Ye Tianhua's cold tone fell on the ears of more than a dozen Baguan's men on the opposite side.

Only then did they react and quickly got up and trotted to Ye Tianhua.

"I don’t know what to call my eldest brother."

A younger brother lowered his body slightly and carefully asked Ye Tianhua who was lying on the chair.

"Ye Tianhua, you can call me Brother Hua."

Ye Lei, who was standing behind Ye Tianhua, spoke indifferently to the dozen boys in front of him.

Their expressions changed, and they quickly searched their minds for this person.

But they found that they had not heard of Ye Tianhua's name.

This Make them suspicious.

But no matter what, what Ye Tianhua did today was enough to make them awe

"Hua brother!"

More than a dozen boys bowed to Ye Tianhua and shouted.

Ye Tianhua raised his eyes slightly and glanced at them, then said coldly.

"Clean up the scene, bury the dead ones, and throw the disabled ones to Ciyun Mountain!"


A dozen boys took the order and immediately turned around and went to the cabinet to put on their clothes, and then started to get busy.

Blood was flowing everywhere in the hall, and there were boys from Hongxing Society lying on the ground wailing.

An hour later, the scene was cleared. Clean.

More than a dozen Bakuan boys stood neatly in front of Ye Tianhua

"From now on, the bathing street in Mongkok will be managed by Brother Hua. When the time comes, you will hand over the ledgers of each place."

Ye Lei stood behind Ye Tianhua and spoke to the dozen or so Baguan boys in front of him.


More than a dozen boys nodded in response.

They knew that Ye Tianhua was from Chengzhai, and as long as the bathing street in Mong Kok fell into the hands of Chengzhai people, they would not be dissatisfied at all.

However, when the matter was settled like this , a man wearing a leather jacket with a big gold chain hanging on his chest and a toothpick in his mouth walked up with a dozen boys.

"Who said he manages this street?"

"Brother Sangbo!"

The faces of the dozen or so boys in Baguan changed when they saw the person coming, and they shouted respectfully.

Ye Tianhua was lying on the chair. When he heard the footsteps, he thought it was Wang Jianjun bringing someone over, but he didn't expect it was Sang Bo.

Sang Bo looked at him Familiar, the face is exactly the same as Sangbo from"The Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes"

"This is Sangbo, a subordinate of Lord Ding’s grandson."

Ye Lei looked at Sang Bo who was approaching. Ye Lei leaned down and spoke in Ye Tianhua's ear.

Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Sang Bo was also from the city and was a subordinate of Master Ding's grandson.

It seems that, This street was not so easy to hand over to him.

Master Ding had ideas about this street from the beginning.

Ye Tianhua was very quick-thinking. After Sang Bo appeared at this time and knew his identity and background, Ye Tianhua roughly knew that this was the What's going on?

Lord Ding wants to sit back and enjoy the success

"Sangbo, Master Ding said that whoever can take this street back from Hongxing Society will have the management rights."

Ye Lei looked at Sang Bo and said directly.

After hearing this, Sang Bo took out his ears, grinned, sat opposite Ye Tianhua, naturally lit a cigarette and said

"Master Ding said that I don’t know. All I know now is that if I want this street, it depends on whether you give it to me or not."

Ye Tianhua raised his eyes and glanced at Sangbo, curled up the corners of his mouth, lit a cigarette, and said slowly

"Steal something from me, Ye Tianhua?"

"It depends on whether you have the ability to come and get it."

Although Ye Tianhua's tone was very calm, it contained an unspeakable coldness and dominance.

Listening to Ye Tianhua's words, Sangbo seemed to feel the coldness emanating from Ye Tianhua, and a smile appeared on his face. Speak slowly

"Do you know who I represent?"

"Although you have some skills in snatching the land back from Hongxing Society, this street is owned by Master Jun. You should know who Master Jun is, right?"

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, then I’ll make it clear to you that Young Master Jun is Master Ding’s precious grandson Ye Jun. You should understand what I say, right?"

Sang Bo spoke slowly and confidently. In his opinion, Ye Tianhua would definitely give in after learning about Ye Jun's name.

However, the result was destined not to be what he wanted.

After hearing this, Ye Tianhua just raised his eyebrows slightly and said something disdainfully.

"So what?"

"I don’t know about Mr. Jun, and I don’t want to know."

"All I know is that Lord Ding promised that whoever grabs this land will belong to him."

Ye Tianhua's attitude showed no respect at all. To Sangbo's surprise, the hand holding the cigarette became stiff and his eyes became cold.

"Are you toasting and getting drunk as a penalty?!"

"Not even giving Mr. Jun face!"

Ye Tianhua stood up slowly, walked in front of Sang Bo, and kicked him to the ground.

A dozen boys behind Sang Bo were shocked and quickly pulled out the machete from their waists and tried to move forward, but were blocked by Chen Jinnan. In front of him.

The one who rushed in front had his wrist cut off with his sword, and he wailed in pain.

"Who dares to die on the former!"

Chen Jinnan held a long sword dripping with blood in his hand, glanced at them coldly and spoke.

The other boys were too frightened to come forward. Sangbo, who was lying on the ground, looked at Ye Tianhua with a horrified look on his face.

He did not expect that the man in front of him had just passed away. A poor boy from the countryside can be so domineering.

Ye Tianhua smoked a cigarette, put one foot on Sangbo's face, looked down at him coldly and said

"I don’t want to eat even the toast and fine wine."

"Why are you trying to scare me with Master Ding's grandson?"

"If you want to take something from my hand, let alone Mr. Jun, I won’t give it even to the face of the King of Heaven!"


"If you dare to say any nonsense again, I will kill you!"

After Ye Tianhua finished speaking, Sangbo stood up in fright, covering his face that was about to bleed after being stepped on by Ye Tianhua with one hand, and quickly left the scene with a dozen boys whose hands had been cut off.

Wait until they walked out of the royal palace After arriving at the big bathhouse and on the street, Sangbo dared to speak out in anger.

"Tamad, he didn’t even give Mr. Jun face! Let me see how arrogant you can be!"

"Boss, what should we do now?"

A younger brother also spoke to Sang Bo with a face full of anger.

Sang Bo covered half of his face with one hand, his face was gloomy and uncertain. If he fought with Ye Tianhua head-on, they might not be able to compete with the strength of the cold man next to Ye Tianhua. It's so strong that you can kill people without blinking. Even if you win, you'll probably die a heavy death.

"Go back and report this matter to Mr. Jun and let him handle it!"

Finally, Sangbo said these words, then got into the van, and the two vans drove away from the bathing street.

Not far away, Wang Jianjun and others saw all this, and a young man came down from the Royal Bath and came to them Everything was reported in front of the car.

After hearing this, Wang Jianjun and others had a look of surprise on their faces.

"This guy from the country succeeded"

"I really didn't expect him to be able to do it."

Wang Jianguo's eyes flashed with light and he spoke, but Wang Jianjun said coldly.

"Get out of the car and do it."

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