"Hattori, it turns out to be you. What's wrong? Didn't Kazuha come?"

Xiaolan looked around and asked in confusion.

"She, I don't know what she wants to do, anyway she didn't come with me."

Maybe Hattori also realized something and looked at Li Mu dissatisfied.

Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji very calmly, without any emotion at all, but he was very happy inside.

Oh, let you offend me.

Li Mu said proudly to himself.

Hattori Heiji is usually so arrogant, but now he is fine, Li Mu has poached him

"Okay, no more talking, let’s go up."

Li Mu looked at the crowd and waved.

The crowd didn't say anything and followed Li Mu.

After entering the art gallery, Li Mu saw a group of people sitting there, chatting.

Among the crowd, Li Mu was surprised. I found Tomoko Suzuki sitting on a sofa.

When Li Mu came in, Tomoko Suzuki looked at Li Mu with beautiful eyes and winked.

"Oh, there you are, Detective Maori, Mr. Li Mu."

As soon as Suzuki Shiro saw Li Mu and others, he stood up immediately with a smile on his face.

"Uncle, aunt, hello."

Li Mu said hello to a few people, and then found a place to sit down.

"Everyone, let me introduce it to you."Suzuki Shiro stood up and pointed to the others:"This gentleman is from the Russian Art Museum, this is Pu Si Qinglan, a researcher from the Romanov Dynasty, this is Mr. Qian, and this is Mr. Hankawa."

Li Mu looked at a few people and smiled, but did not stand up.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Suzuki, where is the egg of memory and how much is it worth?"

Moori Kogoro looked around and asked curiously

"Oh, that Memory Egg, I think its value is about 800 million yuan."

Mr. Qian, a black market antique dealer, raised his finger.

After speaking, Mr. Qian looked at Suzuki Shiro and said:"Mr. Suzuki, I wonder if you can sell it to me. I can offer 800 million yen."

"No, how could such an important thing be sold to this sinful businessman? It would be better to give it to the people in our art museum."

The clerk on one side stood up and glanced at Mr. Qian.

Mr. Qian didn't care and looked at each other.

"Eight hundred million yuan, this...Is this thing really so expensive? Is that guy really that valuable?"

Moori Kogoro's eyes almost popped out.

I'm afraid he has never had so much money in his life."

"Detective Mori is only 800 million yen, I believe you will have it soon."

Li Mu drank a cup of tea and smiled.

Li Mu will snatch Xiaolan away soon, and Mouri Kogoro will be his father. It doesn't matter if he gives him 800 million yen.

"Really? It's all thanks to you.

Mouri Kogoro touched his head and smiled foolishly, with saliva drooling from his mouth.

"This sinful rich man, I hope he has a baby soon."

Conan and Hattori Heiji complained at the same time, looking at Li Mu with resentful eyes.

Li Mu looked at the two of them, then turned around and looked at the other people.

"By the way, let's go now. Come back next time."

Mr. Qian and others suddenly stood up, then turned around and left.

"Mr. Mori, I leave this memory egg to you. I believe you will protect it."

Suzuki Shiro didn't look at anyone else, and focused on Moori Kogoro.

"No, there is no need for this. Our police can protect this memory egg."

Outside, two policemen walked up and walked in front of Suzuki Shiro.

One of the policemen looked at Li Mu angrily.

Li Mu looked at the policeman in front of him and said with interest:"What's the matter, Officer Zhongmori, you are disturbing me. I had a good dream. He must be trying to catch me now."

That's right, the two policemen in front of you are Police Chamu and Officer Zhongmori.

"Damn it, don't be complacent, I will definitely catch Kaitou Kidd. When the time comes, whether you are his assistant or not, the truth will be revealed."

Officer Zhongsen gritted his teeth and looked at Li Mu, with angry flames in his eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Li, don't worry about it. How could you be an accomplice of Kaitou Kidd? It's impossible to even think about it."

Detective Chamu saw the strange atmosphere between the two people and hurriedly came out to talk to Xini.

He knew Li Mu's identity. How could such a rich man become Kaitou Kid's assistant?

······Asking for flowers·······

Can Kaitou Kidd be paid a salary? snort.

Officer Zhongmori snorted coldly and found a place to sit down.

Li Mu didn't say anything, and sat on the sofa talking to Xiaolan Yuanzi.

Next to them, Kogoro Mouri, Officer Nakamori and others were also talking about Kaitou Kidd.

After sitting for a while, Li Mu said:"By the way, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let's go out for a walk. It's rare to come to Osaka, so we have to see the scenery here.""

"OK, let's go."

Yuanzi waved his hand, took Xiaolan's hand and ran away.

"Hattori, let's go."

Conan's eyes flashed when he saw Li Mu and Sonoko leaving, and he quickly pulled Hattori Heiji and left together.


After leaving the Suzuki Art Museum, Sonoko said excitedly:"It's great. You can see Kaitou Kidd at three o'clock tomorrow morning. Then I want to see what kind of person Kaitou Kidd is.


Next to him, Conan and Hattori Heiji glanced at Sonoko, feeling contempt in their hearts.

If Kaitou Kidd had been caught so easily, the police would have caught Kaitou Kidd long ago.

"Sonoko, the time of Kaito Kidd’s premonition was not three o’clock in the morning, and the destination was not the castle tower, but some other time and place."

Li Mu suddenly said, with a light shining in his eyes.

Conan and Hattori Heiji's eyes flashed and they looked at Li Mu with shocked expressions.

Compared with the reasoning of Officer Nakamori and Mouri Kogoro, they believed in Li Mu more.

After all, , the other two are not on the same level as Li Mu at all.

"Really? Li Mu, do you know the time? Can you tell me? Yuanzi suddenly became excited and asked jumping up and down.

"Well, I can tell you, but you can't tell anyone else."

Li Mu leaned next to Yuanzi and whispered something.

Conan and the other two pricked up their ears and eavesdropped.

However, Li Mu's voice was very low, and neither of them heard Li Mu's voice.

Yuanzi became happy after hearing this. He said proudly:"Great, I must catch Kidd and shock others."

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins with!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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