After Qingluan City was officially attached to Los Angeles, Luo Chen made changes to the personnel organization of Qingluan City.

Because there is no grain field in Qingluan City, the attack by the horse bandits may not be strong, Luo Chen asked Mu Qingluan to take people back to Qingluan City to do a little defense construction first, if it can't be held by then, and then transfer to Los Angeles.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

On January 25, the grain was ......

At dawn, the sky has just dawned, the walls are clear, and there is not a single player outside the city.

Hundreds of combat professional players, all of whom are ambushed in the city, are equipped with horse pits, triplines, horse rejection piles, etc., densely placed in the major defense areas in the city.

At this time, in the grain field area, Chang Baicao took all the NPC residents and began to collect grain, including the bloody militia No. 1, who was also ordered by Luo Chen to pick up farm tools and collect grain.

This day was very tense, and Canglan City was also actively preparing for the war, and they also specially sent two people to observe how Los Angeles responded to the enemy. Luo Chen didn't say anything, just let them follow him.

Mu Qingluan personally led a team of players, as well as more than 10 residents who had just been recruited, to come to Los Angeles to "help fight and harvest". Qingluan City only left a few hundred players to defend, and there was nothing anyway, so it didn't matter if it was destroyed.

The battle command center was set up in the grain field area, and everyone was waiting quietly.

Mei put on her underwear and said: "It's been dawning for a while, why hasn't there been any movement, is it that the horse bandits are not coming?"

Zhan Wushuang replied with a smile: "It's better not to come, when the food is all collected, they will come in vain." "

Everyone was talking in a low voice.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound of horses' hooves, stepping on the flying dust. Finally, at the most dazzling moment of the sun, it appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Horse bandits, here comes ......

Luo Chen secretly complained, looking at this situation, it was obviously more than the last time, about forty or fifty people.

In about three minutes, the horse bandits were already approaching.

Running at the front was the leader of the horse bandits, only to see him wave his hands, the horse bandits immediately divided into two teams on the left and right and began to loitering and shooting on both sides of the territory, as long as they saw a player on the wooden wall leaking their heads, they shot indiscriminately.

The bandits came together after two laps around the territory. Then, I saw that the leader of the horse bandits waved his hand again, and a group of horse bandits neatly showed their horse swords and slashed towards the wooden wall outside the city.

In three or two strokes, a gap was cut in a section of wooden wall of more than ten meters, and the prancing horse entered the city.

Seeing the arrival of the first wave of the horse bandits' attack, Zhan Wushuang was very calm, and immediately ordered: "Reject the horse stake, and intercept it in a frontal fan shape." "

The players immediately executed, and nearly 100 horse-resisting piles that had been prepared were moved by the players, forming three horse-resisting defense lines, completely blocking the way of the horse bandits.

Several horse bandits raised their knives and slashed at the horse stake. The players on both sides rushed up frantically and launched an offensive against the horse bandits......

Although the durability of the horse rejection pile is not high, but to destroy one, it will take at least four or five knives, and if the horse bandit wants to break through the three layers of moving horse rejection piles, it will take four or five minutes, and these times are enough for the hundreds of players next to them to surround them, and then slowly destroy them one by one.

The leader of the horse bandits who was fighting on the outside frowned and shouted: "The sabre team quickly withdraws, and the horse bow team is on." "


horse bandits who had fallen into the city immediately turned their horses around and ran, desperately escaping from the attacks of the players and escaping from the city.

The horse bandits' first tentative attack made Zhan Wushuang feel the pressure. Although it was only a few sets of horse rejection piles and a dozen people were reduced, the loss was not large. But the only trouble is that this group of horse bandits is actually conscious, and they will retreat when they see that the situation is not good, which is not easy to do.

I didn't have time to think about it, and the second wave of the horse bandits' offensive arrived.

He told everyone to drop their stakes and retreat at once, not to be exposed to the range of their bows and arrows. All players, drop the rejection stake and run backwards.

This time, the horse bandits also learned wisely, and instead of wasting time attacking the horse rejection pile, they directly jumped over the horse rejection pile and galloped towards the grain field area......

Suddenly, boom, boom, and a few times, half of the horse bandits planted a big heel and fell into the horse pit, and the horse bandits who followed immediately after them reined in the horses in panic, and were uneasy and uncertain in place.

Seeing the horse bandits fall into the trap, the players rushed forward one by one excitedly, running faster than rabbits, for fear that they would not be able to cut the horse bandits.

The traps were filled directly by the players. The horse bandits who were fighting outside the city were terrified......


leader of the horse bandits was a little annoyed, these guys were actually playing yin. Originally, he planned to preserve his strength and avoid being swallowed up by other horse bandits, but now it seems that it will not work without hard fighting. Otherwise, in this place of the Northern Wilderness, if you can't grab food, then the rest of your life will be difficult.

The leader of the horse bandits was ruthless and personally went out on horse, and the morale of the horse bandits was suddenly greatly boosted.

Jump over wooden walls, bypass horse rejection stakes, avoid traps, and kill the players.

This charge stunned the players, it was too fierce.


leader of the horse bandits, the horse chopping knife in the mobile phone almost slashed a player, and more than 20 war horses formed a whole, breaking through the players' defense line like a bamboo, and under such a fierce impact, he couldn't even stop a step.

The whole army of horse bandits pressed up, and the spirit of Zhan Wushuang was lifted, and it was finally here, and whether it could succeed or not depended on the last round.

There was one last fortification in the city that was not used, and that was the stake formation.

The sturdy stakes were densely nailed to the ground, exposing only a foot long on the ground. This formation has no effect on ordinary troops, but it has a surprising obstacle effect on the cavalry, and if the cavalry wants to pass, they must be planted, and it is impossible to destroy them, because they are too short, and if they dismount, the cavalry will be finished.

Unbeknownst to him, the horse bandit was leading his men to attack the grain fields like bamboos. Unexpectedly, the horses screamed in unison, and the horse bandits didn't have time to think about what was happening, so they slammed into the ground one after another.

The players swarmed up from behind and fought the bandits on the ground.

From great joy to great sorrow, the leader of the horse bandits was completely frightened, jumped up from the ground, hacked to death the player who approached him in a panic, and snatched a war horse from his subordinates.


leader of the horse bandits was embarrassed, desperately driving the war horse under his crotch, and when he heard the overwhelming cheers behind him, he didn't even dare to turn his head. I was very bitter in my heart, 'I can't do anything, Lao Tzu will run for his life first.'" L.A., wait and see, Lao Tzu will definitely come back......


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