Villette also expressed another guess in his mind at this time.

He believes that the previous eruption disaster of Merlo Petersburg's original fetal sea was just a small sign.

As for the real source of the disaster, travelers have already seen its true form.

"Have I seen it before?"

Ying frowned and began to think about everything she had experienced before.

Then, she locked on the most likely target!

‘Speaking of the person who may be the culprit, it can only be [it] that exists in the womb sea! '

In Ying's brief memory, the audience in the live broadcast room saw a huge whale swimming in the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs!

【Young Master: That is...】

【Servant: Oh? You seem to know something about this giant whale?】

【Servant: The traveler also mentioned you before and said that you were judged by the oracle machine. Could it be because of this incident?】

【Young Master: I didn’t expect that the giant whale I saw in my childhood dream would now appear in Fontaine!】

【Paimon: The whale in the dream? What's going on.】

【Young Master: When I was young, I accidentally fell into an abyss. In the abyss, I don’t know if it was a dream or reality, but I saw this sky-swallowing whale.】

【Young Master: Then I met my master. She taught me many fighting skills. She said that because I was contaminated with the breath of a giant whale, these skills would be useful in the future.】

【Servant: Then, when the whale appeared in Fontaine, you also happened to be in Fontaine....】

【Servant: It seems that your master is not a simple person?】

【Young Master: Of course, even if I challenge her now, I have no chance of winning!】

【Young Master: Well, I should be able to force her to use both hands....】

【Elhaysen: Just to remind you, this giant whale looks very much in line with Rene’s calculations about the star sea beast that drank all the world’s fetal fluids.】

【Ying: In other words, the powerful enemy Rene tried to unite the will of all mankind to defeat was also this whale?】

【Navia: To a certain extent, it is indeed the source of all disasters....】

【Kamisato Ayato: If this is true, according to Rene's calculations, this giant whale will drink up all the water of the original womb sea and bring Teyvat to complete destruction.】

【Kamisato Ayato: But the prophecy to punish Feng Dan was sent by heaven.】

【Kamisato Ayato: Does Sky Island not care about the life and death cycle of Teyvat civilization? 】

No one can find a reasonable explanation for this.

Sky Island, as the residence of the gods.

In the eyes of the people of Teyvat, it is the highest place of holiness and purity.

But as the light curtain continues to be exposed, this impression keeps collapsing.

Whether it is the punishment imposed on Fontaine, or letting this world-destroying giant whale destroy Fontaine.

These actions seem to prove that the laws of heaven are not as great and noble as people imagine.

The seeds of doubt have been quietly planted in everyone's hearts.

One day, nourished by countless truths, it will finally fully bloom.

And in the screen.

The traveler who had just thought of this answer had not yet had time to express her guess.

The entire opera house suddenly shook.

In an instant, panic and commotion swept the entire audience


The ominous purple aura caused the space to burst into pieces!

A soul-stirring cry came from the purple space crack!

Then, a whale as huge as a mountain cracked the space, revealing its true form.

Navi Wright's eyes suddenly sharpened.

The majestic power of the light world turned into a rapid torrent, attacking the giant whale with lightning speed!

However, the vitality of the giant whale that swallowed a huge amount of the water of the original fetal sea has become extremely terrifying!

Navi Wright's hasty attack couldn't stop it at all!

The attacked whale immediately launched a counterattack, and its huge body rushed towards Navilette.

He immediately used the incomplete power of water to use the power of water element in his body. A defensive barrier formed in front of it.


The spikes on the whale's head hit the barrier hard.

The terrifying impact instantly flattened everything around it. The

Fontaine people who fled in panic were also knocked down by the impact. They were caught off guard. Villette was repulsed and could only watch helplessly as the whale turned and rushed towards the scattered crowd. The huge black hole-like mouth suddenly opened and was about to swallow up all the Fontaine people who contained the water of the original fetal sea in their bodies.

At this critical moment, a purple figure jumped out of the crack. The person who came was surprisingly the long-lost executive officer of the Fools - Young Master!

He rushed towards the whale at lightning speed, trying his best to With one kick, the star sea giant was kicked dozens of meters away!

Then, relying on the special attack skills taught by his master to attack whales, the young master left several wounds on the giant whale one after another!

Although the giant whale relied on its terrifying vitality, the wounds It healed in an instant!

But this still bought time for Navilette to counterattack!

Navilette, who did not dare to be careless anymore, immediately took action with all his strength!

The surging elemental power exploded instantly, and the turbulent current hit the giant whale hard, causing it to It let out a cry of pain!

The giant whale that suffered this serious injury immediately got back into the space crack and escaped directly from everyone's eyes! The scarred young master looked at Navilette and made a provocative gesture to him. After the action, she fell into the crack again exhausted!

After the battle, Paimon carefully flew out.

She looked at the traveler and asked:

"Just dangerous! Why did you suddenly rush out of the opera house? And, is that the big whale you saw in your dream?"

Ying nodded:"Yes, it should be the same one that the young master saw when he was young...."

Villette had also figured out the true identity of the giant whale at this time, and he explained to everyone:

"Finally met it...I know exactly why it's here"

"That whale does not belong to Teyvat, it is a monster that has been shedding tears and traveling between planets!"

"It is greedily devouring the energy of the planet's fetal sea, becoming bigger and bigger!"

"If correct, it is also the main cause of sea level rise in Fontaine!"

"The energy of the fetal sea is also close to drying up one day, and its next step may be..."

"The original fetal sea water in the Fontaine body!"

"Because of this, it chose to appear directly in the opera house where people gathered in Fontainebleau!"

This sentence immediately aroused everyone's concern.

Navia asked directly:"I just repelled it. After it recovers, will it come to the land and regard the Fontaine people as its target?

Navilette nodded:"Yes, it should be said that it has wanted to come to land for a long time.""

"It appears in front of us for the first time now, probably thanks to the work of the executive officer of the Fools."

"Judging from his tired look, he must have been fighting with the whale for who knows how long."

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