"Ah, this……"

Conan was about to forcefully explain, but Li Mu immediately said:"I remembered that that day, there was a car explosion near the hospital, and there were people who were shot and killed in the car.

Similarly, in the next few days, that The hospital either had food poisoning or a big explosion, and then a car explosion. Could it be involved in the FBI's arrest of terrorists?"

Conan panicked, wasn't what Li Mu was talking about what happened in the first place?

At the same time, he was also sure that Li Mu was in Mihua Central Hospital, otherwise he would not have known about it.

Bourbon also understood the situation. For example, the little devil named Conan in front of him must be related to Akai Shuichi and others.

Hattori Heiji reacted and quickly said:"This...By the way, Li Mu, why are you hospitalized? Is it possible that you have some disease?"

Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji gratefully. If Hattori Heiji hadn't changed the topic, Conan wouldn't have known what to say.

"Oh, it's just regular check-ups. After all, people like us are afraid of poor health. When the time comes, people will die and the money will not be spent."

Hattori Heiji:"……"


Li Mu's expression of wanting to be beaten made them want to beat him up.

However, Mouri Kogoro became interested, pointed at himself and said:"How about you let me spend a little for you, then it doesn't matter."


"Dad, if you still want to be shameless, just stand quietly for me."

Xiaolan grabbed Mouri Kogoro's ears hard and pulled him aside.

Li Mu looked at Conan again and said seriously:"Conan, you haven't said anything yet? What exactly is going on? Are they using you? Is the FBI so useless now? I actually need a child."

Xiaolan seemed to have thought of something and suddenly realized:"I remembered that you were indeed not at home those days. You even talked about going to Dr. Ali's house, but you were not there at all those days."

"Oops, forgot about it."Conan was shocked.

Hattori Heiji also cursed in his heart. Conan usually looks so smart, why has he become stupid today.

Mouri Kogoro rubbed his ears, listened to Xiaolan's words, and walked slowly in front of Conan

"Is it really? It looks like I need to have a serious talk with Teacher Judy in the future. How could I bring a child to such a dangerous place?"


Conan was about to explain when Kogoro Maori shouted:"That's enough. You're obviously wrong and you're still lying. If you do this again, I'll ask Dr. Agasa to send you away. I don't think our whole family is in such danger."

This time Maori Kogoro is very serious.

After all, the last series of explosions was a pity.

It is definitely not an ordinary person who can do such a big thing.

He didn't want Xiaolan and himself to fall into such a crisis by chance, not even Conan.

Xiaolan also rarely became serious. She looked at Conan seriously and said: This kind of thing has nothing to do with you. If you do this again in the future, for your safety, I can only let you leave the country."

Of course, Xiaolan was thinking about Ayumi's thoughts.

Conan stayed and said that he might not fall in love, but would become a pervert.


Conan weakly held the back of his head, not daring to say anything more. Hattori Heiji wanted to say something, but Kazuha glared at him, and he didn't dare to say a word.

And he also saw that Mouri Kogoro and others were angry, although In his opinion, investigating cases was nothing at all.

Conan was also very bitter in his heart. If it wasn't to make himself bigger, how could he investigate so desperately.

But did he really not know how to investigate?

At this moment, The door of the ward opened again.

A person walked in from the outside. This person was none other than Teacher Judy and Agent Cameron.

After Teacher Judy came in, she noticed everyone's eyes and couldn't help but cover her face.

"Everyone, what's the matter? What happened to my face?"

Moori Kogoro walked up to Teacher Judy and looked at Teacher Judy seriously.

"Teacher Judy, let me ask you something. Do you know Kusuda Rikudo?"

Teacher Judy's pupils shrank, and she was extremely shocked.

He naturally knew Kusuda Rikudou. After all, that incident happened not long ago, and it was a big case. How could she not remember it.

Although Mouri Kogoro is not very good, as long as he When it comes to matters about his family, his powers of observation will skyrocket.

For example, right now, just by looking at it, Mouri Kogoro knows that there is something wrong with Teacher Judy

".Teacher Judy, I don’t care what your FBI does, but don’t come to Conan for this kind of thing in the future. I don’t want my family and friends to fall into such a big crisis.

If you continue to do this, then I can only ask Officer Memu to send you back to the country. After all, I remember that you seem to be on vacation and have no law enforcement rights, right?"

When Teacher Judy was asked by Mouri Kogoro, she didn't know what happened. She could only look at Conan blankly. Conan noticed Toru Amuro on the side, looked at Teacher Judy again, and said stupidly:" Teacher Judy, we are not working on a case, we just met you in the hospital and talked with you for a while."

Teacher Judy roughly guessed what it was, and nodded quickly and said:"Yes, it's just like this, a chance encounter, just a chance encounter."

Li Mu was speechless. These people are really good at talking nonsense. They have come to this point and are still looking for excuses.

But Li Mu thought of something again and said seriously:"Having said that, (De Nuo Zhao) I remembered again, the inspection I will see Conan with you every day for a few days.

By the way, when the man named Tsuchimikado Nakayasu was assassinated, you seemed to be with Teacher Judy. I saw you walking from Dr. Agasa's car to her Mercedes-Benz."

Anyway, the ward is full of people, and Li Mu isn't worried about danger. And it's good to be able to bully Conan. It's best to ground him and don't go out in the future.

By the way, Tsuchimikado is Li Mu assassinated Sui Wu Reina on behalf of him. As for the matter at the Mihua Central Hospital, Li Mu went to the hospital to check his body specifically to ensure that Sui Wu Reina was okay.

So there was no problem at all in the investigation.

Li Mu did not expect that he could actually use it. This matter is causing trouble for Conan.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Concubine of the Voyage Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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