
bloody militia has completed its equipment, and now everyone wants to rush to take it, after all, such a high-attack militia has to be brought out with dignity, and they have to go sideways when they go out.

Just when everyone was arguing, Leng Yue said: "None of us have really practiced together, anyway, everyone is idle now, so it's better to go out and practice together." Let's upgrade, and by the way, also upgrade with Minuteman No. 1. "

Mei put on her underwear and said, "It's still reasonable for Sister Leng Yue, let's go, let's go together!".


beasts near the territory have long been cleared by the players, and they can only leave the territory for five or six miles to look for it, and the hard work pays off, and a large group of wild goats were found in a desert where no one is around, there are more than 20 of them, wild goats are level 8, and the head sheep is level 10, and the level is not too high, just suitable for everyone to level up.

Mu Jianxing said: "The level of wild goats is high enough, and the experience is given a lot, which is just suitable for us to form a team to practice, so choose wild goats." "

In order to test the difficulty of the battle, everyone selected a lone wild goat outside the flock to start the knife.

First of all, let's talk about the level of everyone here, Luo Chen basically deals with territorial affairs in Los Angeles on weekdays, and rarely has time to kill monsters to upgrade, so there is only level 4 at present. Most of the wooden sword lines also stay in the city, and only occasionally go out to kill the surrounding wild monsters, so it is also level 4. The battle warriors have the most time to kill monsters, either killing monsters or on the way to kill monsters, so the level is also the highest, level 6. Mei wears underwear and is the same as Zhan Wushuang, both are monster killers, but the level is not as high as Zhan Wushuang, only level 5. Cold Moon Level 4 is completely because someone is protecting, so it's too lazy to upgrade.

Zhan Wushuang has the thickest HP, so naturally he is the first to attract wild goats.

After three or four minutes of fighting, the wild goat was cut by him with more than ten scars, and he himself was not injured at all, and he became more and more proud, and the more enjoyable he became.

Just when Zhan Wushuang didn't pay attention, he was directly caught by the wild goat and flew up with two horns, and suddenly Zhan Wushuang was in a hurry.

After Luo Chen and the four of them saw it, they hurriedly rushed up to save Zhan Wushuang. Zhan Wushuang exclaimed: "It's good that you came in time, otherwise, I would have almost died, it's so dangerous." "

Then Luo Chen shouted to Militia No. 1: "Take out your weapons and attack." "

Militia No. 1 shouted loudly and immediately rushed into the flock and attacked the flock.

It's worthy of being a bloody militia, it's so fierce that it actually fights against each other with wild goats in the flock. Don't miss the opportunity, there is such a fierce citizen in front, and everyone starts a full-scale attack.

In less than half a minute, the wild goat ran out of blood and fell to the ground.

Then Luo Chen said: "Let's upgrade according to this model, let the bloody militia block the attack in front, and the rest of the people attack from the side, it is estimated that after killing this group of wild goats, we can all be upgraded to level 1." "

After everyone successfully killed 5 goats, an accident happened, when Militia No. 1 was blocking the 6th wild goat, the wooden shield in his hand burst with a "click", and Militia No. 1 was knocked to the ground by the wild goat, and his left arm was injured.

Luo Chen and several people hurriedly worked together to kill the wild goat and rescued Militia No. 1. Everyone looked at the "broken wooden shield" on the ground, and after picking it up, they found that the durability was actually 0. It turns out that the wooden shield has durability, and such a big problem has been ignored. Because the player's weapon is permanently usable and there is no durability issue, no one takes into account that other weapons will have durability.

But fortunately, the injuries of the Bloody Militia are not serious, and they only need to be bandaged simply.

Mu Jianxing glanced at Mu Dun and said, "It's all too careless, I didn't expect the durability of Mu Dun to be so low, what should we do now?".

Luo Chen thought for a while and said: "Let Mei go back in her underwear, ask the carpenter to do more, anyway, the wooden shield is easy to make, if there is no wooden shield, it will not be easy to upgrade." "

Mei put on her underwear and hurriedly ran back to the carpenter's house in the territory and asked the carpenter to make more wooden shields, while the others stayed there to continue to kill monsters, but the speed was much slower.

An hour later, Mei came back with a dozen or so wooden shields in her panties, and everyone continued to level up.

It didn't take long for the wooden shield to run out, and then another person went back to get it, and practiced until dark, everyone actually upgraded to level 2, even the bloody militia was upgraded to level 1, and the speed of killing monsters to upgrade was really fast enough.

Before dark, everyone returned to the territory, and Luo Chen asked the carpenter to make a large number of wooden shields overnight.

As soon as the morning dawned, Luo Chen and the others excitedly took Militia No. 1 to kill monsters outside the territory to upgrade.

It took three days in a row, and everyone was promoted to level 10, and the Bloody Militia was also promoted to level 15. Level 10 is a turning point for players, because at this time, they can change classes to become the ...... profession they want to become

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