Zhapu Road, Xiaolehui Hotel.

On the second day after returning to Pujiang, Liu Xiaobao came to the stronghold of their stock fleet.

It's just that Liu Xiaobao didn't bring Su Jie with him today.

Liu Xiaobao gave Su Jie a day off and asked him to go to the hospital to see his master.

Although Master Su Jie’s diagnosis and treatment fees were paid by Liu Xiaobao, someone had to care and accompany him when he was in the hospital.

As for Liu Xiaobao, there was no safety crisis at present, so he simply asked Su Jie to go to the hospital to accompany his master.

During the week when Liu Xiaobao went to Xiangjiang, Commander Cai and the others did not make any further moves in the stock market.

However, there had been good results every day before, but suddenly it stopped for a week, and Commander Cai and the others really felt pain.

So they were looking forward to Liu Xiaobao's early return every day.

As soon as they received Liu Xiaobao's notice today, they arrived at Xiao Lehui early.

Therefore, when Liu Xiaobao arrived at Xiao Lehui, all the main members of his fleet team had already arrived.

We are all acquaintances and teammates with interests tied to each other. Liu Xiaobao didn't have any polite words and got straight to the point when they met.

"I called everyone here today, firstly, to tell you that I am back, and secondly, I have a business that I would like to ask if you are interested.

As soon as Liu Xiaobao finished speaking, Stamp Li asked curiously:"What business?""

In fact, like Stamp Li, Commander Cai and the rest are also very curious.

Although they all know that Liu Xiaobao's trading business is doing well, they have long wanted to join the partnership.

But they and Liu Xiaobao have always only been interested in stocks. There was cooperation, but Liu Xiaobao didn't mention letting them join the team, and it was hard for them to mention it. Therefore, this was the first time Liu Xiaobao mentioned cooperation in business.

Liu Xiaobao saw everyone's curious looks, and he didn't show any concern and explained directly.

"To be honest, I want to make my company bigger and plan to move the company to Nanjing Road, but I have limited funds on hand now. I know that in addition to the money you put in the fleet, you also have some savings, so I want to I invite you to become a shareholder. I wonder if you are willing?"

After Liu Xiaobao finished speaking, Commander Cai and the others fell silent.

It's not that they didn't believe Liu Xiaobao, or that they were unwilling, but they were thinking about whether to take a stake.

As Liu Xiaobao said, although Commander Cai and the others all have money in the fleet, account, but not all of their property.

They only invested part of their money in Fleet to make money from stocks.

And over the years, every time Fleet made some money from the stock market, they would invest that part The money they earn is withdrawn.

So the money they put in the fleet account has always been a fixed part, but the deposits in their hands are accumulating.

But the deposits are also their own money. Although they I believe in Liu Xiaobao, and I am optimistic about Liu Xiaobao.

But if they are asked to use their savings to invest in shares, they still have to think carefully.

Liu Xiaobao did not rush everyone, but just drank tea and waited for their answers.

Liu Xiaobao, who studied finance, knew very well that a company If you want to become bigger and stronger, just eating alone will slow down the development of the company due to limited personal funds.

Although Liu Xiaobao has already formulated his own group plan, he is also confident that he can predict some things on his own. The innate advantage in the future can definitely achieve the goal.

But the premise is that he must first accumulate enough wealth as principal, otherwise even if he can predict the future, he will not be able to maximize his interests.

For example, Liu Xiaobao now knows Pujiang The land in Lujiazui will be very valuable in the future. If he buys it now, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future. But how much does it cost to buy the entire land in Lujiazui?

And limited to his own financial resources, even if Liu Xiaobao already knew this, However, he could only buy a small amount of land based on his own financial situation. He could not buy too much, so he could not maximize the benefits of the advantage he had foreseen.

Liu Xiaobao understood this truth. That's why he came to Commander Cai and others to buy shares in his company.

He planned to raise start-up funds to give the company a higher starting point, so that he could make more money faster.

But although Liu Xiaobao wanted to share the cake with everyone Sharing, but not everyone was willing to take his piece of cake.

After everyone was silent for a minute, Commander Cai spoke first.

"Mr. Bao, I wonder what the funding gap is for you to expand your company?"

As soon as Commander Cai said this, other people also looked at Liu Xiaobao, wanting to hear how many shares they could get if they bought shares.

Liu Xiaobao smiled slightly and answered truthfully:"The more funds the company has, the better. I predict The start-up capital is 100 million, and now including the money in the fleet account, I personally only have more than 20 million, so there is still a funding gap of more than 70 million. Commander Cai sighed softly:"Mr. Bao, I believe in your ability to do business, but I am not very good at doing business. In comparison, I know more about stocks, so please Forgive me for being old, and I just want stability in everything. I will continue to trade stocks and will not participate in your business."

After Commander Cai expressed his attitude, the fat aunt also expressed her attitude:"Mr. Bao, I have bought all the houses in the past two years, and I don't have much cash savings left in my hand. I just want to speculate in stocks with everyone. Your big brother I can't afford to get involved in the business."

The fat aunt stated that she would not join the game, and her apprentice Jinbao immediately followed suit and said that she would not participate. The other two members from Jiangsu and Zhejiang also refused.

Only Stamp Li and Xiao Yanbo looked at each other, and Stamp Li First, he said to Liu Xiaobao

"Mr. Bao, I want to follow your lead, but you also know my situation. Apart from the money in the fleet account, my total net worth is only two million. Do you think I can use the two million to invest in it?

Then Xiao Yanbo also answered:"I also have two million here, count me in!""

Liu Xiaobao did not blame Commander Cai and the others for not supporting him.

Although he was a little disappointed with the result, he did not force them to pay for shares.

Moreover, Liu Xiaobao felt sorry for Commander Cai and the others for missing this good opportunity to board the ship.

And As for Stamp Li and Xiao Bobo who were willing to invest, Liu Xiaobao did not complain that they had little money, and immediately expressed his welcome to them to invest and become business partners.

"Okay, Stamp Li, Xiao Bo, I’ll give you two a share!"

Then Liu Xiaobao turned to Commander Cai and the others and said

"Commander Cai, fat aunt, you don’t have to feel embarrassed. Our friendship is a friendship, and business is a business. They are two different things. I will not hold grudges against you just because you are unwilling to buy shares. I will also agree with you on the stock speculation in the fleet. Keep doing it."

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