After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu and others separated. After all, such a big case had nothing to do with them. They could just leave it to the police and FBI.

Only Conan and Sera Masumi were particularly interested in this case, and they would not give up until the truth came to light.

So after leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, the two of them left separately, preparing to conduct a thorough investigation and look for clues.

As for Li Mu leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, he took everyone away.

That night, after Li Mu had dinner at Xiaolan's house, he sat on the sofa and watched TV with no intention of leaving.

Naturally, Mouri Kogoro and others would not let Li Mu leave.

After a long time like this, Conan still didn't come back, and Li Mu didn't leave either.

After all, if Conan doesn't come back, Li Mu can do something very happy.

However, Xiaolan was a little worried. She looked at the clock on the wall from time to time, fearing that Conan would be in danger again.

After a while, Conan still didn't come back. Xiaolan worriedly said:"Brother Li, Conan hasn't come back yet, has something happened?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen if you are with Masumi Sera, solving a case, or at Dr. Agasa's house, so don't worry."-Li Mu said calmly

"Yeah? I'd better call and ask."

Xiaolan was still a little worried, so she quickly picked up the phone and called one by one.

After a few minutes, Xiaolan relaxed.

"Brother Li, Conan is at Dr. Ali's house now, and the children are fine."

"Is that right? I just said that he must be fine and must play again."Li Mu had guessed it a long time ago.

How could the protagonist die so easily? Even if he died, he should be a supporting character, and at most he would be injured.

Xiaolan didn't say anything, sat next to Li Mu, and watched TV with Li Mu.

After a long time , Li Mu approached Xiaolan and said softly:"Xiaolan, Detective Maori is drunk, Conan is not at home, and there are only two of us left at home."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Li Mu's meaning was already quite obvious.

Xiaolan naturally understood this, lowered her head shyly, put her hands on her thighs, and didn't say a word. She didn't agree or refuse.

However , Doesn't not refusing mean agreeing?


Conan, who was setting off fireworks at Dr. Ali's house, suddenly covered his heart

"What's wrong? What happened?"Hui Yuan Ai asked

"I don’t know, I just feel like something is missing, something very important is missing."Conan shook his head, his face a little pale.

Then Conan thought of something, turned to look at Dr. Ali and said:"Dr. Ali, how is Xiaolan?"

"Xiaolan? She just asked you how you were doing, nothing happened, you don’t have to worry"


Conan didn't say anything. He just held the fireworks stick silently and was thinking in his heart.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at

Xiao Lan with some pity. I'm afraid she was still suffering from Li Mu'ai's whip. Only Conan was still in the dark. I don’t know anything inside my head.

Conan also noticed Haihara Ai’s gaze and asked quickly:"What are you looking at me doing? Is there something on my face?"

"Nothing, just looking."

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head, and then looked away.

Conan looked at Hui Yuan Ai, thought of something again, and asked secretly:"Hai Yuan, do you have a very good relationship with Li Mu? Dr. Ali said you often go to his house, right?"

"Yes what's the matter."Hui Yuan Ai did not deny it either.

"Why do you have such a good relationship with him? Have you known him before? Or what happened?"Conan was even more confused.

With a character like Huihara Ai who avoids strangers, he could actually find a very good friend.

"Yes, he is my sister's former friend and a good friend. I met him when I was studying in the United States, but he didn't know my identity and I didn't tell him."Haihara Ai said half-truths and half- lies.

It is easy to expose lies simply by telling lies, so you must be half-truths and half-lies, so that others will not know whether your words are true or false.

Conan is indeed not too suspicious. After all, Hui Yuan Ai has been following him for so long, so she will definitely not betray him.

······Asking for flowers·······

Poor Conan didn't know that Hui Yuan Ai and Li Mu had a close relationship. Both Hui Yuan Ai sisters were Li Mu's best friends.

Sometimes, Hui Yuan Ai would even help Li Mu to deal with Conan.

Alas, Conan's life is really quite unlucky.

But whoever made him offend Li Mu, this is retribution


The next morning, Conan came back early.

"Sister Xiaolan, I’m back"

"Strange, isn’t Sister Xiaolan here?"

Conan looked around the living room in confusion. There was no one there, let alone Xiaolan.

Even Mouri Kogoro was not there.

Conan returned to his room first and saw Moori Kogoro sleeping soundly.


Then Conan came outside Xiaolan's room and gently pulled the door handle.

"Hey, the door is locked."

Unable to open the door, Conan knocked gently on the door.

"Sister Xiaolan, are you up?"

In the room, Xiaolan was lying in Li Mu's arms.

When she heard the knock on the door, Xiaolan gradually woke up and went to open the door.

But soon, Xiaolan realized that Li Mu was still in her room, and suddenly wake up

"Conan, you are back. You go and take a rest first. I will go over and make breakfast for you later. Conan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiaolan in the room, and then said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, there's nothing wrong. I just wanted to ask. I've finished breakfast. You can continue to have a rest.""

After that, Conan picked up his skateboard and left the Maori Detective Agency.

Today he has to investigate Hunter's sniper case. If he hadn't made sure that Xiaolan was okay, he wouldn't have come back.

Poor Conan did n't She didn't notice that Li Mu was in Xiaolan's room in the room.

After Xiaolan confirmed that Conan had left, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that Conan would suddenly come in and see her and Li Mu, but she didn't know what to do when the time came. How to explain.

Of course, Xiaolan is just afraid of bringing bad children, and has no other meaning.

The Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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