【Congratulations on opening the gorgeous treasure chest and receiving the following rewards]

1. Demon God's Attribute Level·The Power of Water Element!

2. Water element affinity +50!...

After Funina opened the gorgeous treasure chest, the elemental strength of the Eye of Water Element God on her body immediately experienced a huge increase!

Elemental strength affects the wielder's ability to use elemental powers.

Elemental affinity affects the holder's Eye of God, absorbing and supplementing the power of external elements.

Now that Funina has received these two rewards, except for her low combat skills, she is almost equivalent to a real demon god's dependent!

"Hahaha, I didn’t expect that I, the mighty Water God, would offer such a reward!"

"This kind of reward is nothing compared to the power of the Demon God!"

After digesting the rewards from the treasure chest, Fu Nina acted very indifferent and even looked down upon her.

But her inner world had the opposite reaction.

‘Hahaha, what a powerful force. With my strength now, there are probably not many people in the entire Fontaine who can defeat me!’

‘No, no, Funina, Funina, you can't be arrogant just because of this little power!’

‘Compared to the power of the Water God, this power is still too weak!’

‘Not to mention the heavenly principles above the seven gods!’

‘Before your strength has reached a certain level, before the predicted crisis has been resolved, you must not expose yourself!’

‘Well, continue to be steady, maybe I can use my own strength to solve the predicted crisis, and then the people of Fontaine will no longer have to be in danger! '

Funina secretly rejoiced for a moment, and then quickly regained her composure.

However, after this treasure chest reward, she also saw great hope.

This was the first light of dawn she had seen in five hundred years.

Although she doesn't know how long these five hundred years of persistence will last, and how to resolve Fontaine's prophetic crisis.

But if he can obtain more powerful power, he may be able to use his own power to solve Fontaine's prophecy crisis.

In this way, she no longer has to live in fear every day.

On the other side, Mona also received a very generous reward after opening the gorgeous treasure chest.

In addition to the water element affinity +50, she also gained a new high-level astrology, which can make her more powerful in divination and assistance.

As for Xiangling......

【Congratulations on opening the gorgeous treasure chest and receiving the following rewards]

1. The Demon God of the Stove·Part of the Demon God’s Power!

2. Fire element affinity +50!......

In an instant, a relatively powerful force poured into Xiang Ling's body.

Although the treasure chest reward this time is the power of the weak stove demon, and the power of this demon is not very huge.

But at this moment, Xiangling really felt the power of the devil!

It is a kind of power that is closely related to the Demon God's authority. Not only is it stronger than ordinary elemental power, it can also exert part of the power of the Demon God's authority!

However, the Demon God of the Stove is not a fighting type of Demon.

Therefore, when Xiangling holds this power, he cannot provide himself with a strong increase in combat power.

But the power of the stove demon is related to eating.

If this demonic power is used, the delicacies cooked by Xiangling can provide a large amount of healing effects or other benefits to others.

【Arataki Yidou: What? The power of the devil?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is unbelievable. The gorgeous treasure chest can actually get the power of the devil!】

【Wendy: This is really unexpected!】

【Thomas: But which region is the Demon God of the Hearth? This is the first time I've heard of it】

【Ningguang: The Demon God of the Stove. According to legend, he was the Demon God who guarded Liyue together with Emperor Yanwang during the Demon War.】

【Ning Guang: The demon wars in the past were extremely brutal. The Demon God of the Stove dedicated all his power to quell the war on the earth and has since disappeared.】

【Ning Guang: Without the Demon God of Stoves, Liyue in ancient times would have been in bad luck.】

【Ke Qing: Not only that, without the Demon God of Stoves, our current recipes in Liyue would not be so rich.】

【Keqing: According to legend, the demon god of stoves has incarnated countless times and guided and taught Liyue’s ancestors how to make fires and cook. This enabled the ancients to not suffer from hunger and cold.】

【Ke Qing: Although the Demon God of Stoves has long since disappeared, we Liyue people must never forget this friendly and benevolent patron saint!】

【Grandma Ping; Haha, the devil of the stove is never far away, as long as you still remember him.】

【Zhongli: I wanted to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and wine, but it was a pity......】

【Crispy rice:~!!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: But speaking of it, the penalty for failure in this dungeon mission is too great!】

【Clolind: It’s understandable. After all, the gorgeous treasure chest rewarded by the mission can unlock the power of the devil!】

【Navilet: Demon gods each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but the authority they hold is the pinnacle of existence in every field, and its value is extraordinary.】

【Amber: Fortunately, Captain Qin and the others have almost found the perch with the help of the perch sensor map.】

【Amber: Although Xiao Keli’s bouncing bomb is scary, but after thinking about it, it is also a good thing. It may help Captain Qin and the others complete this dungeon mission.】

【Navilette: I think Mr. Duke should be able to lead the Fontaine team to complete this arduous mission.】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: With the Demon-Conquering Great Sage here, the Liyue team will definitely be able to complete the dungeon mission!】

【Lei Movie: Rice Wife will definitely be able to win, after all, that thing is still on the Son of God】

【Wendy: I'm suddenly curious, will anyone use the demonic power of the 'dead' Rock King Emperor?】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, this probability also exists, but there may be people who can obtain the special power of a certain wind elemental elf.】

【Paimon: Zhongli, is this the wind elemental elf you mentioned?......】

【Wendy: Hey!】......

"Isn't it? Xiangling, you actually gained the power of the devil!"

After learning about the reward Xiangling received, Mona looked in disbelief.

As for Funina, she had no reaction on the surface and was very shocked inside.

If she could also obtain part of the water god's power from the treasure chest reward, wouldn't it become The real water god?

"Hehe, although I don’t know what’s going on, this demonic power can only provide you with beneficial effects in terms of cooking."

"This is in line with my interests, so I am still a chef. Xiangling scratched her head and said with a smile.

"But that’s it, that’s incredible!"

For a moment, Mona didn't know what to say, so she could only sigh with a complex expression.

But the rewards she received were not weak.

Although she still had little combat effectiveness, her support has been greatly improved.

Now Not only can she teleport through spells, but she can also apply some special spells to her teammates, which greatly improves the opponent's attack ability.

In addition, there are also various unique effect spells, can provide great help to teammates

"Now that you're ready, let's go."

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