Five days later,

Blue Arrow Group,

Academician Research Laboratory, which is a key enterprise in the domestic research and development of rockets and ballistic missiles, is also the winning bidder for the latest intercontinental ballistic missile.

After a week of meetings and endless debates,

Academician Sun Ke of the Strategic Missile Research Laboratory looked exhausted.


, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"teacher! teacher! It's me, I'm Li Dakui!"

A slightly panicked voice came from outside,

""Quickly forward."

Sun Ke didn't care about being exhausted and exhausted, and hurriedly let Li Dakui in.

"How is the implementation going? Sun Ke asked anxiously. The person who walked in from the door was his student and his best disciple, Li Dakui, who is studying for a Ph.D. in materials science and is also an associate researcher at the Special Materials Section of Heyang 403 Research Institute, a subsidiary of Blue Arrow Group.

Look. When Li Dakui came in in a hurry and with a panicked look on his face,

Sun Ke recalled the whole week of meetings and couldn't help but feel worried.

"How's it going?"Sun Ke asked with a frown.

He had asked this question 20 times this year, and he didn't have any hope.

Li Dakui's eyes flickered and he stammered.

Sun Ke's heart suddenly rose again. , although he doesn’t have any expectations, he always looks forward to the good things every time.

"Teacher, the results have been released by Tuhang Refractory Materials Laboratory. The composite materials we studied have been experimentally verified and have not passed the test!"

Although it was just a short sentence, it was as heavy as a stone.

It broke Sun Ke's heart and threw it to the ground. The research on the latest intercontinental ballistic missile of Blue Arrow Group has been completed, and the location of the base in the northwest has been determined.

Hongjian Construction Group has prepared architectural drawings and is ready to start excavation at any time.

At this juncture, everyone in the group is watching the results of their academician research room.

Now there is a sword without a sheath, although the sheath’s R&D personnel only account for the entire project 4% of the total, but the budget has reached nearly 20%.

Due to the military embargo and technological blockade imposed by foreign countries on the rabbit country, the research on the scabbard can only rely on domestic research institutes.

Now Academician Sun Ke’s intercontinental ballistic missile projectile The body research work has been completed, and the product has been finalized and produced.

The workshop is now fully equipped to produce heavy-duty Dongfeng H-type stealth high-speed intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Orders have been scheduled until next year.

If the materials in the launch silo are not up to standard, the base will not be able to start work.

This batch of missiles Can only be overstocked in the Blue Arrow Group warehouse


Sun Ke slammed his fist on the desk.

At this juncture, you come to report the materials to me, but you can't pass the test?"

"The arrows are already on the string"

"We are also preparing to present gifts to the public on National Memorial Day next year to showcase our latest research results."

"Are the chief engineer of your research institute and your fellow researchers just doing it for a living?"

Li Dakui was heartbroken and stood there tremblingly, his forehead covered with beads of sweat.

"The main reason for this failure is that the ceramic fiber strength and length of the cement are insufficient. Our chief engineer is still summarizing the reasons for the insufficient fiber strength. He is preparing to lead the R&D staff to work overtime for 2 months continuously, and plans to conduct a second test in 10 months.."

Before he finished speaking,

Sun Ke slammed his fist on the desk again and again.

"Year after year, two months into two months, this year is coming to an end again, when will your experiment end?"

"You work overtime, what kind of overtime do you do? Our intercontinental ballistic missile was developed at the end of last year"

"Wait, wait, I hope your silo material research is successful. Next time you say you have made progress, you are only one step away from success."

"What now?"

Sun Ke vented all his complaints and dissatisfaction this year. The superior authorities have held countless meetings with them.

They must mass-produce and equip the sword this year.

The scabbard has not been studied well.

How to install the sword?

Sun Ke's disappointment And anger burst out from every pore in the body, piercing Li Dakui's body like a sharp arrow.

Li Dakui stood there, so scared that he secretly wiped his tears. The 403 Research Institute in Heyang is a subordinate unit of Blue Arrow.

An old research institute that studies silo materials.

They were responsible for the research and development of silo materials for previous generations of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

They have the most authoritative research experts in the country, the most luxurious laboratories, and a double-academician team.

If they cannot make a breakthrough , , no research unit in China can produce it.

"Damn cement again."Sun Ke cursed.

Although Rabbit Country has long been the world's largest cement producer, the key processes of special cement are kept secret abroad and protected at all levels, lest Rabbit Country find any clues.

Yingjiang's latest launch Every time the well is maintained, maintenance personnel must go through multiple inspections to prevent them from taking cement samples out.

The manufacturer is directly affiliated with the military. It only produces once a year, with a production cycle of 1 month, and all remaining raw materials are destroyed.

It lasts for 20 years.

There has been no breakthrough in the launch silo special cement in China. The previous generation of launch silo materials was still in the honeymoon period of the relationship between Rabbit Country and Eagle Sauce. A batch of low-grade cement samples and a full set of production equipment were imported from Little White Hat. Domestic The Materials Department of five major research institutes took the lead in reverse research and development for 10 years, but the result was still a failure. In the end, not only was tens of millions of foreign exchange wasted, the military finally lost patience and disbanded the research team. The upper levels had to use trade means to exchange technology for technology. In exchange for the advanced tank hunter-destroyer systems at that time, a batch of production lines were imported from Xiong Guo and barely used. After all, there was a gap in quality. The annual maintenance cost of the launch silo was huge, and the service life was about 8 years, so the launch had to be redone when it expired. Wells, resulting in expensive maintenance costs for China's fixed intercontinental ballistic missiles. Poor strategic concealment, low design service life, insufficient strategic duty deterrence, and always lack of confidence to have a trident of nuclear weapons. The last domestic research project on independent launch silo special materials was cancelled. Since then, the upper management has lost confidence in the independent research and development of launch silo cement. They have laid off the R&D project team personnel and funds many times, and have been making do with imitation products from Mao Xiongguo. Looking back on the past, up to now, domestic research institutes specializing in special cement Only Heyang 401 is left. Special cement, a strategic material, is a scar in the hearts of domestic materials researchers. Every time superiors conduct surveys, they always regard it as a negative typical educational material, resulting in a lack of reserve talents and researchers’ confidence. Seriously lacking, Ma Lin, the chief engineer of Heyang 401 Research Institute, is still a flame left over from the past. Because he reverse engineered the production process of Mao Xiong, he has now grown into an academician. I beg for flowers to evaluate and collect.

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