The next day.

Get off Ming Ming's exclusive car.

Looking at the vast expanse of mountains covered with lush trees in front of him, Xia Chuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Whether they are curse masters or conjurers, they really like to build their buildings in places that are far away from the crowd."

"After all, the rule of magicians is to exorcise cursed spirits without affecting humans, but these are things of the past."

Parked the car on the side of the road with"Yanshan Foothills" written on it, and walked gracefully beside Xia Chuan while explaining.

"And although it's remote, it actually only takes twenty minutes from here to the commercial street."

After all, it is different from the Panxing Cult who is still trying to avoid the Magic College.

One is far away from the crowd outside Tokyo, and the other is in a remote area inside Tokyo.

If I didn't know the area settings of the Magic College, it would be really difficult. I believe that Tokyo, as the most prosperous area, will have areas like the countryside.

Natsukawa looked around, as if setting the coordinates for his Kamui space. Next to"417"

Road, there is also the"Private Second Ise Jingu Shrine" The logo of"Academic Society", but it looks tattered, which makes people wonder if this logo has not been changed for decades.

But it is like this, so that people will not think of something that does not look serious. Gakusha is the seat of the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Magic, one of the magic education institutions.

"Then let's go."

Ming Ming said.

Because the entire Conjuration College was established by Tian Yuan himself, on the one hand, it can easily detect the invasion of outsiders, and on the other hand, it can also conduct deceptive concealment.

Even ordinary conjurers who can master the power of spells , it is difficult to know the true route to the High School without a guide.

Of course, this does not include Xia Chuan.

In fact, after arriving at the edge of the barrier, Xia Chuan has been able to sense the specific location of the High School of Magic with his profound magic power.

In this way, there is no need for Mingming to continue to be a guide

"I already have a rough idea of ​​the location.

Xia Chuan said:"It feels like there's still a distance from here, so we might as well just fly over there.""


Before Ming Ming could react, she felt the suffocating power of the spell quickly lift her up.

When she calmed down, she realized that she was standing in front of the nightmare that all the spellcasters in Shinjuku area could not forget..

A mighty giant as tall as the sky stood on this piece of land. She was being held in the palm of the giant's hand, which made her look extremely small in comparison.

Ming Ming was very panicked, but considering her relationship with Xia Chuan, she couldn't help but swallow. Looking at Xia Chuan among the gems on the giant's head, he asked:

"If you do this, it will cause a lot of disturbance to the barrier."

"Anyway, you must have told them that I would come.

Xia Chuan smiled nonchalantly and said,"Then just tell them I'm here in an upright manner.""

Using such a demonstrative way to announce her arrival?! She was mute.

Natsukawa was more chaotic than she expected.

Without waiting for her, Susanoo spread the magic wings behind him.

Just In this way, a catastrophic wind was set off directly in the surrounding area.

All surrounding stone and wood furnishings were blown away, proving what the incarnation of destruction is.

"Pay attention to my car!"

Ming Ming was worried that her luxury car would be blown away, so she couldn't help but hurriedly reminded her.

Then she realized that her car was already gone.

"Don't worry, I've already put it away for you."

Naturally, I had expected this a long time ago, and Mingming's car was lying safely in Natsukawa's divine space.

With Mingming under his control, Natsukawa took the Susanoo and roared into the sky. He directly ignored the steps that needed to be climbed. The road was heading towards the inside of the barrier at the mountain range.

Naturally, it only took an instant. The highly specialized spellcasters, who were extremely sensitive to the power of spells, were immediately reminded by the information about the spell power amplified by the barrier and knew the identity of the intruder. information

"Is there an intruder?!"

Zenyuan Maki, a first-year high school student, and others couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, Gojo Satoru, who had been bored before, felt the power of the spell, and his eyes were full of passion and seriousness.

"No, the guests who are supposed to come today have arrived."

As Gojo Satoru's voice fell, everyone else understood what was going on.

After all, yesterday, Mingming informed Xia Chuan that he was coming to Tokyo Magic High School, and all the magicians belonging to Tokyo High School were all They gathered here to prepare.

Then, all the magicians hurriedly ran to the square outside.

The Tokyo Magical High School is located in the center of the basin formed by several mountains that make up the"Yueshan foothills". It covers a large area and is surrounded by Not to mention the surrounding mountains, they are all covered with lush green plants.

Compared to the mountains and the mountains, there are two styles at the same time.

No matter how desolate and remote the mountains are outside, the buildings on the mountains are majestic.

There are pagodas and shrines everywhere, white and white. The walls are black tiles.

Various wooden corridors are connected to form a huge shrine.

Natsukawa flew in the air and took a bird's-eye view of the distribution of the Conjuring High School.

Of course, the most important thing is to take the high school as a bird's eye view. In the square dominated by the specialized teaching building, small figures kept coming out.

From the perspective of Natsu Chuan looking at the gravel.

The magicians below were looking at the sky, as if they were looking at gods.

It was Natsu Chuan who had seen this before. The magicians of Zuonenghu felt the huge figure that covered the sky and the sun again at this moment, and there was only unspeakable fear in their hearts....And a full sense of powerlessness. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention the high school students who are seeing this scene for the first time0....

"......Is this the strongest person who can surpass that white-haired teacher?"

Zenyuan Maki said with a trembling voice.

Both Panda and Inumaki were covered in cold sweat and started to flow, and their faces were even pale. They were obviously hundreds of meters away from each other, but they could still feel it at this moment. I felt the power of the curse coming like a tidal wave.

I felt the pure and terrifying evil, and for a while even the power of the curse in my body was out of control and unable to be mobilized.

Yuta Otoko then looked at Susanoo:"It's true. It is a more powerful existence than the teacher."

Even he was a little unbelievable at the moment.

The Urika in his body, as the Curse Queen's fearless character, was also feeling fear.

It seemed that only Gojo Satoru was not affected too much, and he couldn't help but raise his hands. On the lips:"Hey, you can come down now, everyone is already here."

Under the sound.

Susanoo waved his wings and slowly fell to the ground.

Looking directly at the distance of the giant, he became more aware of the overwhelming evil. It was not only that the power of the curse could not be mobilized, but also It was difficult to even stand in front of the other party and breathe.

Feeling the strangeness of his students, Gojo Satoru stretched out his hand to comfort the weakest Maki and others.[]

With the power of the spell blessed by Gojo Satoru, they slowly calmed down from their heavy breathing, and at the same time they all inevitably looked at Natsukawa above the giant's head.

This was about the same age as them, but he was already the strongest magician at that time.

After returning Mingming to the ground, Susanoo slowly turned into a spell and faded away.

Natsukawa naturally knew that Susanoo, whose curse power had become substantial, could give people the oppressive feeling of facing the 3.6 abyss even if he was just standing.

It's just that he didn't have any thoughts of restraining himself.

The strength that belongs to you can come naturally however you want.

"There are really some familiar and unfamiliar faces. Xia

Chuan greeted him naturally:"Shouldn't we welcome guests when they arrive?""

But for fear of Natsukawa, everyone seemed to be still immersed in fear of his strength for a while, and no one answered.

Except Gojo Satoru.

It was as if they were completely defeated by Natsukawa after the battle in Shinjuku. No! Not!

It's not like it seems, it should be completely!

He is the only one who doesn't care about Natsu Chuan's sensitive status as neither enemy nor friend. Gojo Satoru raised his hand to say hello.

"Yo, I've been looking forward to meeting you again for a long time"

"The strongest."

Xia Chuan looked at it.

He could feel Gojo Satoru's six blue eyes full of fiery fighting spirit.

He smiled:"So you want to be beaten again? The predecessor is the strongest"

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