As these words fell, the two young and Dangerous boys were lifted heavily and thrown into the hall.

Everyone in the hall looked towards the stairs.

Ye Tianhua, Ye Lei, and Chen Jinnan walked up slowly.

When the dozen or so boys of Baguan heard that people from the walled city were coming, their originally excited expressions suddenly collapsed at this moment. three people?

And they don’t know each other yet?

They had basically seen all the famous people in the walled city, but they seemed to have never met Ye Tianhua and the other three.

What effect can the lower levels of the three cities have?

The hope ignited in their hearts slowly extinguished again


The two young and Dangerous boys who fell on the ground rolled and crawled to the side of the man from Hongxingshe who was lying on the chair.


The two young and Dangerous boys wanted to speak, but the man from Hongxing Society raised his hand and stopped him.

The man from Hongxing Society frowned, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and said coldly to Ye Tianhua

"Are you from Chengzhai?"

"Why is there no one in your walled city? Only three people were sent here?"

Ye Tianhua lit a cigarette, slowly raised his eyes, and glanced at the man sitting in Hongxing Club in the bathing pool. He originally thought he was seeing a familiar face, but it seemed like he was just an inconspicuous fish.

Then he caught a glimpse with his eyes He saw a dozen boys kneeling on the edge of the bath.

No need to guess, he also knew that these must be Baguan's boys.

The two dozen strong young and Dangerous boys standing around should be the boys of Hongxing Society.

These people were dealt with , there is no problem.

Then, he slowly exhaled a burst of smoke, stared at the man from Hongxingshe who was lying on the chair, and responded coldly.

"It’s not that there are no people in our walled city, but it’s enough to deal with the three of you and us."

Hearing Ye Tianhua's words, his face became even more fierce and he sneered.

"I want to see if the three of you have any kind of three heads and six arms!"

"Hack them to death!"

"Then throw their bodies at the gate of Kowloon Walled City!"

"I want those old guys from Kowloon Walled City to have a head-on collision with our Hung Hing Society!"


There were about two dozen strong young and Dangerous boys around, with fierce looks on their faces, and they pulled out a handful of shining machetes from their waists.

Ye Lei looked at the two dozen young and Dangerous boys who were slowly approaching, carrying machetes in their hands. With a nervous look on his face, he pulled out the machete wrapped in newspaper from his waist.

Just when he was about to take action, Ye Tianhua stretched out a hand to stop him.

"Just stay here and watch without moving. Leave everything to me."

"Hua brother……"

Ye Lei looked at Ye Tianhua in confusion. He originally wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Tianhua.

"Needless to say, I am very satisfied that you can follow me to support me and fight side by side with me. The next situation is not something you can handle."

After saying that, regardless of Ye Lei's reaction, Ye Tianhua looked at the two dozen young men from the Hongxing Club who were rushing towards him, and said coldly to Chen Jinnan who was beside him.

"Their hands and feet will be cut off, and those who resist will be killed without mercy!"


After Chen Jinnan obeyed the order, he walked up to Ye Tianhua and looked at the young and Dangerous boys of Hongxing Society who were rushing toward him like a pack of wolves. Chen Jinnan's face was cold and his cold eyes were like a clear blue pool, without any fluctuations of life and full of energy. Ice cold.

He slowly pulled out the sword in his hand, and the blade emitted a biting cold light. The next moment, Chen Jinnan floated out like a gust of wind. He raised the sword and dropped it, and the sword light drifted fast, like a strong wind.

Blood splashed, and a Before the young and Dangerous boy could react, his arm fell to the ground, and his ankle and hamstrings were severed.

Those who resisted desperately had their throats sealed with a sword.

They covered their necks and fell down in disbelief.

This was a one-sided massacre. , there was no room for resistance at all.

In just a few dozen seconds, all the twenty or so young men fell to the ground, but Chen Jinnan put away his sword gracefully, without even looking at the twenty or so young and Dangerous boys who fell on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lei was stunned.


He didn't expect this weird man next to Ye Tianhua to be so fierce!

It’s like the martial arts master from TV comes to reality!

Regarding this situation, Ye Tianhua did not show any surprise, just because it was Chen Jinnan who took action!

This is a true martial arts master!

A dozen boys kneeling not far away were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Killing twenty young and Dangerous boys in less than a minute is simply a dream!

They all feel like they are dreaming. Is this something that can happen in reality?!

Compared with them, the man from Hongxingshe who was lying on the chair at this time fell down from the chair in fear, his eyes full of horror.

The two beauties beside him were already squatting under the chair with their hands on their heads and shivering in fear.

Ye Tianhua walked towards him slowly and looked at the Hongxingshe man who fell to the ground with a frightened face as if he had seen a ghost. He lay down on the chair without even looking at him, and slowly vomited out a burst of The smoke spoke slowly.

"How do you want to die?"

Listening to these words, the man from Hongxingshe was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"You can't kill me, my brother-in-law is the boss of Ciyunshan Hall in Hongxing Society b"

"If you kill me, my brother-in-law will definitely not let you go!"

The man from Hongxingshe said quickly. His desire to survive was very strong and he immediately moved his brother-in-law, B."

After hearing what the man from Hongxingshe said, Ye Tianhua suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"The brother-in-law of B, the fit boss at the Ciyunshan Hall of Hongxing Society?"

"Then I can’t pretend to be you anymore. Boss B sent people to kill Brother Baguan in our city, so I can only use you to pay for my life. It’s very appropriate."

When Ye Tianhua's voice fell, Boss B's brother-in-law was frightened and immediately begged for mercy.

"Please let me go. I didn’t kill Baguan. It was Chen Haonan who killed Baguan. If anything happens, you can go to Chen Haonan to settle the score. Please spare me!"

When Ye Tianhua heard this, he smiled slightly, patted the big face of the brother-in-law who was lying on the ground, and said coldly.

"Don't worry, after I kill you, I will go find Chen Haonan."

Listening to these words, Boss B's brother-in-law was covered in cold sweat, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he had fallen into despair. Finally, his eyes were full of madness, he gritted his teeth, and his face became fierce. He touched his waist and pulled it out. He showed his gleaming machete and shouted at Ye Tianhua.

"Go to hell!"


Ye Lei stood aside, watching the moment when Boss B's brother-in-law drew out his sword, and wanted to rush forward. However, at this time, Chen Jinnan, who was standing next to Ye Tianhua, moved one step ahead of him.

The long sword was unsheathed, and a cold light flashed across it. Afterwards, Brother-in-law B's body stiffened. He touched his bleeding neck with one hand and dropped the knife in his hand. He looked at Ye Tianhua with great reluctance and then fell down without any breath.

Ye Tianhua looked at the fallen body. Boss B's brother-in-law, his eyes were full of indifference, and his body didn't move even once from beginning to end.

"Send his body to Ciyun Mountain and let the boss come out to collect it!"

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