The next day, at the hospital, Li Mu, Xiaolan and others went to the hospital to see Conan.

After all, Conan also lived in this house, so it seemed inappropriate not to go see Conan.

After arriving at the hospital, Li Mu happened to meet a very familiar person - Bourbon.

That is, the person whose black organization codename is Bourbon and the police codename is Zero.

Of course, he still has another identity now, that is, a wage earner working in Li Mu's Poirot's coffee shop.

Bourbon also noticed Li Mu and hurriedly ran over and said:"Boss, Master, I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you here to visit the patients?"

"Yes, those little devils were so naughty that they caused Conan to get a gunshot wound. I am now preparing to go visit him."

"Oh, Conan?" Bourbon extended his tone, and then smiled and said:"How about I also go to"097" to have a look. After all, we are still friends, so we should go and see it."

"Well, let's go together."

Li Mu walked into Conan's ward.

At this moment , Conan had already woken up. After seeing Li Mu, Bourbon and others, he immediately stopped to chat with Hattori Heiji.

"Conan, Hattori, this is the breakfast I brought you. You haven't eaten it yet."

Xiaolan picked up the packed breakfast and handed it to Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji smiled, touched the back of his head and said:"Thank you very much, Xiaolan, please bring it over."

After that, Hattori Heiji handed the breakfast to Conan on the side.

While eating breakfast, he looked at Bourbon in the distance and said:"Brother Amuro, why are you here? Is there anything important?"

"Oh, that's it. I came here to find a person, which can be regarded as the client's task. His name is Kusuda Rikudo. What, do you know him?"

Conan and Hattori Heiji's pupils shrank.

Of course they still remember Kusuda Rikudo. Conan investigated Conan himself, and Hattori Heiji was told by Conan. For a moment, both of them looked at Bourbon warily.

Conan even more so. He was frightened for a moment, then waved his hand and said:"No....I don’t know, I don’t know Kusuda Rikuchi"

"Oh, Conan, you are really awesome."Boben said with a smile still.

Next to him, Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:"Amuro, why do you say that? Bourbon didn't care, but smiled and said:"Teacher Maori, if I ask you a question, what would you usually say?""

"this one? I usually ask who he is? There are photos and such."

Conan's heart trembled after hearing this, and Hattori Heiji also cursed in his heart. Conan actually made such a big mistake.

Bourbon smiled, bent down slightly and said,"Knowledge."

Although Conan was startled, he was very sensitive.

"Of course, Brother Amuro, I’m not familiar with this name, so I definitely don’t know him. If I were familiar with him, I would know him."

Although the explanation is a bit far-fetched, most people, except Bourbon, did not believe it.

Li Mu thought for a moment, and the information about Kusuda Rikudo came to mind, and the corners of his mouth rose. If he could cause trouble for Conan, Li Mu would still be very happy. Yes, and Bourbon is not a bad person, there is nothing wrong with telling him.

Li Mu raised his head, closed his eyes, and pretended to think about something.

Xiaolan noticed Li Mu's expression and asked curiously:"Brother Li, what's wrong, what are you thinking about? Li

Mu also took the opportunity to nod his head and said,"Speaking of Nantian Rikudo, I seem to have thought of something. It seems to be at this Mihua Central Hospital.""

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan, Hattori Heiji, and Bobon looked at Li Mu at the same time.

Bobon even asked directly:"Really? Boss, is it possible that you know? Can you tell me."

Li Mu suddenly clapped his hands with an expression of sudden realization.

"By the way, I remembered, Conan, that time you talked with that Kusuda Rikudō at Mihua Central Hospital. Because it was you, I paid more attention to it. Did Kusuda Rikudō have any injuries on his neck?"

Conan cursed in his heart, and at the same time he was a little frightened.

If the black organization knew about it, then he would be finished.

Thinking of this, Conan quickly shook his head and said:"Brother Li, you may have remembered it wrong. I never talked to Kusuda Rikudō."

Although he was frightened in his heart, Conan's expression was still very calm........

Li Mu looked at Conan who was scolding him in his heart, turned to look at Bourbon, and said seriously:"I remember it right, it's Conan. At the beginning, I still remember that Conan was with that FBI teacher Judy, and there were a few foreigners and a Neon Chinese.

The neon Chinese still has long hair, a very fierce expression, and a knitted hat on his head. He seems to be from the FBI."


Conan was already cursing in his heart. This guy Li Mu had exposed all his family background.

Li Mu was very happy. Bourbon was not a bad guy anyway, so it was okay to scare Conan now.

Bourbon's pupils shrank after hearing Li Mu's words.

He naturally knows who the neon countryman is. Isn't he the FBI's ace Shuichi Akai?

At the same time, Bourbon also looked at Conan subconsciously, with a look in his eyes.

Being able to be with the FBI, Conan is definitely not an ordinary person.

Conan naturally noticed Bourbon's gaze and was filled with fear, fearing that someone from the black organization would find out.

"I...I happened to run into Teacher Judy and Agent Cameron right away, so I just said hello. After all, she was Sister Xiaolan’s former teacher."

This explanation is very good. At least it can open up the relationship with the FBI and reduce his own suspicion.

Although it is not of much use to Bourbon.

Li Mu looked at Conan 3.5 who was still struggling and continued:"Really? When I came back from a color ultrasound, you were still together, holding a camera in your hands, and so on. Li

Mu suddenly became serious, looked at Conan seriously and said,"Conan, could it be that the FBI is using your curiosity to investigate something?" Do these guys still have the humanity to let children do such things?"

Seeing Li Mu's expression of"I care about you very much", Conan couldn't help but want to curse.

However, Mouri Kogoro also became serious and looked at Conan seriously.

"Conan, is this true? Are they really taking advantage of you like this?"

Others also became serious. After all, it is too abominable to use children to do dangerous things. The

Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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