The division of the player's class is extremely complex. It is mainly divided into three types: combat type (infantry, bow, cavalry, and strategy), technical type (craftsman), and business type (merchant). These are all general types of professions, and there are a small number of special professions.

Once the player reaches level 10, they can choose the first class as their main class.

Because the main class is very important, there is not much room for choice, and this game will compete with all kinds of heroes to dominate the world in the later stage, so Luo Chen requires the four elders in the territory to all choose the most important warrior class.

"Los Angeles" is located in the desolate land of the north, although the geographical location is poor, but it is rich in horses, and when it competes for the world in the future, it is all cavalry. The cavalry has the advantage of long-range mobility, and it will definitely be able to be generous and glorious in the later battles!

Mei said ambitiously in her underwear: "Big brother, in the future, all five of us will become cavalry generals, how majestic it is." If you see who is unhappy, you will hit whoever you are up, and if you run away after the fight, no one will be able to catch up with us!".

Luo Chen said: "Okay, if you see a high level in the future, you will go first, and let you be the first." "

Mei suddenly wilted in her underwear and said, "Forget it, I'll run first to respect ......."

Mu Jianxing said again: "Luo Chen, I prefer to engage in construction, or I will change my career to become a craftsman." "

Luo Chen said: "Wooden sword, I think you should choose a warrior as your main profession, and then choose a craftsman as a secondary profession, after all, we lack combat effectiveness now." "

Mu Jianxing nodded and didn't say anything more.

It didn't matter if he was a warrior, because he was already more fond of this melee class.

As for Leng Yue, although she is a girl, her abilities are relatively comprehensive, so it doesn't make much difference to her what career she chooses.

Then all four of them chose the warrior class, of course, they are currently the lowest-level warriors, each can lead 1 soldier.

After seeing that they all chose their professions, Luo Chen was in trouble, because he was a lord, and he had one more profession than others: celebrities.

He knew very little about the profession, only that it required a lot of prestige to get a job. So, I wanted to go to Chang Baicao and ask, Chang Baicao himself is a celebrity, and it should know a little more than himself. But I didn't expect Chang Baicao to be there, so I just waited for it to come back.

Luo Chen walked on his territory with nothing to do, greeting the residents, visiting Uncle Carpenter, this is not an idle walk, because visiting the residents often can improve the morale of the residents, increase the loyalty of the residents, and also accumulate prestige!

As he walked, he saw Chang Baicao coming back, and Chang Baicao said to Luo Chen with joy on his face: "My lord, why did you come here, just leave these inspections to the old man." "

Luo Chen said: "Baicao, look at your smile, is it because you have encountered something good?"

Chang Baicao nodded again and again and said, "My lord, it is indeed a great thing!"

Luo Chen said with interest: "Oh, what a great thing, hurry up and listen to it!"

Chang Baicao said proudly: "The old man has been idle recently, and he is inspecting the city. It suddenly occurred to me that I had been inspecting the city all along, so why not go and walk outside the city, so I could explore the situation outside the city!".

Luo Chen was slightly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Chang Baicao to have this ability, but thinking about it, Chang Baicao already had the ability to assist, and it was reasonable to have the ability to explore.

Luo Chen said, "I don't know what you found?"

Chang Baicao said again: "Back to my lord, the old man explored about ten miles outside the city and found a special person. Overjoyed, I came back to report to you. "

Luo Chen was pleasantly surprised: "What kind of special person is that, did you say anything to you?"

Chang Baicao said: "My lord, it was a 25-level disabled retired veteran, because he injured his leg and could no longer go to the battlefield, so he lived in seclusion in a forest ten miles outside the city. "

When Luo Chen heard this, he was very sorry, although he was a disabled retired veteran, he was also a level 25 figure, it would be good if he could use it. It's a pity that it was rejected, what a pity.

At this time, Chang Baicao said: "But although the old man can't persuade him to serve the adult, the old man got a talisman from him and asked the adult to look at it." "

Luo Chen took it and looked at it, and said in a lost voice: "Soldier talisman, it's really a soldier talisman!"

Soldier Talisman: The first prop of marching and fighting, as the so-called no talisman is not an army, if you want to establish a regular army, then you must first have a soldier talisman. (There are many types of talismans.)

Luo Chen looked carefully and found that the back of the talisman was engraved with the word "gun", which was the most basic gun talisman in the infantry arms. Luo Chen was overjoyed, with this talisman, his soldiers would not be pure infantry, but spear soldiers, compared with simple infantry, the attack, speed, and blood volume of the spearmen have increased a lot.

Luo Chen praised Chang Baicao: "Well done, old man, you have made a great contribution!"

Chang Baicao's eyes narrowed and said, "More compliments from adults." However, my lord, the old man has a suggestion, and I hope that you will personally go on a trip to persuade the retired veteran. "

Luo Chen said strangely: "Didn't he refuse?"

Chang Baicao said with a smile: "It was the old man who he refused, not you, and I think that since he is willing to give away the talisman, he must have a good impression of us." In that case, if you go out yourself, you might be able to convince him to take the initiative!"

Luo Chen said: "Well, you are right. In that case, let's go on another trip and try to convince him. "

Out of the territory, Luo Chen and Chang Baicao went straight to the forest ten miles away to ......

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