Just after Dianxiong and Makino left, Zhan Wushuang and Mei arrived in underwear.

Mei wore underwear and looked at the many Hun corpses at the scene in surprise, and said, "Big brother, how many people have you killed?"

Zhan Wushuang also said: "After hearing the news, the two of us led the White Feather Light Cavalry to rush back immediately, but we were still a step slower!".

Luo Chen said to the two: "Wushuang, Mei Wear, give you two an important task!"

Without waiting for Luo Chen to finish speaking, Mei interjected in her underwear: "Big brother, tell me quickly, what important task is it?"

Luo Chen said solemnly: "You two, lead these two thousand white feather light horsemen to follow General Makino, General Makino is transporting the grain and grass materials we have captured to Jianmen Pass, and you two are secretly protecting them in the rear in case of accidents." When you get to the Sword Gate, you don't have to come again, just wait there for me to go back!"

Mei put on her underwear and said bitterly: "Big brother, this is the task, can I stay with you? I don't want to go back yet!".

Zhan Wushuang said, "Okay, let's go right now!"

After saying that, Zhan Wushuang pulled Mei and left in her underwear.

After the two of them walked away, Mei put on her underwear and said to Zhan Wushuang: "Wushuang, what are you pulling me for?

Zhan Wushuang replied to Mei wearing underwear: "Mei wear, there are so many materials, how can the eldest brother rest assured, the development of our territory in the future will need these materials!".

Mei reacted when she wore her underwear, and said to Zhan Wushuang: "I see!

Zhan Wushuang said again: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the eldest brother is afraid that he will not be able to take care of us." After all, the two of us, any of us here, will distract the eldest brother!".

Mei suddenly realized when she wore her underwear, stopped saying anything, and followed Zhan Wushuang.

On Luo Chen's side, it has been discovered that there are two groups of guards of the Xiongnu royal court who are chasing the male animals, and the rest of the royal court guards are coming one after another.

There is no way, for the development of the territory, Luo Chen can only do this, the big deal can only be a death battle!

Just thinking about it, the male animal in front of him suddenly stopped running.

Luo Chen found that it was not that the male animals did not run, but that there was nowhere to run, and they were chased by the royal court guards of the Xiongnu into a death valley with no road ahead.

More than 20,000 Xiongnu royal court guards launched an attack on Dianxiong animals.

The male beast did not hurry and let the white feather light horse prepare the crossbow arrow and fire.

After two rounds of crossbow arrows, there was no chance, because the royal court guards of the Huns had already been killed in front of them, and they could only start hand-to-hand combat.

Dianxiong took three thousand white feather light horsemen to fight hand-to-hand, and Luo Chen also followed closely behind with 10,000 heavily armored cavalry from the rear and joined the battle together.

Luo Chen shouted loudly while charging forward: "Brothers, we can only fight hard in this battle, for the sake of the homes behind us and our families from being devastated, we will kill these thieves with me~".

The 10,000 heavily armed iron horsemen behind him also shouted loudly in unison: "Kill~kill~kill~".

The Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, the Huangzhou Iron Cavalry and the royal court guards of the Huns, a total of nearly 40,000 people, all fought together.

This battle was fought in the dark, from day to night.

In the end, the Xiongnu's royal court guards, Umuge, only took about 3,000 royal court guards.

Luo Chen and the others also won a miserable victory, more than 13,000 people, and only 5,000 survived in the end.

Luo Chen smiled miserably and said to Dian Xiongyu, "How is General Dian?

Dian Xiong replied to Luo Chen: "General Luo, the last general is okay!

Luo Chen replied: "It's okay, it's a little injured, it's not enough to worry about it!"

The male animal nodded, and then ordered: "Clean up the battlefield immediately and retreat as soon as possible!"

After the male animal finished giving the order, Luo Chen said: "I believe that after this battle, the Huns will stop attacking! After all, the royal court guards have suffered heavy losses, and the Huns are not a piece of iron buckets, and it is estimated that the Huns themselves will start a civil war! We can also go back." "

Dian Xiong nodded and responded: "Indeed, this time the Hun King Wuyin Batu has suffered!".

Luo Chen said to the remaining cavalry: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have won this battle. When I return to the Celestial Empire, I will ask Your Majesty for you one by one!"


rest of the soldiers were all excited, not only because they had merit, but also because they were alive!

At this time, Luo Chen said again: "Now go back to the customs with me, and after returning to the customs, I will celebrate your achievements with wine!"

The soldiers ...... cheered again

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