When I returned to the Mori Detective Agency again, Mori Kogoro and Conan had already arrived home.

"Dad, how's it going? Did you catch that person?"Xiaolan asked anxiously.

Li Mu didn't ask either. It could be seen from Maori Kogoro's gloomy expression that the murderer must have run away.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Maori Kogoro had a dark face and said dissatisfied:"Humph, that guy, I won't let him go, how dare he assassinate me."

At this time, Officer Memu also rushed over.

"Brother Maori, I heard that, it seems that person's target is you."

At the beginning, Officer Megure thought that the gangsters had made a mistake.

But now that something like this happened in broad daylight, it was obvious that this was a deliberate murder against Mouri Kogoro.

Moori Kogoro's face was gloomy and he did not say a word. , but his expression was very serious.

Seeing that Kogoro Moori was silent, Officer Memu could only look at Li Mu and said:"Mr. Li, how are you? Do you have any clues now?"

"clue."Li Mu touched his chin and thought.

Li Mu already knew who the murderer was, but he didn't know the evidence. After thinking about it, Li Mu looked at the crowd and said,"Officer Mu Mu, I think that boss is the murderer, but there is no such thing. evidence, so we can only set a trap and let the Maori detectives go drinking and pretend to go fishing tomorrow. Then the police will ambush"

"This method is very good, you can try it."

Officer Memu did not refuse, because they often do this kind of thing. If there is no evidence, they should find a way to arrest the murderer.

"Okay, I'm going to drink now."

Mouri Kogoro got up and was about to leave.

"etc?"Li Mu stopped Mouri Kogoro and ordered:"It's better to go up in the evening. We were attacked just now, so it's not appropriate to go there. By the way, take Conan with you then."

Without Conan, Li Mu was afraid that Mouri Kogoro was in the hotel, so he was killed in a daze. In the evening, Moori Kogoro, accompanied by Conan, went to the izakaya again


The next day, the owner of the izakaya left early.

However, he didn't notice that there were police secretly following him all the way to the river.

After arriving at the river, the boss picked up his rifle, aimed at the figure on a small boat in the middle of the river, and then fired.

Suddenly, the figure fell into the river.

Secretly, the police got evidence of the boss's crime and rushed out quickly

"Don't move and put the gun down."

The boss was stunned when he looked at the policemen who suddenly rushed out. He hesitated a little before putting down the gun.

After all, he wouldn't resist with so many guns pointed at him. That was the behavior of an idiot.

Officer Takagi said Seeing the boss put down his gun, he quickly walked over and picked it up

"Hello, I am arresting you now for intentional injury and attempted murder."

"Is that you? Sure enough, it's you, why, why do you want to kill me?"

Mouri Kogoro rushed out. If it weren't for the police, Moori Kogoro would have given the boss a series of shoulder throws.

After all, anyone who is assassinated by others will feel unhappy.

"It's you? How are you still alive?"

The boss was also stunned, and subconsciously looked at the boat on the river.

If he remembered correctly, he had killed Mouri Kogoro, and his body should have fallen into the lake.

"I'm afraid you don't know. Someone has known that you are the murderer for a long time, but there is no evidence, so they deliberately set this trap and waited for you to fall into the trap. Now you have really fallen into the trap."

The boss understood that he made a mistake and was discovered by the police, and even set a trap

"Officer Megure, can you tell me where I went wrong to make you doubt me? Officer

Megure hesitated for a moment and then said:"Actually, on the night of the first day, we knew that the murderer's target was either Kimura or Brother Maori. That's when we began to doubt you."

Secondly, there were many doubts when we were investigating your identity. Your hand was injured, which made me think that you deliberately destroyed your fingerprints, so we set up a special trap."

"It turns out that it happened that my plan was too perfect, so even you began to doubt it."The boss sighed.

What's perfect? ​​This plan is so bad and has so many shortcomings that Li Mu is too embarrassed to say anything........

"Hey, why, tell me, why do you want to kill me?"

Mouri Kogoro shouted angrily.

After hearing this, the boss stopped and turned to look at Moori Kogoro.

The police may also want to know this, so they did not rush the boss away.

"A few years ago, I found a girlfriend and was about to get married, but I had no money at that time, so I wanted to do something else. Who knew that just this time, I was caught by Mouri Kogoro.

Since then, I was dumped by my girlfriend, so I wanted to take revenge on Kogoro Mori, and that was the purpose of my murder."

What a sad person.

It's obviously his fault, but in the end he always likes to push all the faults onto other people.

After hearing this, Kogoro Mori was also very angry.

He obviously likes to steal things, but he still blames him when he is caught. If If the police weren't here, he would definitely beat someone up.

And beat up the boss.

"Okay, brother Takagi, let’s take the person away."Officer Megure said quickly.

He was afraid that if he didn't take the people away, maybe Mouri Kogoro would really go berserk and beat people up.

The boss was taken away, leaving only Li Mu and others.

"Maori Detective, this is the trouble of detectives. When you eliminate harm for the people, you will be hated by others. You should be more careful in the future."Li Mu sighed and said

"Yes, we are really suffering 3.5."

Moori Kogoro also sighed with emotion.

Although Officer Megure didn't say anything, he agreed very much.

Isn't this the case for police officers? To do such a dangerous job, they have to worry about the prisoner's revenge in the future, have less vacations, and have no benefits. More.

After thinking about it, Officer Memu is planning to resign.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Brother Maori, come with me to the police station. I will take you to take notes."

"Going to the police station again."

Li Mu thought that every time he went to the police station, others would stare at him.

Of course, the most important thing was that it was too boring. Li Mu really didn't want to waste so much time in the police station.

However, Li Mu finally joined the police station.

The Great Voyage The Beloved Concubine’s Invincible Halberd-Shiking Spirit Begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection and Recommendation

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