"that feeling...Um..."Xiaolan touched her lips, blushed and said:"I can't describe that feeling, but my heart is beating"

"Really, I don’t know how to feel like this, I’m really looking forward to it."

Kazuye had a look of longing on his face, and his mind was full of scenes of Li Mu and Xiaolan kissing, with a hint of blush on his face.

On the other side, after Li Mu and Hattori Heiji waited for a long time, the police finally arrived.

As soon as Officer Megure came over, he started working directly.

Not long after, Officer Takagi held a notebook and said:"Officer Megure, the deceased's name is Puta Kyohei. He is currently a doctor, and everyone here is his companion."

"Really? Is the cause of death of the deceased known now?"Officer Memu asked.

"The cause of death was potassium cyanate poisoning."

Hattori Heiji walked out, thinking while talking.

"Is it you? Officer Mu Mu looked surprised when he saw Li Mu and the others.

But after a moment, Officer Mu Mu quickly looked at Li Mu and said,"Mr. Li, what's going on? Do you know the murderer now?""

"Hey, Officer Megure, why are you asking him instead of the two of us?"

"Yes, we are both very powerful and famous detectives. Why are you ignoring us?"

Mouri Kogoro and Hattori Heiji said dissatisfied at the same time.

"It's very simple. His time to solve the case is shorter than yours and his observation is more careful than yours. Of course I asked him."

Officer Memu said matter-of-factly.

For people like Li Mu, he always felt that Li Mu was more pleasing to his eyes than Mouri Kogoro and the others.

Not only because Li Mu was excellent, but also because Li Mu usually took good care of him.


Mouri Kogoro and the two stared at Officer Megure dissatisfied, feeling helpless.

Although they didn't want to admit it, Li Mu was indeed better than them. No matter which time they were, they were a little slower than Li Mu.

Li Mu did not speak, but touched it Chin began to think.

Although he remembered many murderers, it did not mean that he remembered all the murderers, and he did not remember the murderer in this episode.

After a while, Li Mucai said:"Officer Mumu, I have asked them Passed, we understand the specific process, you ask them to take people to their car to take a look"

"Oh, okay, Officer Takagi, it’s up to you."

Officer Mu Mu was a little confused, but he still followed Li Mu's instructions.

Li Mu walked to the window and looked outside.

It was raining heavily outside, falling down, and the sky became gloomy.

That's it. Li Mu watched for a moment.

On the side, Officer Mu Mu came over, and Li Mu asked curiously:"How are you, Mr. Li. Do you know who the murderer is?"

"Officer Megure, the one without a hat is the murderer. The poison was in her hat. You will know after you investigate."

Li Mu doesn't have time to talk about so many reasoning processes.

You let him know the answers and evidence. He listens to the voices of all things, but he doesn't have the ability to know so many processes.

"Great, Mr. Li, you are really amazing. I will check her out right now."

Although I don't understand why Li Mu said this, as long as we know the evidence and the murderer, it will be fine."

"So awesome. This guy is really awesome. It looks like I lost again this time."

Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu's figure and murmured to himself.

He thought he was very strong, but compared with Li Mu, he was still a little behind.

Li Mu ignored the two of them and walked to Xiaolan and Heye. around

"Xiaolan, Heye, I've solved it, why don't we go backstage and take a rest?"

"solved? Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, then blushed and said,"Brother Li, you are really amazing. You actually solved this case in one go.""

"Yes, Brother Li, you are really amazing, much more powerful than Hattori Heiji."

He Ye also looked at Li Mu with admiring eyes, his little eyes shining brightly.

"What? Am I worse than him?"

Hattori Heiji's face darkened after hearing what the two said, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Li Mu.

"Okay, I'm not particularly good, why don't we go take a rest?"


Xiao Lan and He Ye nodded together, and then left with Li Mu.

······Asking for flowers·······

"No, we can't go on like this. We must inform Kudo and we can't let Xiaolan and the others be snatched away by this person."

Wait, why am I talking about them!

Hattori Heiji thought for a moment, then hurriedly ran to the side and started searching quickly.

As for the murderer, Li Mu had already told him about it, so naturally he would not stay anymore.

Looking for it After a long time, Hattori Heiji finally found Conan in the toilet.

"Hey, Kudo, what's going on with you? Didn't you say you were here to play the prince? How come you became someone else?"

In the toilet, Conan covered his stomach, his face was pale, his legs were trembling, and his body was almost unsteady.


"There was nothing I could do. This medicine didn't work. Instead, I had diarrhea for so long that I almost collapsed."

Speaking of this, Conan felt a little annoyed in his heart.

Originally, today it was his turn to play with Xiaolan and then kiss. Thinking about it, this life is still a bit beautiful.

But today, not only was he not with Xiaolan, but he was with the toilet. Staying together gave him a headache

"Alas, you are unlucky, but let me tell you, Xiaolan and Li Mu were acting just now."

Hattori Heiji shook his head and looked at the toilet with pity.

Although he couldn't see Conan, he could imagine Conan's livid face.


Conan stood up instantly, and then...Then there was a lot of stench on his pants, and his stomach turned again

"Damn it, this guy actually stole my Xiaolan."

Conan complained, but he had no choice but to continue squatting down and looking at his dirty pants.

"Hattori, please give me one thing. Get me some pants and medicine. I'm about to die."


Hattori Heiji was startled, and then he said with a smile:"You asked me for pants. Could it be that you pulled on your own pants, so you want me to bring you a pair of pants?"

"Shut up and get to me quickly."

Conan blushed and shouted angrily.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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