"Now that you're ready, let's go."

Seeing that the three women had already digested the treasure chest rewards,

Ying Xing prepared to find the nearest thunderbird feathers based on the location shown on the thunderbird feather induction map.

Although he was a little surprised by Xiangling's reward, he I didn’t care too much.

Xiang Ling’s abilities are cooking skills, the power of the fire element, and spear skills.

Therefore, if the gorgeous treasure chest explodes, there is indeed a probability that the cooking skills and the power of the fire element can be opened. Related to the power of the Demon God, the power of the Demon God of the Stove.

The upper limit of the rewards that can be unlocked from the precious treasure chest should be the reward corresponding to the level of the Demon God's Familiar.

As a higher level treasure chest, the gorgeous treasure chest can unlock some of the Demon God's powers. There is nothing wrong with the power.

Of course, there is a high probability that a gorgeous treasure chest can only obtain the middle and lower level of demon power. Super-level demon powers like Mr. Zhong and General Thunder should be difficult to obtain from a gorgeous treasure box. Turn on.

After all, demon gods of their level, even with only a small part of the demon god's power, can easily kill most of the monsters in the secret realm copy.

And this level of demon god's power cannot defeat even the enhanced version of Thunder. It is not impossible to compete with the Bird and the Golden King Beast.

Although the Golden King Beast and the Thunderbird are strong, if they are in an unstrengthened state, they can hardly defeat Mr. Zhong and General Thunder with one move. They can be killed instantly.

Now in the secret realm dungeon, after they have been strengthened, their strength has been greatly improved.

Therefore, part of the demonic power of Mr. Zhong and General Thunder cannot kill the Golden King Beast and Thunderbird. At most, only Can compete with it for a while

"I'm coming!"

Seeing Ying Xing turn around and prepare to go to the feather position of the nearest thunderbird, Xiang Ling immediately responded.

Then she, Mona and Funina followed Ying Xing's pace.

Although they were on the perch All around, the dense fog in the secret realm became very thin, which greatly improved the visibility of each participant.

But once they left the vicinity of the perch and went to other places on Heguan Island, Thick fog will come again, robbing people of their visibility.

So after leaving the perch, the three women had to follow the star closely to avoid getting lost along the way....

【Congratulations on opening the precious treasure box and receiving the following rewards]

1. Eliminate some karma!

2. The strength of the wind element is increased by 10%!......

On the other side, since it was the second time Liyue's team touched the perch, they all received a precious treasure box.

Although a treasure chest of this level is not as gorgeous as a treasure chest, it is very important to everyone in Liyue's team.

After all, in random missions, if you want to obtain a precious treasure box, you must at least deal with a King Qiuqiu who has been strengthened to a level that is no less powerful than an immortal.

Although Mandrill's strength can be easily dealt with, it will also take a lot of effort.

Therefore, the precious treasure chest that was obtained almost for free is extremely precious to them.

After digesting the treasure chest reward, Mandrill could feel that a lot of the karma that had been torturing him had been eliminated.

This gave him a rare moment of relaxation.

In addition, the power of the wind element in Mandrill's body has also received a 10% increase in strength, which has great significance for improving his strength.

As for Gan Yu, Beidou, and Hu Tao, they all received considerable rewards, and their strength levels have been greatly improved compared to before.

"Let's go, let's go look for thunderbird feathers next."

"Great Sage of Conquering Demons, it’s time for us to participate in the battle this time, right?"

Hu Tao holds the Staff of Gomo in her right hand and a white ghost in her left hand. She looks at the mandrill that is not taller than herself and smiles.

At this moment, not only her skills have been improved, but even the ghosts she can control, He was also promoted.

The ghost is a very strange existence that can be regarded as a pure spiritual body. Under normal circumstances, it can be exempted from the damage caused by elemental power.

And the ghost can hurt the enemy's spiritual body and The soul is a special existence that is difficult to guard against.

However, the ghost is not as invincible as imagined. If it encounters a spiritual attack, such as the pressure of the devil, the erosion of karma, etc., the ghost will not be able to withstand it, and will even be wiped out instantly..

But most of the monsters encountered in the secret realm dungeon do not have such spiritual attacks.

Therefore, after the ghost in Hutao's hand is strengthened, it can play a big role in the battle, and the ghosts are not aware of it. Ground attacks on the enemy's mental body and soul.

In addition, Beidou and Gan Yu also received related enhancement rewards for their great sword skills and bow and arrow skills, as well as the power of thunder element and the power of ice element respectively.

This also made their The strength has also changed a lot.

"Let's go. If there is any danger, remember to leave first."

Looking at Hutao in front of him, Mandrill thought for a moment and decided not to stop them.

After all, he had witnessed their increased strength. The sum of these powers can indeed relieve him of a lot of pressure.

But if he encounters something Despite the danger, Mandrill still decided to escort Hutao and the others away first.

In addition to taking care of the fellow immortals and protecting the Liyue people, the more important thing was that the girl was the person beside the emperor!......

In addition to the special team and Liyue team, they began to search for the feathers of the Thunderbird.

The skirmishers in Zhidong's team also had to take action.

For him, the failure of the dungeon mission and the punishment of the country's fortunes were nothing to worry about.

Although he became a participant in the Solstice team and was loyal to the Ice Queen, becoming an executive of the Fools.

But he knew very well that all this was just a transaction of interests.

So he doesn't care at all what punishment Winter Kingdom will bear.

But the penalty for failure in the dungeon mission is something that the skirmishers cannot accept.

Therefore, even if he is the only one in the team, he must complete the task of enshrining the perch.

In addition to these three teams, the other five teams representing each country also used the function of the perch sensor map to find a perch that had not been discovered by others.

Unfortunately, the fourth team did not receive any reward when they touched the perch.

This also shows that only the top three teams that touch the perch first can get the treasure chest reward.

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