan, why are you here? Did you also find any clues?"

"Yes, one of the three victims is here and lives in this community, so I came here. Conan nodded and said

"Okay, let's go there together."

Masumi Sera put down his motorcycle and ran towards the community in front of him.

The two of them had just reached the exit of the underground parking garage of the community when a car drove up from below.

There was no one else in the car. This is exactly the person Conan and the others are looking for.


Just as Conan ran over, there was a huge noise, and the glass of the car shattered 3.5 times. The people inside were directly hit by bullets, and blood sprayed out.

Then the car flew out and hit the flower basket not far away.

Conan and Sera Masumi was startled, and quickly looked at the nearby buildings, and then locked on a building.

"Seriang, do you want to chase me? Without saying a word, Masumi

Sera put Conan on his motorcycle and drove away. During the chase, Conan called Officer Megure and told Officer Megure about the incident. , and then chased him out.

Unfortunately, the murderer had already left. Sera Masumi did not see anyone. He only found an empty bullet and a dice on the building. The

Great Voyage: The Invincible Dragon Ball Begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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