Many people like to build their territory along the river, because the land near the river is more fertile, and the view is wide, and the transportation is very convenient.

As mentioned earlier, there are two more territories in the vicinity of the territory. One is upstream, called "Canglan City", and the lord Qi Canglan. One is downstream, it is called "Qingluan City", the lord Mu Qingluan. It's just that the speed of construction varies from province to province.

"Los Angeles" already has a lot of infrastructure facilities, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger. In the other two territories, there are not even a few infrastructures, and there are few players.

Therefore, after receiving that they were attacked and suffered heavy losses, Mu Jianxing immediately advocated taking measures to expand into their territory.

Luo Chen said suspiciously, "Wooden Sword, do you think we should take the opportunity to expand our power to their territory?"

Mu Jianxing said with a smile: "That's for sure, businessmen have always paid attention to timing. Usually we don't want to interfere with them, but now that they are in trouble, we, as neighbors, naturally want to extend a 'helping hand' to them!"

Luo Chen smiled secretly, this wooden sword shop is really a profiteer, and he actually wants to take advantage of the fire to rob. However, the most important thing is that he has long had a plan to expand his power around him.


The next day, Luo Chen and others were inspecting the deployment of the trap. A player came to report that the two lords of the territory next door brought a large group of people to ask for a meeting, and asked Brother Luo Chen to go to the interview in person. Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Mu Jianxing, both of whom laughed. I was thinking about how to get in touch with them without misunderstanding, but they took the initiative to send them to the door. In that case, it's much easier.

Luo Chen said: "Hurry up and be affectionate." "

When they came to the conference hall, the guests of honor took their seats and exchanged a few words of greeting.

After sitting down, Mu Jianxing, the old fox, had a lot of nonsense, but he didn't talk about the topic.

Qi Canglan is not stupid, no one will ask for help as soon as he comes up, that is a sign of weakness......

Mu Qingluan also knew it, but she couldn't help it, who made her the weakest, if she didn't get to the point, I'm afraid no one would say it, so she said: "Brother Luochen, Brother Qi, I don't know what you think about the wolves and horse bandits that suddenly appeared near the territory?"

Luo Chen looked at Qi Canglan and said, "Brother Qi, what do you think about this?"

Qi Canglan's eyes were full of bones and said: "In my opinion, this is just a trivial matter, and it is only a matter of time before they are eliminated." The three of us have the closest territories to each other, and the relationship has always been good, so it is better for us to join forces to deal with the horse bandits, so that all of us can minimize our losses. What do the Luo Chen brothers think?".

Luo Chen smiled and didn't speak. You Qi Canglan said "just a trivial matter", what you said is really light enough, if it is really a trivial matter, why should everyone get together.

Mu Jianxing answered, "Lord Qi is saying that you want to unite, so how should you unite?".

Qi Canglan saw that someone was interested in what he said, and immediately came to his senses, and said the plan that had been prepared a long time ago: "Yes, it is a union. This union is also relatively simple. 1. All the players in the three territories are united, as long as we work together, it will be easy to deal with horse bandits. 2. Combined materials, the three territories communicate with each other and support each other. Whoever is in danger, help immediately. I believe that as long as these two points are achieved, let alone the horse bandits, even if they dominate in this Northern Wilderness, it will not be difficult!".

Mu Qingluan was secretly happy in her heart, this method had spoken to her heart.

Luo Chen was depressed. According to what he said, wouldn't he have become a talent delivery center, an ATM, and the captain of a security bodyguard team!

Mu Jianxing glanced at Luo Chen, and Luo Chen shook his head at him.

Mu Jianxing pondered for a moment, and already had an excuse to excuse himself, and said, "Lord Qi's proposal is good, but it is more difficult to implement. Although there are many players in our territory, we have always adopted a policy of 'free to come and go', so they don't obey us. If you want to hire them to defend your territory, you have to pay a salary. The daily wage is as high as 10 copper coins, and although we have a little money, we can't afford it. I don't know if Lord Qi can pay it?".

Qi Canglan was stunned for a moment. The player still needs to be hired, paid, and paid for it, and he is directly ordered, where has the wages ever paid.

Mu Jianxing said again: "There are no more people." As for supplies, we are somewhat wealthy here, and our neighbors need help, so we should support them. "

The faces of Qi Canglan and Mu Qingluan were relaxed. Since you can't get people, it's not bad to be able to get financial assistance, it's better than nothing to gain.

Qi Canglan said: "Okay, okay, then what kind of assistance can you all provide?"

Mu Jianxing said: "It's just a little bit, I think our territory can still be squeezed out." "

The two of them nervously asked, "How much is this?"

Mu Jianxing said unhurriedly: "Then it depends on how much you need to borrow, and how much you are willing to repay after a month." "

Qi Canglan was suddenly extremely disappointed and said: "I still have to pay it back, ......."

When Leng Yue and the others on the side heard it, they almost burst out laughing. Damn, this guy still wants to eat white food......

Mu Qingluan also said helplessly: "I'm afraid I can't afford to pay it back, I'm not doing well there, it's already in tatters, if I encounter a little natural and man-made disaster next month, I'm afraid I will even have to lose my capital." "

On the other side, Qi Canglan asked Mu Jianxing about the interest on the loan, and the two discussed a few words, maybe Qi Canglan felt that it was not cost-effective, so he left with someone.

Although Mu Qingluan shook her head and denied it, she and her people stayed, she didn't care anymore, the situation in Qingluan City was already very bad, no matter how bad it was, it was nothing more than being demolished by horse bandits, it didn't matter.

Mu Qingluan said: "Brother Luochen, my brothers and I want to stay in your place for a few days, do you think it's okay?"

Luo Chen said: "Miss Qingluan, I want to discuss something with you, you see ......."

Mu Qingluan said: "Brother Luochen, please say ......."

Luo Chen said in a faint tone: "The two of us, what do you think of the conclusion of an offensive and defensive covenant, a trade covenant, and a mutual assistance covenant?"

Mu Qingluan and the friends behind her were stunned, this is a great thing!

Mu Qingluan was already overly surprised when she heard Luo Chen's personal proposal, and said: "This is good, this is good, Luo Chen's brother's proposal, my sister agrees very much." "

Subsequently, the crowd of onlookers dispersed, leaving only important people on both sides.

Luo Chen took the initiative to say: "I will assist you with all the resources you need to return Qingluan City to normal construction and operation." However, I want to borrow your population for a while. "

Mu Qingluan was stunned for a moment and said, "The residents in my city are all dead, and there is no one left. "

Luo Chen smiled and said, "No, I mean, I will provide food and use the resident population indicators of your territory to feed some residents. "

Mu Qingluan suddenly came to his senses at this time and said, "You mean, you want to borrow land to support the people?"

Luo Chen smiled and didn't speak. Because this is just one of his ideas, whether it can succeed depends on whether others agree with it or not.

At the negotiation table, everyone exclaimed, surprised, sighed, and excited.

Mei slapped the table in her underwear and jumped up and said: "Damn, big brother, you are simply a god! In this way, the residents of our territory do not have to be limited by the population of 100 at all, and they can break through 100 ......


Mu Jianxing couldn't help but secretly admire, what he originally wanted was to take advantage of it casually and expand his influence. didn't expect Luo Chen to come up with such a clever trick and directly break through the population limit. Although there is a lot of pressure in the early stage, the benefit harvest after a month is also a huge transformation.

Mu Qingluan did not refuse this time, and agreed with a mouthful. Because there are no more than 10 NPC residents under her hands, she can't use the population indicators of these residents at all, so it's better to give this adult favor to Luo Chen. Anyway, the two families are going to form an alliance, and the stronger Luo Chen is, the more beneficial it will be for them.

The chatter gradually stopped.

At this time, Luo Chen asked Zhan Wushuang to lead more than a hundred players, bring the residents and the required materials, and go straight to Qingluan City downstream.

Mu Qingluan thought of something at this time, and suddenly said: "Brother Luo Chen, although Qingluan City has been built, what if there are horse bandits attacking again? Aren't all these materials wasted? We, the players of Qingluan City, I'm afraid we can't withstand it!".

Luo Chen said: "Don't worry, this waste of materials will be wasted, it doesn't matter, as long as you can build residents' residences." Plus, I have a good proposition for everyone!".

Mu Qingluan said: "Brother Luochen, please say ......."

Luo Chen said again: "Borrow the field and farm." "

Everyone nodded, this is a good note. Since the population has been borrowed, why not borrow land?

Mu Qingluan said with a smile: "No problem, there is nothing else in Qingluan City, but there are many patches of land, you can plant as many as you want." "

Luo Chen shook his head and said, "No, I'm not talking about me borrowing your land, but you borrowing my land." "

Everyone was stunned again, why did it turn around this time?

Mu Qingluan was stunned and said, "Why?"

Luo Chen explained: "I'm worried that the safety of Qingluan City will not be guaranteed enough. It is suggested that your grain fields and residents be gathered on our side, and the arrangements will be unified and the safety will be guaranteed. Otherwise, the two places are scattered, and it will be difficult for us to gather enough armed forces to defend their security. "

Mu Jianxing's eyes lit up, he was smart, he flickered for most of the day, it turned out that he was waiting for someone here.

Mu Qingluan didn't speak in a hurry this time. After all, if you do what Luo Chen said, then it is almost incorporated. Even if she didn't care about the future of Qingluan City, she had to think of a way out for her brothers.

If the previous agreements were cooperation agreements between alliance allies, then now Luo Chen's proposal is to merge Qingluan City into one, with Los Angeles as the head and Qingluan as the tail.

Mu Qingluan whispered, and the few people who came with her discussed. After listening to the opinions of several people, I also secretly made up my mind. It's too tiring for a girl to be the leader, so it's better to simply take refuge in a boss, how comfortable it is to lie down by yourself.

Afterwards, Mu Qingluan said to Luo Chen: "Okay, since Brother Luo Chen can afford us, then we won't say anything, if we have any orders in the future, just say it directly, nothing is not okay." "

Luo Chen was overjoyed and said, "Okay." In that case, let's dry this bowl of wine. In the future, we will conquer the Northern Wilderness together and dominate the world ...... together".

On this day, everyone drank a lot of wine. Because of the joy, everyone is so excited.

It was also on this day that few people remembered, the alliance between Los Angeles and Qingluan City seemed to be quietly changing the pattern of player forces in the Northern Wilderness ......

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