After leaving Qingshui Reiko's home, Li Mu made a special call to many newspapers.

Countless reporters rushed into the police station like sharks smelling blood.

Many of these reporters are collaborators of Kudo Yusaku, but they still decided to publish this breaking news.

After making the call, Li Mu squeezed the old-fashioned phone hard and completely destroyed it.

On the other side, Yukiko looked at the divorce agreement in her hand and stayed there in confusion for who knows how long.

When Yukiko woke up again, she put on her clothes and walked outside the hotel.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Yukiko came to a high bridge, and then leaned against the bridge, not knowing what to say.

People around also noticed Yukiko's abnormality, but no one talked to Yukiko.

In the distance, Li Mu saw that something was wrong with Yukiko. He walked slowly on the bridge and gradually approached Yukiko.

Just when Li Mu was about to approach Yukiko, Yukiko somehow managed to support the bridge with both hands and jumped off the bridge dozens of meters high.

Yukiko's actions immediately startled Li Mu, as well as many other people on the bridge.

"Come on, someone jumped into the river, did anyone save her?"

"Quick, call the police and emergency services."

Although many people reacted, no one dared to jump.

After all, not everyone can survive well after jumping from the sea dozens of meters high, let alone find someone.

Li Mu Seeing Yukiko jumping into the river, she quickly reacted and jumped suddenly from the river.

"No, someone jumped down again. Everyone, take a look."

Many people gathered around and looked at Li Mu nervously.

Below, Li Mu jumped into the water and quickly swam in the direction of Yukiko without hesitation.

It didn't take long for Li Mu to find Yukiko and hug her. She quickly swam out of the water.

After emerging from the water, Li Mu placed Yukiko on the shore.

Soon, the ambulance rushed over, and Li Mu followed Yukiko as a companion to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, Li Mu waited patiently.

I don’t know how long it took. After the first aid was successful, Li Mu sat next to Yukiko and waited patiently.


Time passed bit by bit, and some people woke up and saw a female nurse beside them.

"this...Where is this place? Why am I here?"

Yukiko, who had just woken up, was still very confused. She didn't know where this place was.

"You wake up. This is a hospital. Yesterday you jumped into the river. Thanks to this gentleman, he saved you personally."

"I jumped into the river?"Yukiko also thought in her mind that she was hit too hard yesterday, so she jumped into the river.

She didn't know what happened next, but she could tell that a man jumped into the river to save her.

Yukiko subconsciously turned her head and saw She turned to Li Mu, who was resting next to her.

The nurse also noticed Yukiko's gaze and smiled:"This guy saved you yesterday. In order to save you, he jumped off the bridge. You have to thank him properly." people"

"I...I see."Yukiko nodded, then lowered his head without saying a word.

When the nurse saw that Yukiko didn't speak, she didn't continue. She packed her things and left.

A few minutes later, Li Mu, who had already woken up, also pretended to wake up. Wiping her sleepy eyes.

After Li Mu woke up, Yukiko also noticed Li Mu and turned to look at Li Mu.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to know Li Mu.

"You're awake, are you okay?"

Li Mu asked with concern, then stretched out his hand to pull up the quilt for Yukiko.


Yukiko thanked you hoarsely, and then didn't say a word. She just lowered her head and didn't know what to think.

Seeing this, Li Mu had to take the initiative and said:"Miss, although I don't know why you committed suicide by jumping into the river, but this The world is still so wonderful, there is no need to do such a thing.

If you are here for money and are forced to do anything, I can lend you some. If it is for love, I just want to say that four-legged toads are hard to find, but there are many outstanding men with two legs."

Speaking of this, Yukiko also thought of the tragic experience a few days ago, and couldn't help crying in pain. Seeing this,

Li Mu couldn't help but sit next to Yukiko, and stretched out his arms to hug Yukiko who was crying loudly.

Li Mu He didn't say a word and let her cry.

Crying for a long time is not good for the body. It is suppressed for too long, but it is easy to get mental diseases. It is better to let Yukiko relax.

Minutes and seconds passed, Yukiko's crying also became fainter.

Li Mu slowly opened Yukiko, took out 097 a tissue and handed it to Yukiko

"Take it and rub it well, you are not beautiful at all now."

"Thanks. Yukiko thanked her, took the tissue and wiped it.

After wiping it, Yukiko said softly:"Please go out for a while and let me have a good rest.""


Li Mu didn't refuse. He raised his feet and walked to the door.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and said:"This world has not only love, but also friendship and family affection. You should think about it, you still have some important things. people, they need you more."

Yukiko's body trembled slightly, and she thought of Kudo Yusaku, and then thought of other people.

At the same time, Kudo Shinichi's figure appeared in her mind from time to time, and she suddenly felt a sense of courage in her heart.

"Thank you, I know what to do, I won't commit suicide, don't worry."

The corner of Li Mu's lips raised, and he heard Yukiko's heart, turned around and left.

Now Yukiko has let go of Kudo Yusaku.

It won't be long before Yukiko will fall in love with him. ps The Invincible Holy Grail of the Concubine of the Great Voyage The war begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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