In the light curtain, Rene and Jacob's journey continues.

After traveling through the sea of ​​nectar and flowers, the group finally reached the end of the trip.

Tani Black Abyss!

As the main leakage point for the wave of Warcraft in the Kanria Cataclysm.

The abyssal erosion suffered here is also the most severe in the entire desert.

But Rene and others still chose to go into the depths of the abyss and explore the ruins of Kanria.

Here, Rene discovered a special factory built by Kanrea.

Based on the information left by the Kanrians, Rene determined that the project was used to produce a special energy called Athos.

On the eve of the abyss disaster five hundred years ago.

Some Kharians are also aware of the huge risks associated with using the power of the Abyss.

They tried to find a power beyond the elements and the abyss to replace the power of the abyss.

After countless studies and experiments, the product they obtained was Athos Matter.

Since then, Kanria began to use this substance to gradually replace the power of the abyss to power various machines.

Although the result was successful, in Rene's opinion it had no merit at all.

In his opinion, there is not much difference between refining the elemental power in the earth veins and smelting it into the so-called Athos substance, and directly using the elemental power.

This kind of behavior will never bring them the power to break the laws of the elements as the Kanria people expected.

It was also here that Rene confirmed the nature of the power of the abyss through the research notes left by the Kanrians.

"The abyss can distort and pollute the elements of God"

"Therefore, it can be considered that it is at a higher level than elemental power in terms of rules."

Although it only confirmed his previous guess, this is undoubtedly a significant step.

After understanding the performance of the power of the abyss in more detail.

Rene even thought that the use of the power of the abyss by the Kanreians was too primitive. , which led to the disaster!

He judged based on the power of aura that he had learned before in the sea of ​​nectar.

Using the power of aura to reverse the nature of the abyss, if the power of aura is refined by smelting Athos matter.

Then use The reaction between the concentrated aura and the power of the abyss may be able to create the sustainable energy that the Kanria people dream of!

Just when Rene was planning to conduct further research, an accident happened after all.

Jacob happened during the expedition An accident and his life was in danger.

If no measures were taken, he might not be able to return to Fontaine.

In order to save his friend's life, he proposed to Karl Ingold the suggestion of using the power of the abyss to treat Jacob.

How could Karl accept it? Rene's idea sounds like a fantasy!

He may not have the same talent as Rene, but his experience is far better than that of the twelve-year-old Rene.

In his past adventures, he has witnessed countless things created by the power of the abyss. Tragedy.

Even if you are a god, you are so powerless in the face of the power of the abyss!

Thinking of the past, Karl immediately rejected Rene's proposal.

Although Rene felt sorry in his heart, he could understand Karl's thoughts.

After all, it was the damn abyss. The disaster caused Narcissus Cross Hospital to finally disband.

It was also the damn abyss disaster that took away the life of his most beloved vice-president Besser!

But Jacob's condition became worse and worse.

The anxious Rene finally Carl used the power of the abyss on Jacob without telling him!

【Xingqiu: Has the source of the tragedy finally emerged?】

【Barbara: Rene’s operation to save Jacob will not fail, right?...】

【Elhaysen: Compared with success, the result of failure may be better】

【Paimon: Huh? My head is a little dizzy, why is failure better than success?】

【Arataki Yito: I don’t quite understand, Aren, please explain to me why this Elhaysen brother said that failure is better?】

【Kuki Shinobu: This is probably like a gambling mentality.】

【Kuki Shinobu: People who always lose will not become gamblers. Those who are real gamblers are often those who have won in previous gambling games.】

【Kuki Ren: People who keep losing tend to stop in time, but people who win are lucky, but they don’t know that this will make them lose worse.】

【Arataki Yidou: Um, I didn’t understand, Aren, can’t you use a simpler metaphor?】

【Kuki Shinobu:...】

【Chongyun: I understand. If Rene fails this time, he will probably stay away from the abyss in the future.】

【Chongyun: But if he succeeds, when faced with bigger choices in the future, he will probably think of using the power of the abyss again!】

【Chongyun: Once it fails, it will most likely cause a huge disaster!】

【Bennett: But in this case, Jacob's life is in danger, and Rene has no better choice. He can't let him watch his friend die.】

【Zhongli: Perhaps all the tragedies in the world are just like this】

【Zhongli: Whether it’s an evil dragon or a sinner, it’s not Rene’s original wish.】

【Zhongli: But in the rolling torrent of fate, everyone is helpless. 】

Perhaps as Zhongli said, it was fate that placed the opportunity in front of Rene, forcing him to make a choice.

After using the power of the abyss to heal Jacob.

Jacob miraculously regained consciousness.

Although Carl became suspicious of this.

But looking at Jacob who was recovering as before, he didn't say much in the end.

In this way, Rene tasted the sweetness of using the power of the abyss for the first time.

He was too young at that time and didn't know that all the gifts given by fate had already been marked in secret.

But one day, those causes and effects he ignored will catch up with him.

And when that happens, what will the price be?

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