In the video footage, Carl and his party have arrived at the Balakan area in the Sumeru Desert.

This is the place where the former Water Goddess Egolia fell!

It was also the main battlefield where the gods suppressed the abyss!

The traces of the disaster can still be clearly seen in the area now known as Tani Black Abyss.

Purple crystals symbolizing the power of the abyss are scattered across the land.

The sky is like a cracked mirror, and the cracks of the abyss spread across the sky.

Various wonders and visions reveal to the world everything that has happened here.

However, the sea of ​​nectar flowers in another area in Paolo Ngai shows a completely opposite scene.

The towering giant trees exude dazzling vitality, continuously injecting grass elemental power into this broken continent.

The colorful flowers and forests can be seen everywhere, like a forgotten fantasy land, standing alone outside the torrent of disaster.

Karl and his party came here and conducted careful investigation and research on the most conspicuous giant tree in the sea of ​​nectar flowers and the sacred lotus in it.

During this period, Rene's amazing talent attracted the attention of all audiences!

He had just had his teeth replaced, and he successfully analyzed the composition and properties of these strange plants in the sea of ​​nectar and flowers!

According to Rene's research, the sacred lotus in the sea of ​​flowers has a certain overlap with his and Jacob's body tissues.

But he was almost completely different from his counterpart Carl Ingold.

At the same time, he discovered that there was a special power called aura in the Manna Flower Sea area.

Compared to elemental power, aura has more similarities with the power of the abyss.

Like the contamination of the Abyss, the aura will assimilate the matter and energy it comes into contact with.

And the power of aura also has its own consciousness like the power of the abyss.

According to Rene's inference, he believed that the aura and the abyss were actually the epitome of some higher power projected on the continent of Teyvat.

The personalities of the two are essentially higher than the elemental power!

【Azar: False discussion group? Humph, I didn’t expect that these traitors would have had contact with Narcissus’ evil dragon five hundred years ago!】

【Azar: Then it makes sense that they would betray the Order!】

【Desia: Let’s put aside the affairs of your teaching council for now, but this Rene is a bit too genius, isn’t he?!】

【Keqing: I have to admit, although I know that he must be extremely talented to be on par with Alain Guillotin.】

【Keqing: But his level of evil is far beyond my expectations!】

【Lisa: To be able to come up with such results at the age of just getting new teeth is worthy of being called a genius.】

【Arataki Yidou: By the way, how big does it take to change teeth??】

【Kuki Nin: Children usually lose their teeth around the age of twelve】

【Arataki Yidou: Ah, he is only twelve years old, he is still a little kid after all!】

【Arataki Yidou; Wait! wrong! At only twelve years old, he could study the power of light?】

【Abedo: He is indeed an unparalleled genius, and his research results have inspired me a lot.】

【Albedo: Are the aura and the abyss the epitome of a higher power projected onto Teyvat? What an interesting guess】

【Abedo: Maybe this is the special power that my mother mentioned!】

【Tinari: This research alone is enough to advance our understanding of the nature of the power of the abyss!】

【Tinari: And this was just a casual achievement when he was twelve years old!】

【Tinari: Now I somewhat understand the powerlessness that ordinary scholars in the Order feel when facing geniuses....】

【Navia: Well, no one noticed a detail? Rene's notes said that the composition of the Holy Lotus of the Sea of ​​Nectars was very similar to his body!】

【Navia: Is there any connection between that holy lotus and our Fontaine?】

【Dainsreb: Your guess is correct. The sea of ​​nectar and flowers is the body of the former water god who died, and the remaining divine consciousness of Egolia resides in the thousands of mother trees.】

【Dainsreib: As for why the body composition of Fontaine is similar to that of Egoria, well, then you have to ask her herself.】

【Charlotte: Wow, I hate people who half-talk like this!】

【Navilette: The body composition of the Fontaines is the same as that of the previous water gods? How can it be?】

【Navilet: Demons and humans are clearly two species, and there are essential differences between them.】

【Navilette: Ms. Fonina, do you know anything about this matter?】

【Funina: Of course I, I know everything about this kind of thing!】

【Funina: I am the Demon God Fukalos who succeeded the Water God.

Unlike her appearance on the bright side, Funina was shocked at this moment.

She had never known about this before. There was no relevant information in the memory left by Fukalos when he separated from his godhead!

But she is not a stupid person, otherwise she would not have been able to play the God of Water on the throne for five hundred years without being exposed.

In just an instant, she connected this incident with the long-circulated prophecy crisis in Fontaine.

‘Is this the original sin of the Fontainebleau people?’

‘Perhaps it was what Egolia did to the Fontaine people that caused the Fontaine people's bodies to be different from those of ordinary people!’

‘This incident angered Sky Island, and eventually Gao Tian punished Fengdan! '

Funina had a lot of thoughts in her mind, but she did not directly express her guess in public.

She still remembered the agreement that she had abided by for five hundred years.

She must play the role of Phukalos, the water goddess, without making anyone suspicious.

With the information collected by the intelligence network all over Teyvat, Funina immediately thought of an explanation that would convince most people.

【Funina: Just like there are orcs in Mondstadt, immortals in Liyue, and monsters in Rice Wife!】

【Funina: This is just a characteristic that exists in every country, so there is no need to make a fuss about it. 】

Except for the seven earthly gods or some people who have profound knowledge in the field of life alchemy, everyone else believed Funina's words.

Even Navilet, who is a water dragon, temporarily accepted Funina's explanation because of his lack of understanding of other countries.

【Funina: This topic ends here. What I care more about is the power of aura and abyss mentioned by Rene!】

【Funina: The next story may give more explanations about this! 】

Although the way of changing the topic was very blunt, no one offered other opinions.

On the one hand, Fu Nina's identity as the Water God is quite a deterrent to the people of the other six countries.

On the other hand, most people actually don't care what makes the Fontaines special.

On the contrary, the abyssal power that may truly threaten them is the focus of people's attention.

Funina also relied on her control of human nature to deliberately make such remarks to divert people's attention.

This kind of performance has been perfected by her over the past five hundred years.

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