When Natsukawa returned to Tokyo.

There is already light snow falling in the sky.

The cold weather is very suitable for the current social situation.

The ground was already covered with a thin layer of white frost. Under the dim light, Xia Chuan came to the bar where Mingming had found his location.

"Xia Chuan, you're here~"

The bar was relatively small, and Ming Ming waved to Xia Chuan in front of the side stage.

"Just a glass of fruit bar."

Xia Chuan ordered the waiter who was rarely seen before sitting down next to Ming Ming.

"It's such a cold weather, it's a shame you have to make an appointment to meet me~"

"Isn't this equivalent to a so-called date?"

Mingming took a few sips of sake. The wine glass in his hand was placed firmly in front of and behind the stage, and then he looked around.

"And under the current circumstances, it is surprisingly difficult to find a tavern to open a shop. Xia

Chuan took the fruit wine from the waiter, took a sip and said casually:

"That's pretty much it."

To be honest, he doesn't actually pay attention to the current situation of society.

Even if it is an emergency, he doesn't care.

After all, he is on a rare family hot spring trip, and nothing can interrupt his enjoyment.

About the current information , and also learned about it from the mouths of girls who are more concerned about current affairs.

"so what? The purpose of suddenly asking me out. Ming Ming smiled and said:"

Can't it be because I miss you? At least our relationship has suddenly changed.""

Xia Chuan didn't answer, just looked at Ming Ming with a smile without saying a word.

This woman has an extremely egoistic character, and it's not like a deep kiss will turn her into a so-called love brain.

"Well, I accepted some tasks."

Ming Ming's face became calmer and she no longer pretended to be flirting.

"In the end, the reason is related to recent events."

Ming Ming said eloquently.

Nowadays, in the prosperous age of the curse, almost all streets are like the Great Depression.

Most capable people stay at home, but in order to make a living, some people have to come out and face the society under the curse.

With the More and more cursed accidents are happening, and people are once again asking the government officials for solutions.

Most people are asking the officials to distribute daily necessities such as food and money for free. This idea of ​​getting something for nothing has naturally been approved by the vast majority of people.

But now With society almost disconnected from more than half of its production and economy, it is naturally impossible for the government to implement such a plan for a long time.

The pressure naturally comes to the top management of the magic world.

"At present, the top management has launched a plan"

"That is to use the method of the principal of the high school to make the magician's exorcism of the cursed spirit public to the public in an entertaining live broadcast. Xia

Chuan smiled as he had expected it.

"Live broadcast? It's really a modern way of purification."

However, it is true that only the live broadcast method can better reflect the authenticity of the exorcism incident.

But what does this have to do with him?

Xia Chuan said bluntly:"So, what does this have to do with you coming to me?"

"If you want to minimize the public's fear of curses, you need to show the method of exorcism to the extent of crushing."

Mingming said and looked at Xia Chuan:"The senior management agrees that as the strongest person in the world, you are the most qualified to be the first person to lead today's society."

Hearing this, Xia Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

After laughing, Xia Chuan showed a look full of ridicule. Of course, it was not towards Ming Ming, but the group of high-level conjurers who were making plans.

"Don't think I'm stupid just because I'm a high school student"

"The fear that needs to be contained is just a group of ignorant civilians. How much do they know about the meaning of the spell?"

"Just a simple Wujo Enlightenment is enough. To put it bluntly, you just want to take advantage of this to recruit me, right?"

The fact is just as Xia Chuan said.

If at the beginning it was just that Xia Chuan, as a free man, could enjoy the favor of the conjurer with priority in remuneration, then now that the curse is suddenly flourishing, it is inevitable that the top conjurers would think about Xia Chuan's attitude.

Xia Youjie already wants to destroy the social order. No matter how individualistic he is, he will not continue to ignore this situation that will affect him.

And the strongest person in the world who is sought after by the entire society is already In a society under the power system, there should not be any magician who is not keen on this.

Of course, the upper level of the magic has a good idea.

At this moment, Ming Ming has no intention of whitewashing the upper level of the magic, and does not care about Xia Chuan's words at all. Nod hesitantly

"That’s pretty much what it means."

She knew from the very first meeting that Xia Chuan, in addition to his undoubted strength, also had a mind that was far beyond that of his peers.

Even though he was only a high school student, she had to magically regard him as his peer. The most important thing is that she figured out that Xia Chuan is just like her, a real person with absolute egoism, and even has a more arbitrary character due to his absolute strength.

Even if society collapses, it will be difficult for him to stand. While doing things.

The only thing that can influence Xia Chuan is interest.

Just like the only thing that can influence Xia Chuan is money.

"The reward for the high-level conjurers is the remaining four Su Nuo fingers and the support from all aspects of the conjuring community in the future."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ming Ming then said:"But I had already considered that you would not accept it, so I didn't bring it with me. This time I just relayed it orally. Just a task."

It is such a simple task, but it is a reward worth millions for Ming Ming.

As long as he sees Xia Chuan, except for the uneasiness for the first time, he always smiles after that.

"Four? Xia Chuan couldn't help but smile:"It's really generous.""

Every special-grade cursed object is a priceless treasure.

But the problem is that this special-grade cursed object is Su Nuo's finger, which has no other function except attracting cursed spirits.

And it is something that only Xia Chuan has the ability to exorcise. , in the eyes of the top management of the magic arts, they are more of a collection of useless things.

But seeing that they can be of other help to the strongest like Xia Chuan, they actually treat them as treasures.

"Four is all the number that can be taken out there right now."

"However, if it really gets the support of the conjuring community, there will still be many valuable treasures sealed in the Conjuring College."

Ming Ming was thinking about Xia Chuan at the side, and licked the corner of her mouth as if she was moved.

Of course, this was just a casual comment. She is the person who knows Xia Chuan best among the magicians.

After a few drinks, the purpose Da Ming Ming didn’t plan to stay any longer.

At the same time, because of the other party’s special nature, Ming Ming didn’t mind taking the initiative to pay the bill.

0 Asking for flowers []

After taking out the wine money from the bag and holding down the wine glass, he moved towards Xia Chuan and prepared to leave

"Speaking of the Conjuring College, it seems I haven’t been there yet."

Ming Ming, who was about to get up and leave, heard Xia Chuan's words, sat down again and looked at him with raised eyebrows:

"After all, your status is quite special, and they are extremely afraid of you.......But if you really want to go, who dares to stop you?

Xia Chuan then said:"Then you can take me there another day."...Or how about tomorrow"

"......It's very much like you accepted the itinerary proposed by those high-level officials."

Listening to Xia Chuan's words, Ming Ming did not refuse, but asked tactfully about Xia Chuan's motives in other ways.

"It is because of this incident that I rarely want to go to the high school to take a look."

Xia Chuan's answer was a motive that Ming Ming had not expected, and she couldn't help but speak:

"Is it the most powerful concept in the world?"

Ming Ming doesn't think that the special-grade curses and the full support of the so-called magic world will make Xia Chuan's heart beat.

Then there is a high probability that only the strongest person in the world will be pushed out.

After hearing this, Xia Chuan showed a more meaningful smile.

"The"hero" that attracts everyone's attention, it's enough for Gojo to realize such a wasteful thing"

"And I just want to step on the heroes and be the strongest."

The strongest in the world is the title that belongs to him now. Now that the Curse Era has been fully disclosed, Xia Chuan naturally has no plans to hide himself.

After all, he is not a villain who plots behind the scenes, and he has no intention of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. low level fun

"I'm not on anyone's side, I'm only on the side of having fun that makes me happy."



_ A social hero who exorcises the cursed spirit.

He simply wants to tell the world that the strongest hero is nothing when Gojo Satoru is crushed to exorcise the cursed spirit and become a hero.

"The higher-ups in the magic arts would not agree to this situation."

Ming Ming said, launching the much-anticipated hero is just to appease the people.

Xia Chuan's move will definitely cause other rumors and lead to other topics.

"If you agree or disagree, let’s talk.

Xia Chuan smiled and said:"It will be my wish when the time comes, and it will not hinder your financial path.""

During the conversation between the two, the waiter at the bar tried his best to calm his trembling heart.

He seemed to have heard news that he shouldn't have heard.

The magician wanted to broadcast live, the government wanted to launch the magician, and so on.

Obviously he can understand every word, but together they make him dare not say a word.

So the magicians are the supermen as the official said.

And what is the strongest concept?

The waiter silently secretly Taking a look at Xia Chuan, is he the strongest because he is still a high school student?!

Moreover, the strongest seems to be a very willful guy who doesn't seem to want to be a hero.

He is screaming in his heart, but he doesn't dare to show it on his face. Any slight change.

I am afraid that this is some kind of news that cannot be disclosed yet, so I just want to remain silent and the other party will still regard him as a transparent and marginalized person.

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