In an opera square at Didan High School.


"Xiaolan, it’s true, I told you a long time ago that you must be affectionate. You didn’t understand that you just have to be affectionate."

Outside the stage, Yuanzi held a microphone and shouted loudly.

It must be said that Yuanzi was almost like the director at the moment, and the director's momentum was also full.

"Yuanzi, although you said so, I still can't help it. After all, this is the first time."

Xiao Lan looked at Li Mu in front of her, holding the corners of her clothes with both hands, blushing and looking shy.

"Oh, Xiaolan, I believe in you, you can definitely do it, and I am lending you my boyfriend, so you have to be more serious."

Yuanzi came over and knocked on Xiaolan's shoulder, looking like you've earned it.

Xiaolan was also a little shy and didn't know how to answer. She just looked at Li Mu secretly.

"Forget it, this is the only way, Li Mu, when the time comes, I believe she can accept it."

"Well, that's it."

Li Mu nodded, and then directly took the initiative.

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu approaching, her heart trembled, and she slowly closed her eyes, her heart pounding.

Gradually, Li Mu approached Xiaolan.

At one o'clock , One drop at a time passed, and Xiaolan gradually entered the feeling.


"Okay, Xiaolan, you succeeded. I believe in you. You will definitely succeed."

"I...I see."

Xiaolan nodded subconsciously. The scene just now was all in her mind, her face became extremely red, and white steam came out of her head.

Today, a week later,

Li Mu and Xiaolan hugged each other, and then covered their heads. He held Xiaolan’s head and kissed Xiaolan

"Xiaolan, come on, come on, believe in yourself."

Below, Mouri Kogoro looked at Li Mu and Xiaolan. Not only was he not angry, but he shouted excitedly.

Next to him, a girl covered her face and whispered:"It's so embarrassing, it's so embarrassing, If I had known earlier, I would have sat elsewhere."


A shout suddenly came, waking up countless people in an instant, and Li Mu quickly put down Xiaolan.

"It’s really disappointing, I’m not over yet."

Xiaolan’s face turned red again as she listened to Li Mu’s muttering to herself. She lowered her head shyly and looked at Li Mu in embarrassment.

"Xiaolan, I'll go over and take a look. Just wait here."

Li Mu let go of Xiaolan and walked towards the people on the table.

On the other side, Mouri Kogoro and Hattori Heiji also went to the victim's side.

After Li Mu came over, he looked at the deceased carefully and then said:" This should be potassium cyanate poisoning, and the deceased should have been killed"

"Yes, Kudo, I think so too."

Hattori Heiji nodded subconsciously, touched his chin, and looked in agreement.

"What? Kudo? Li Mu pointed at himself, then took off the black helmet and said with a smile:"I am not Kudo. My name is Li Mu. You should know me, right?""

"What? Not Kudo?"

Hattori Heiji shouted in surprise, then pointed at Li Mu and Xiaolan, and said in surprise:"This...How is this possible, then...Then why are you talking to Xiaolan?...that...that..."

"Oh, it’s just filming, and Xiaolan agreed. Are there any questions?"Li Mu said calmly

"But...But..."Hattori Heiji kept waving his hands, unable to finish his sentence.

"But why didn’t that Kudo guy come?"

On the other hand, Kazuha answered for Hattori Heiji.

"That's right, that's it. Didn't that guy Kudo say he came here? Why didn't you come?" Hattori Heiji shouted in surprise

"Shinichi, how do I know that guy Shinichi? He said he would come, but he didn't come."

Xiaolan, who had just walked over, said dissatisfiedly, and her inner affection for Xinyi dropped again. He dumped her last time, and let her go again this time. It was clear that he didn't take her seriously.

"It’s over, Kudo is done."

Hattori Heiji secretly said bad, and he could also see the dissatisfaction in Xiaolan's heart.

If this continues, Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi will definitely separate.

".Okay, stop talking and wait here for Officer Megure and the others to arrive."

Mouri Kogoro interrupted several people, and then looked at the deceased.

Hattori Heiji also reacted and continued to look at the deceased, hoping to find the reason for the death of the deceased.

"Hey, Xiaolan, how are you? How were you just now?"

He Ye came to Xiaolan's side carefully and patted Xiaolan gently.

"Ah, how about what? what are you saying?"

Xiao Lan looked at He Ye blankly and asked in confusion.

"Don't be pretentious. I'm asking you how it feels to kiss. You didn't kiss Brother Li just now. How did it feel?"

He Ye pushed Xiaolan with her elbow and asked with interest, her eyes looking at Li Mu from time to time.

For some reason, she actually felt a little more jealous of Xiaolan just now. Zhao) meaning


When Xiao Lan was asked this question by He Ye, she couldn't help but exclaimed, her face immediately turned red, and she quickly pulled He Ye away.

"He Ye, why do you ask this?"

"Xiaolan, tell me, can you tell me, I really want to know."

Xiao Lan hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but glance at Li Mu's back.

"Heye, let me tell you, but you can’t tell it to anyone, definitely not to Juju."

"Don't worry, Xiaolan, I won't tell anyone."

He Ye patted her somewhat fierce mouth, and then looked at Xiaolan with two eyes, and she was very curious in her heart.

She had only seen that kind of scene on TV, and she didn't know what it felt like.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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