Just when Luo Chen and the others were on their way to Huijianmen Pass, Dian Xiong received a letter from Chu Lushan, and after Dian Xiong got the letter, he handed it over to Luo Chen.

After Luo Chen opened the letter, he saw that the forward army of the Huns had retreated, and it seemed that the retreat was quite anxious, so he asked Luo Chen, what happened to the grassland!

After Luo Chen read the letter, he handed it to Dianxiong.

said to Dian Xiongyu: "General Dian, tell General Chu what happened to us, let him rest assured, and let him be mentally prepared!"

The male animal nodded, and wrote down their encounters and experiences, and after writing, he tied it to the leg of the Hai Dongqing, and with a wave of his hand, Hai Dongqing disappeared from view again.

After three days, Luo Chen and the others finally returned to Jianmen Pass.

However, Luo Chen and the other 5,000 cavalry did not enter the customs during the day, but at night.

Because he entered the customs during the day, he was easy to be discovered by the spies left by the Huns, so Luo Chen chose to enter the customs at night.

After entering the customs, Luo Chen let more than 5,000 iron horsemen return to the camp. Luo Chen took Dianxiong Animal to the General's Mansion, and after Luo Chen and Dianxiong Animal arrived at the General's Mansion, Chu Lushan, Zhan Wushuang, Mei Wearing Underwear Muye and others had been waiting in the General's Mansion for a long time.

Luo Chen said when he saw Chu Lushan: "General Chu, on this trip to the grassland, I took away the general's 10,000 Liangzhou iron horses, but only half of them returned, so I really have no shame to face General Chu!"

Chu Lushan said to Luo Chen: "General Luo, I already know what happened, and you don't have to feel guilty." Marching and fighting, where there will be immortals. Besides, no one would have thought that there would be such a big change in this trip, and the king of the Huns actually sent a royal court guard, which is a top warrior on the grassland, and you have wiped out nearly 30,000 royal court guards with more than 10,000 people, which is a great victory! Moreover, you have also let the vanguard army of the Huns withdraw from Jianmen Pass, which is a great achievement! I have already played this matter to the imperial court, and I believe that it will not be long before General Luo will be rewarded by His Majesty!".

Luo Chen smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter if I want a reward or not, the main thing is the soldiers who go out with me, they must be rewarded." Especially for the soldiers who died in battle on the grassland, their families must be duly rewarded. "

Chu Lushan replied: "Yes, they sacrificed for the court and the country, and they will definitely get the rewards they deserve!"

Luo Chen said again: "Then I'll be relieved!"

Chu Lushan said again: "General Luo, Lao Dian, hurry up and sit down together." Tonight we will celebrate the triumphant return of the two of you, and tomorrow we will go to the barracks for a celebration banquet, and then we will celebrate with all the soldiers and soldiers!"

After Chu Lushan said that, everyone sat down together.

At first, the crowd just talked about some of the fighting on the steppe. Including, and analyzed the Xiongnu royal court at that time.

Especially the Xiongnu royal court, the Xiongnu's royal court guards had a total of 50,000 brave cavalry, but this time Luo Chen and Dianxiong directly annihilated nearly 30,000 royal court guards, I believe that the prestige of the Xiongnu king in the grassland this time will definitely be greatly reduced.

It was the Xiongnu king Uyin Batu who gave the order to attack the Celestial Empire, and Uyin Batu has always longed for the peace and contentment of the people of the Celestial Empire, so this time he gave the order to attack the Celestial Empire. It's just that I didn't expect that Luo Chen, who suddenly appeared on the grassland, gave me such a big surprise. After Luo Chen's toss, the ministers of the Xiongnu royal court and the leaders of various tribes forced Uyin Batu to withdraw his troops immediately. Therefore, the Xiongnu king Wuyin Batu also had to think about it seriously, otherwise he was really afraid that the leaders of this group of tribes would directly overthrow him, the Xiongnu king.

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