In the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Megure sat in a seat with a serious face, looked at Kudo Yusaku opposite, and fell silent.

I don’t know how long it took, but Officer Megure suddenly became anxious when he saw Kudo Yusaku didn’t speak.

"Brother Kudo, please speak quickly, why are you doing this?"

Kudo Yusaku's face was also very ugly.

As soon as he woke up, he found himself in the police station and told him what he had done.

But even though he had a headache, Kudo Yusaku quickly explained:" Officer Megure, you have to believe me, this was not done by me at all. I was kidnapped and I did not do such a thing."


Officer Megure slammed the table hard and shouted angrily:"Kudo Yusaku, you actually said such a thing. You broke into someone else's house and did that kind of thing. You also said You are innocent, I think you should calm down."

After saying that, Officer Memu turned aroundThen left.

After leaving the interrogation room, Mouri Kogoro and others came over quickly.

"How about it, Officer Megure, is he okay?"

"Yes, how could Shinichi's father do such a thing? Are you mistaken?"

"Yes, yes, my dad...How could a distant relative of my dad's cousin's cousin do such a thing."

Conan also shouted anxiously.

He could never imagine that his family had just been kidnapped. When he was collecting information, he actually heard the news from the police.

Kudo Yusaku was suspected of illegally breaking into others room, and was arrested.

Officer Megure also sighed, shook his head and said:"I don't believe Brother Kudo would do such a thing, but the fingerprints at the scene and the injuries on the victim are all his. No matter how you look at it, it was him who did it"

"That...What about medicine? Could someone have given him some medicine? Conan asked quickly.

Officer Megure shook his head again and said,"I'm afraid that's not true. We've asked a doctor to examine it. But no matter how you look at it, it's all his fault, and the victim has already accused Brother Kudo.""

"What? How can this be."Mao Lilan said with some uncertainty.

He couldn't believe that Kudo Shinichi's father actually did such a thing.

Conan on the side became even more anxious, thinking quickly in his mind, thinking about how to help him. Father solves the problem

"Okay, brother Maori, I still have something to do, so let’s leave here first, but let me tell you, this time both people and the stolen goods were stolen, and there are many witnesses, so don’t waste your time."

After saying that, Officer Memu turned around and left.

"Damn it, dad, Shinichi's dad can't do this, let's go and take a look."Mao Lilan asked anxiously

"Okay, let's go see the victim and the two people in the courier company."

Mauri Kogoro shook his head and left.

Conan also followed anxiously behind Maori Kogoro.

Secretly, Li Mu, who was following a few people, didn't say a word, but just laughed in his heart.

What he did, why? There may be some evidence left, and Kudo Yusaku will definitely go to jail this time, or rather...Escaped from prison.

After a while, Mouri Kogoro came to Shimizu Reiko's house.

Just entering Shimizu Reiko's room, Mao Lilan asked anxiously:"Hello, I am a friend of Kudo Yusaku's son. I think it is impossible for him to do such a thing. Can you..."

When Qingshui Reiko heard what the two said, she immediately thought of Li Mu's words, immediately covered her eyes and cried softly.

"Hmm hmm...I'm already in a terrible state, but you don't believe me, wuwuwu...get out of here, get out of here"

"right...Sorry, we're leaving now."

Mouri Kogoro's expression changed, and he quickly pulled Mao Lilan out of Shimizu Reiko's room.

After leaving the room, Maori Kogoro complained:"Xiaolan, how can you say that? She just suffered such a big blow. Things, aren't you hurting her by saying this? You are also a woman. Can you understand such pain?"

······Asking for flowers·······

"right...sorry."Mao Lilan lowered her head and apologized.

She was just anxious just now. Now that she thinks about it, she obviously suffered a lot of trauma when she saw Reiko Shimizu.

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan felt a little more confident in her heart. Responsibility.

Conan next to him also began to think, touched his chin, and fell into deep thought.

Judging from the situation of Shimizu Reiko just now, it does not seem like a lie. The only thing that needs to be proved is whether this is Yu Kudo. Later

, Li Mu looked at Xiaolan and others and suddenly said:"Xiaolan, how about this? Let's go to other places separately. You have to be careful."


After saying that, Li Mu turned around and left.

"Oh, well, please come here to see me off, and we can go back by ourselves."

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand, then touched his chin and started thinking.

Li Mu didn't care, secretly changed his role, and then returned to Shimizu Reiko's room.

After arriving at Shimizu Reiko's house, Li Mu sat down directly He stood next to Shimizu Reiko and handed her her IOU.

"Now, this is your IOU. I have already repaid the money for you in the name of Kudo Yusaku. When the time comes, you will say that an unknown person asked you to withdraw the lawsuit, but you refused.

As for the 10 million yen, I have already prepared it and will keep it at your home. However, you should not use it during this period, otherwise it will not be good if Kudo Yusaku gets caught."

After that, Li Mu walked to the side, took out a hidden camera, and took out the film inside.

"Keep doing it well, or I will definitely kill you to silence you. Don’t seek death."

"Yes Yes Yes."Shimizu Reiko said nervously.

In order to save a hand, she deliberately pretended to do this, but who knew that Li Mu would find out all of a sudden.

This made her even more afraid of Li Mu, and she lost her courage to resist Li Mu. Before

Li Mu left , Before, I specially glared at Reiko Shimizu. ps The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Great Voyage Begins with!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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