On this day, Li Mu was resting at home when the doorbell suddenly sounded outside.

Li Mu walked over and opened the door, just in time to see Hui Yuan Ai standing at the door of his home.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ai, what are you doing here? Do you want to do something?"

Haiyuan Ai's face suddenly turned red, and he said angrily:"You scumbag, what are you thinking about in your head? Why are you thinking about this matter so much? I tell you, I came to you for serious reasons."

"I understand, is it right to do serious things? Mine are also serious things. Okay, let’s go in and do serious things."

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and entered the house.

Although Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red, he did not reject Li Mu and lay in Li Mu's arms with peace of mind.

After arriving on the sofa, Li Mu sat on the sofa. superior

"Tell me, if you have any serious business with me, it can't be that serious business, right?"

"rogue."Haiyuan Ai cursed secretly and said speechlessly:"I came here to find you because I hope you and I will go on a trip to Qunma County to see the stars. What do you think? Do you want to go?"

"Do you want me to go?"

Li Mu stared at Hui Yuan Ai closely, and Hui Yuan Ai's heart was pounding.

"I...I don’t want you to go. Whether you go or not has nothing to do with me....I am leaving."

Hui Yuan Ai blushed and ran away proudly.

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai leaving and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, I know, when is the time to set off, I will take you there then. After hearing this

, Huiyuan Ai was overjoyed and said calmly:"In three days, Dr. Ali's house will come and pick me up.""

Three days later, Li Mu drove his car to Dr. Ali's house.

"Big brother, I really want to trouble you this time."

Li Mu looked at the Death Detective Team in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

I knew how it was possible that Xiao Ai was the only one, and how could these little devils not go.

Although he was speechless, Li Mu still squeezed out a smile and said:"Everyone, children Be good today, otherwise I won't let you go together"


Although the little gangsters agreed, Li Mu was still a little worried.

If the Junior Detective Team doesn't cause trouble, is it still a Junior Detective Team?

"I'm really sorry. I have something else to do today, so I'll just trouble you, Mr. Li."

Dr. Ali smiled awkwardly.

He was also a little embarrassed to ask Li Mu for such a troublesome young detective team.

"Okay, without further ado, let’s go and watch the stars on the mountains of Tottori Prefecture? I see."

Li Mu was lying on the steering wheel of the car with a look of grief on his face.

If he had known this, he might as well have been with Xiao. This would be fine.

"Please, big brother."

The young detective team entered Li Mu's car happily with smiles on their faces.

"Wow, what a high-end car. Is this the big brother’s car? Much better than Dr."

"Yes, the doctor's car is too old and I'm tired of riding in it."

Dr. Ali:"……"

I'm sorry for my car shortage, but I still take you on a trip. It's so sad.

Li Mu drove away without saying a word.


A few hours later, Li Mu drove the car and finally arrived at the hotel booked by Dr. Ali.

"Is this here? I'll go see if Dr. Ali has booked a room here.

After entering the hotel, Li Mu looked at the boss at the door and asked quickly:"Boss, is there a room reserved by Dr. A Li?" I'm Li Mu who came here on his behalf."

"Dr. A Li, yes, there are indeed rooms here that Dr. A Li booked online."

Maybe it's because there are relatively few people here, and the boss Tiantu Linsi knew it without even looking.

"I see. Li Mu nodded, looked at the little devils and said,"Okay, this is it. Come here.""

The people from the Youth Detective Team immediately ran over after hearing this.

"Is this here? Looks pretty good"

"Then we can watch the stars here today, which is great."

Li Mu looked at the little devils and touched his forehead helplessly.

What kind of evil had he done to actually want to watch the stars with these little devils.

It would be great if Dr. A Li were here, let Ah Dr. Li watched the others. He was with Haihara Ai.

The most important thing was that Conan was also here. With Conan, Li Mu seemed to see that someone would die here.

"Ma Xiong, are you really here?"

At this time, a drunk woman ran over and grabbed Li Mu's arm.

Li Mu's head was covered with black lines, as if he had seen the trouble coming.

"Sorry, miss, I am not your Ma Xiong. My name is Li Mu, just an ordinary corporate employee."

Conan and Haiyuan Ai have black lines on their heads.

A world-renowned big boss is actually an ordinary employee, so what are his employees? Are they still slaves?

"It’s not Ma Xiong, it’s not Ma Xiong, it’s true."

The lady looked disappointed and staggered away.

Mr. Tentu came out quickly and apologized:"I'm so sorry. Her name is Nonomiya Etsuko, she is my school girl, and she also has a fiancé, who is My junior fellow student just disappeared later, so she was in a bad mood."097

"It doesn't matter, let's put the things on it and go look at the stars"

"Stargazing? Boss Tiantu quickly took out a telescope and said with a smile:"Well, I have a telescope here that can be used to see the stars. Why don't I lend it to you? It only costs 5,000 yuan.""

"Okay, I bought it. One million is enough."Li Mu said loudly

"one million? Really rich and powerful."

Outside the door, two people walked side by side.

One of them was tall and wearing a strong suit, while the other was a little thin. The tall man was called Heihachi Gogami, and the thin one was called Futakawa.

Mr. Gogami took a step forward. Said:"Did you also come here after receiving that letter?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Somehow, Li Mu felt that something big might happen here.

"No, I didn't receive any letters, I just brought a few boring little guys over to look at the stars."Li Mu shook his head and said

"No, I'm not some little kid."

"Yes, I'm no kid."

Li Mu directly ignored these dissatisfied young detectives, picked up the salute and walked to the second floor.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-Eating Spirit begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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