don't like to go to the hospital very much, this time there is no way, the little brother took me to the hospital, did a series of examinations, the doctor said that it was acute gastroenteritis, and I needed an intravenous drip. It's useless to take medicine in this situation now, I prescribed medicine, I got the injection, I still kept running to the toilet, and I didn't get better until the first bottle was finished.

The little brother blamed himself, he kept saying that he blamed him, and he didn't cook the meat to hurt me like this. I just smiled and said that it was not your problem, or that I was greedy and ate too much, so I ate myself in the hospital. It's really embarrassing to think about it, why are you so greedy, I always want to eat, and when I eat it, I vomit and diarrhea, is it because I don't agree with the skewers.

By the time I hit the second bottle, I was already much better, I didn't vomit or pull, but my stomach still hurts, and my whole body is now rolled together. Rolled up on the bed and injected, the little brother has been by my side.

After the injection, I was much better, and my

stomach didn't hurt so much, and the doctor saw my situation and said, it's no big problem, I will prescribe some medicine for you and go back and take it according to the instructions. If you still have a stomachache tomorrow, you will have another injection, and if it doesn't hurt, you won't use it, but you will have to take that medicine for a few days. Also, keep your mouth shut and eat less cold, especially cold beer. You can't stand it when you drink so much cold stomach at once, I lowered my head and listened to the doctor's lecture, although the little brother was heartbroken, but I also felt that the doctor was right. It seems that I still have to be strict in the future, I can't always come by my temperament, look at the sin this time, the whole person has lost weight. The original round little face has become sharper, and it is not easy to raise some meat, and it is all gone at once. When I got home by taxi, my brother took me back to the bedroom and let me lie on the bed, I wanted to turn on the air conditioner, but my brother took the remote control away.

I shrunk and collapsed on the bed, now my stomach was empty, and my whole body was breaking out in a cold sweat. I pulled the blanket over myself, and I decided to sleep for a while, saying that it would be nice to wake up.

After a while, I fell asleep, and when

I fell asleep, I shrunk my body, and when the little brother came up with porridge, he saw me like this and knew that my stomach was still uncomfortable. He woke me up and whispered, drink some porridge first, then take the medicine and go to sleep. I was woken up, stupid, and instinctively shrank back when I saw the porridge. I whispered, I'm afraid I'll vomit if I drink it, but the vomit before was cleaned up by my brother, and I don't feel good in my heart. The little brother took me into his arms and said to me, eat a little more, if you want to vomit, then we won't eat. Seeing the porridge that had been fed to my mouth, I still drank it in small sips, and the warm porridge entered my stomach, I felt much better, I didn't feel like vomiting, and I was more energetic. I said to my brother, give me the porridge, I can eat it myself.

He didn't give it to me, but fed me one bite at a time, it's okay, you can just eat, in fact, it's just a small bowl of porridge, the little brother is afraid that I can't eat too much at a time, so he only gave me a small bowl. After eating the porridge, he asked me to sit against the head of the bed for a while, and then I could take the medicine after a while.

I just sat there playing with my phone, and after more than ten minutes, the little brother took out the medicine according to the instructions, handed me a glass of warm water, and asked me to take the medicine. After taking the medicine, he sat down for a while before lying down again, which would be much better, and he would no longer break out in a cold sweat. I told my brother that I was a little hot, turn on the air conditioner, and turn on the temperature a little higher, the house is so stuffy. The little brother opened the window and told me to blow some natural wind, now blow the air conditioner and you will catch a cold.

What the little brother decided, I really can't change it, I can only do this, in fact, it's not too hot, but I feel a little cold when I fall asleep, and I need to cover it up.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that my brother was still asleep, he was worried about me last night, and he didn't sleep very well, and he touched my forehead from time to time, he was afraid that I would be weak because of gastroenteritis, and then I would catch a cold and fever. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, I didn't get up, but just lay there and watched him. We've been together for a long time, and he still takes care of me as before, and I'm really glad to have met him, otherwise I'd have had to go to various worlds to do tasks by myself, how boring it would be. With him by my side, no matter where I go, I feel that life is good.

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