Under the gaze of countless people, the travelers in the light curtain began to think about the truth of everything.

Relate the content on the slate to her various experiences after coming to Fontaine.

Ying finally came up with his answer.

Under the watchful eyes of countless audiences in the opera house, she expressed her conclusion

"The first stone tablet proves that the Fontaines are not real humans, but special humans evolved from pure water elves."

As soon as he spoke, the audience on the stage immediately became commotion.

Linnette looked at Linni:"Brother, they seem to be talking about something terrible."

Linni couldn't hide his inner shock at this moment:"We...Not a real human being?"

At this time, Ying spoke again and provided proof for her conclusion.

"This is why only Fontaine people can dissolve in the original sea of ​​​​fetuses"

"The victims of the serial disappearance of girls also turned into pure water elves after dissolving!"

"And Navia also said that when she was about to dissolve, everyone turned into pure water elves during the trial she experienced in her consciousness!"

Immediately afterwards, Ying continued to explain her interpretation of the information on the second stone tablet.

"The second stone tablet proves that the water god's sin...It was the people who created Fontainebleau"

"Perhaps it was the act of creating human beings without authorization that angered Sky Island, so the oracle machine gave such a verdict."

Hearing this, Navia couldn't help but murmured to herself:

"The true sin of the Water God...Did it create us?"

Navillette sighed:"However, today's opera house is equivalent to the people of Fontaine trying to judge the water god. History is often the most dramatic...."

At this time, Ying stopped her reasoning and instead spoke to Villette:

"The third stone slab, I still think, is in reverse order from the fourth stone."

She believed that the scene on the third stone tablet should be after the prophecy recorded on the fourth stone tablet happened, Fontaine was submerged by the primitive sea of ​​​​fetuses.

Then, it should be Funina falling into the sea and being killed by countless dissolved Fontaine people. surrounded

【Qin: What the traveler said makes sense, but I always feel that this prophecy is not that simple.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Uh-huh...Didn't everyone notice?】

【Thomas: Huh? Did the lady discover anything?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: That’s right...The current appearance of Ms. Funina in the light curtain is exactly the same as the picture on the fourth stone slab! 】

After Kamisato Ayaka mentioned this, the audience in the live broadcast room noticed this.

Funina in the light curtain is leaning on the throne at this moment, crying silently.

【Navia: Huh?! Could it be that the time point in the light curtain is the moment when the prophecy is about to happen?!】

【Navia: But what’s on the third stone tablet hasn’t happened yet!】

【Navilette: No! That’s it, I understand the true meaning of the third stone slab!】

【Tinari: I figured it out too! But this is too scary! Is the prophecy really irresistible?】

【Charlotte: Huh? What are you talking about?】

【Elhaysen: Is this the fate Rene was talking about?...Actions intended to counter the prophecy actually serve to help it come true. 】

As they guessed, Navilet in the light curtain informed everyone of the truth after interpreting the information hidden in the stone slab.

The traveler's interpretation of the contents of the first two tablets was correct.

Villette just supplemented the reason why Egoria wanted to turn the pure water elf into a human.

"Pure water elves admire all life on the ground, especially humans. They long to live as humans."

"Agolia felt the desire of her relatives. Although water is closely related to life, as the water god of the seven rulers of the world, he does not have the power to create humans."

"However, she thought of a way to transform those pure water elves into human forms by stealing the power from the planet's original womb sea."

"And used their blood vessels to wrap the water of the original fetal sea into the body, thereby creating mimic humans"

"When the Fontaine people come into contact with the sea water of the original womb sea again, the power in the body will break free and return to the womb sea, manifesting as the body dissolving and turning back into a pure water spirit."

This move angered Gao Tian, ​​and Sky Island imposed original sin on the Water God and the Fontaine people.

From then on, they will always bear the crime of"stealing the power of the original womb sea". Until the prophecy completely washes away their sins!

The answer on the third slate shocked all those who still didn't understand.

Navilette explained:"One key point is that the people in the third slate are all in human form, not pure water." Elf"

"They have not been dissolved, which proves that the water in the picture is not the water of the original womb sea."

As he said that, Villette glanced at all the audience in the audience.

"This is the kingdom of justice and judgment - Fontaine. At the same time, this is also the kingdom of water!"

"The water in the painting is not a real object, but a concrete representation of the concept of"justice and judgment""

"Combined with Navia's experience, when she fell into the sea, she was also surrounded by people in her consciousness and faced a trial."

"Therefore, the meaning of the third stone tablet is..."

Even though Villette hadn't said it directly, everyone who heard it understood what he meant.

People's eyes widened in shock, and they couldn't accept it and looked at Fu Nina who was crying on the throne.

Villette's tone also brought an irreversible sigh:

"People will conduct a trial against the water god in the court of justice!"

Ying:"Don't tell me!!

Navilette nodded slightly and replied:"Yes, this is what is happening now.""

Navia in the audience couldn't help but stood up:"I understand what you mean!"

"In other words, we organized this trial in order to prevent things from happening as predicted..."

"But it turns out that we are moving forward step by step according to the prophecy, and are even actively advancing it?!"

Even Clolind couldn't help but said in despair:"The prophecy will definitely happen....Is this the feeling of not being able to escape your fate?..."

Paimon was also panicked at this time:"Then what should we do? If this is the case, the scene of the fourth stone slab may also appear soon, right?"

Ying shook her head.

Looking at Funina's expression at this moment, she finally understood that everything had happened!

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