"Brother Li Mu, could you please tell me the time of Kaitou Kidd’s premonition?"

"Yes, Li Mu, tell me and let everyone share it."

Conan and Hattori Heiji quickly approached and looked at Li Mu with a smile.

Those flattering eyes made Li Mu have the urge to hit them.

Because that was really too mean.

"No, if I tell you, you will definitely investigate. In that case, we will have nothing to play with."

Li Mu shook his head and refused.

"However, that's 800 million yen. If you don't tell the police, the memory egg will definitely be stolen."

Conan waved his hand and tried to use the Egg of Memory to make Li Mu say

"800 million yen?"Li Mu touched his chin, raised the corner of his mouth and said:"Sonoko, is it more than 800 million? Phantom Thief Kidd's appearance fee is one billion yen."

"That's right, is it Kaitou Kidd after all? 800 million yen is not much at all to invite him to perform."

Sonoko also nodded and said seriously.

Although the appearance fee of 800 million yen is a lot, it is indeed not much for Kaitou Kid to risk his life. What's more, for the two rich people Li Mu and Sonoko, it is not much at all. It's nothing.

Conan and the other two people also realized that it is impossible for the two rich men Li Mu to care about 800 million yen.

"By the way, Xiaolan, Sonoko, let me take you to see Kaitou Kidd. Go ahead and wait for him."

Li Mu suddenly thought of something, took Xiaolan and ran away.

"Wait, Sister Xiaolan."

Conan and the others looked at Li Mu, Xiaolan and the others, and quickly followed them.

Li Mu frowned slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied.

If Conan and the others followed him, how could he take Xiaolan and the others to find Kaitou Kidd? In his heart After thinking for a moment, Li Mu took out a large stack of banknotes and handed them to the people nearby.

"Everyone, stop those two brats for me, and the money is yours."

Everyone looked at the 10,000-yuan bills in their hands, quickly took it, and then ran over to block Hattori Heiji and the others.

Li Mu also took advantage of this opportunity, pulled Xiaolan and the two of them and ran away quickly.

"Damn it, this guy."

Conan looked at the people blocking him and gritted his teeth angrily.

Although he was dissatisfied, Conan had no choice.

He couldn't just use anesthesia guns to knock these people out just because they blocked him.

And the number of anesthesia guns was not enough.

In addition , On the one hand, after Li Mu took Xiaolan away, they came to Tongten Pavilion, found a snack street, and wandered around like this. On the snack street, Xiaolan looked around and wondered:"Li Mu, will he really show up here? ? Could it be a mistake?"

"Don't worry, there is no mistake. You need to wait until twelve o'clock, then you can see him."

Li Mu pulled Xiaolan and walked towards the snack streets on both sides.

Xiaolan felt the warmth in her small hands, but did not refuse Li Mu and let Li Mu catch her.

After a long time, the sky dimmed, and Li Mu took a look. At that time, he took Xiaolan and others away.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it’s almost time. Let’s go to Tongten Pavilion."


The two of them also reacted, looked at the moon outside, and quickly followed Li Mu.

Soon after arriving at Tongten Pavilion, Li Mu picked up a computer and opened the screen on the computer.

"Xiaolan, it’s not easy for us to go up there. Let’s use this camera. I installed it specially today."

Of course, this camera was installed by Li Mu today without anyone seeing it.

Li Mu also left a phone number there so he could contact Kaitou Kidd.

Time passed bit by bit, and suddenly, a figure appeared in Tsutenkaku Tower above

"Strange...Kaitou Kidd, this is Kaitou Kidd."

When Yuanzi saw this familiar figure, he shouted excitedly.

"Okay, Sonoko, don’t worry, I’ll notify Kaitou Kidd right away and I’ll be able to talk to him right away."

Li Mu took out a mobile phone and made a call.

Above Tongten Pavilion, Kaitou Kid was about to make a move when he suddenly heard the ringtone of his mobile phone.

"This is...A mobile phone."

Kaitou Kidd was stunned for a moment and looked at the phone with a confused look on his face.

"Wait, this is the latest installation, is it possible that his target is me?"

Kaitou Kid muttered, his mind flashing rapidly, and he began to think in his heart.

After a moment, Kaitou Kid picked up the phone and connected it directly.

Li Mu listened to the voice on the phone, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:"Kaitou Kidd Kidd, you finally answered the phone. I thought you wouldn't."

Kaitou Kidd was startled, looked up, and then saw a camera facing him.

"Sir, what do you want from me?"

As he spoke, Kaitou Kidd felt a little solemn.

Being able to find this place and arrange so many things shows that Li Mu has decoded his code.

"Nothing, now I want to ask you to do me a favor. When you leave, remember to mail my mobile phone and camera to the Maori Detective Agency. Bye."

After saying that, Li Mu hung up the phone.

In the sky, Kaitou Kidd was confused again.

He made such a big fight just to take a look at him, 097 and even asked him to send it back specially.

Please, he But is Kaitou Kid that kind of postman?

But after thinking about it, Kaitou Kid reluctantly took out his hand, typed a line of text, and sent it to Li Mu's number.

Li Mu looked at the two big characters on the phone, and the corner of his mouth I raised my head and typed a few words.

Be careful, someone is going to snipe you - Shi Kaobing. Kaitou Kid looked at these big words, his eyes flickered, then he turned off his phone, took out his binoculars and started to prepare.

"Okay, we've also watched Kaitou Kidd, now let's go back."

Li Mu took back the computer and started to leave.

"It's great, we can actually meet Kaitou Kidd"

"Yes, but Yuanzi, is everything okay? Kaitou Kidd’s target is your family’s egg of memories."

"It doesn't matter, that thing is worthless, so if you steal it, you've stolen it."

On the way back, Yuanzi and Xiaolan kept talking, with smiles on their faces.

Li Mu walked behind them without saying a word, just listening patiently.

On the other side, After Kaito Kidd left Tsutenkaku Tower, he stole the Egg of Memory.

However, just like the original work, Kaito Kidd was still sniped by the Scout Soldiers and fled in a hurry.

The Beloved of the Voyage and the Invincible Fairy Tail Begins!

_Fly Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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