Pain, heart-wrenching pain.

Rahu stepped on the stairs, his pale bone hands grabbed his legs, arms, waist, and neck, and he instantly had the illusion that he would be torn into pieces by these bone hands, but his strong endurance still made him stand still and remain motionless.

When Luo Hu thought that these bone hands were going to do something further, a sharp pain from the depths of his soul from the inside out instantly permeated his whole body, his eyes suddenly rolled white, and his mind was blank, as if he saw his own violent and bloody limbs, blood and flesh scattered in the air.

In ancient times, this kind of criminal law was called "car splitting", or "five horses splitting the corpse", in reality, Rahu's limbs were not torn off by the bone hand, but he really felt the pain of the car crack ~ in that moment of trance.

After a few breaths, the bone hand retracted like a low tide, let go of the sweaty pale Rahu on the stairs, and came back to the bottom of the tombstone, everything seemed to have happened, and only Rahu was left on the mountain road who was half-kneeling on the stairs and gasping heavily.

"It turns out... So..."Rahu struggled to support his body and stood up straight, his hands and legs were trembling now, the pain was really embarrassing, even if he looked inside his body again and again to confirm that there was no damage, he didn't doubt that he had really been torn apart and reorganized by the great power of this finger peak in the previous moment.

The pain lingered in the bone marrow, and Rao was as firm as Rahu, and it took him a while to completely ease his senses and cast his eyes on the endless mountain road ahead.

Is this the "mountain", suffering from God's punishment, suffering from suffering, not being able to enter, and passing eighty-one difficulties to receive the Buddha's scriptures. "

If you want to reach the top of the mountain, you will be tempered by hundreds of hardships without being destroyed, and only those who have a heart as tough as the heavens and the earth can get through.

Luo Hu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of determination, he took a breath, stepped down the stone steps in one step, jumped out of the hundred meters, and stepped on the second hundred steps!

Sure enough, when he stepped on the second hundred steps, the soil cracked in front of the tombstone on the side mountain road, and the pale and gloomy bone hand grabbed it again, and Luo Hu did not dodge or avoid it, and he stubbornly withstood all the bone hands!


It's just that Rahu's throat, which was grabbed by the bone hand in an instant, sent out a dry sound, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, his teeth were clenched, his face was flushed, and his muscles were blooming, which was a manifestation of extreme pain, but Rao was like this, and he didn't shout out half a word of pain!

Subjected to the second test of the mountain, Rahu endured the punishment of the sky lantern.

It is a very frenzied pain, not like a car cracking, but only a momentary pain, and the torture of the sky lantern is to stuff the victim into an oil drum, drill a small hole in the top of the head, pour oil into it, and insert a wick.

After the wick is lit, the inmate will only feel unbearable itching on the scalp at first, until the wick burns out more and more, and the burning sensation gradually rises, until finally the whole inmate becomes a fireball and is scorched from the inside out.

The Suffering of the Sky Lantern Rahu lasted a whole tea, and when the bone hand was withdrawn, he almost collapsed to the ground as if he had burned out. He raised his right hand and wanted to pick out the itchy part of the scalp that had been painful and hallucinating before, but the strong perseverance made him press his hand back, and he knew that if he really picked it off, he probably couldn't help it until he split his scalp and skull.

"Hell yes. Luo Hu looked up at the mountain road ahead, far ahead of him, who was the woman in white who stepped on the front?

What a monster in the truest sense of the word...

Rahu bit his lip, blood dripped down the stone steps, he regained his strength and continued to step forward, but this time, he did not break through the hundred steps in one breath and directly withstand the next test, but walked slowly like the white-clothed figure he had seen before.

If the step is too big, you will pull the egg.

Luo Hu remembered this not very funny joke, more than 100 steps came at hand, he stood in front of the 300th step and looked back at the bottom of the mountain, he had already moved forward about hundreds of meters, then he suddenly thought of one thing, if you go up the mountain and walk more than 100 steps will be tested, then what about going down the mountain?

If this is the case, Rahu couldn't help but shudder, this mountain is undoubtedly the eighteen-fold hell in the Buddhist scriptures, it is easy to enter, but the deeper you go, the more impossible it is to turn back.

How desperate would it be if a living creature broke into the middle of the mountain, suffered unspeakable pain and destroyed the Dao Heart, and couldn't help but turn back and turn back, only to find in horror that it was going to endure all the hardships it had come up again, how desperate would it be?

Probably can only be trapped on the mountainside for the rest of his life, unable to go up or down, and suffocated to death by the weight of suffering before and after. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Accept the mountain, receive the mountain, and a good one receive the mountain.

It's not too late to turn back.

Rahu looked at the bottom of the hill that could still be seen, and after a moment he turned his head to look ahead.

It was the first time he looked back, and definitely the last.

Luo Hu did not hesitate to step on the third stone step of the postgraduate entrance examination, his footsteps were unswerving, and his bones and hands came!

In the third test, Rahu felt that the sky had fallen.

In reality, he subconsciously raised his hands to the top of his head, trying to hold the falling "sky", but all this was in vain, he only felt that he was crushed little by little by an unstoppable weight from the top of his head, every bone burst into cracks, every piece of flesh and blood, every meridian was knotted and twisted into a spiral, and finally shattered into flesh foam in the juice burst!


In the trance of pain, Rahu thought that he had heard the roar of the sky and the earth colliding, and the illusion of his body being crushed and bursting into juice was also reflected in his mind, and he woke up with a shudder, and subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but he stopped abruptly.

If this step back, it means that if he wants to go further, he will have to go through the ordeal again.

"Go forward for me!" Rahu let out a low roar, pulling his right leg that was about to retreat forward and stepping on the upper stone steps.

After doing everything, he seemed to lose his strength, but he didn't sit down on his knees, gritted his teeth and continued to take steps.

It is true that being tested by the mountain is almost an inhuman experience, and any living creature will pass away after suffering any kind of suffering in reality, but the mountain can ensure that your body is not damaged, and you can experience all the suffering completely.

But the more terrible these painful ordeals, the more they aroused Rahu's pride, because he was not the pioneer of this mountain, and he was leading others in front of him!

This mountain, Taarahu will surely step on it today!

Without hesitation, Rahu took a step and stepped on the stairs with constant and tenacity.

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