At this time, their company was full of people, unlike before, and Ah Bao was reminded by her to know that Ah Xian was sitting on a small stool next to him waiting to greet him.

After a while, they stood at the door of the company, and Ah Bao saw that it was not early, and thought that he still owed Ah Xian a meal, so he said, "Do you want to eat outside?"

Miss Yang said: "Why do you always like to eat out, come to my house, I will make it for you." "

Po went to Miss Yang's house for dinner again.

Miss Yang and Ah Xian went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and Ah Bao waited for a long time at the door of Miss Yang's house, from before it was dark until it was completely dark, and they came back.

Po joked, "The motorcycle squashed the two of you, how much do you two weigh together?".

Miss Yang said angrily: "Anyway, there are four hundred catties!".

Ah Bao felt that it was too exaggerated and said, "Four hundred catties?"

Miss Yang found out that she had said something wrong, and with an "oh" sound, she corrected and said, "Three hundred catties." "

Ah Bao didn't know why she became unhappy after going to the vegetable market, and felt that women were really terrible, thinking that it was probably because Ah Xian not only didn't buy pollen from her when she went to her company today, but also didn't pay for buying vegetables in the vegetable market just now, and every time Miss Yang invited her, she didn't invite Miss Yang, so she got angry.

Ah Bao wanted to call the bank again, and asked, "Do you want to call Ah Xu?"

Miss Yang didn't want him to come to enjoy the "free dinner" anymore, and said, "Call him after eating." "

Ah Xian rushed to the kitchen to cook because she didn't have any money to buy vegetables, and she thought that she had stayed in the game shop in Lao Lin and learned to cook.

But Miss Yang was not satisfied with the crab porridge she cooked, and quietly said to Bao: "The porridge she cooked tonight has no taste at all, it is much worse than what I cooked that day, will it?"

After eating, Miss Yang went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and after washing the dishes, she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ah Bao couldn't see her all the time, so he cried out: "Where is Sister A?!Why didn't you come to make tea?!".

She came out in a very wide dress after taking a shower, and Po called out again, saying, "Why did you come out in a winter dress?!".

She said: "Where are the winter clothes, this is Singaporean material, it's quite cool." "

She put on the music, which was the audio disc of Dao ~ Lang that Bao had just given her, and asked, "Do you like to listen to male voices or female voices?"

She still has no anger, saying: "When you are in a good mood, you listen to women's voices, and when you are in a bad mood, you listen to men's voices." "

She wanted to continue playing with the bank and called him.

The bank promised to be obedient this time, and did not want to come, but did not give up, and asked them to come to his house.

She was even more angry, and said: "There is nothing at home, there is no fan for the air conditioner, I don't know why I keep calling people to his house." "

After a while, the bank called again, she knew that he still wanted to ask them to come to his house, and she didn't want to answer his phone, so she asked Ah Bao to answer, saying, "You tell him to come if you want, and if you don't come, people will leave." "

Ah Bao took the phone, thinking of the time when Lao Chen answered the call from the bank, learned Lao Chen's voice, and said, "Hey, who are you?!".

The bank Xu was really startled, and Ah Bao asked with a smile: "Is it like it?"

He taught Po a lesson. Ah Bao said to Miss Yang: "Ah Xu was startled just now, thinking that it was Lao Chen who answered his phone again. "

She grabbed the phone and said endlessly: "What TV series do you watch at home at a young age, go watch it, just marry a TV in the future, live in the world, and in a few years you will be sixty ......


In fact, the bank was still far from fifty at this time.

At this time, Bao's wife also called him and asked him where he was, and Bao said that he was drinking tea outside, and she said, "Why did you go to drink tea again?!".

He pretended to say, "Brother Xu invites us." "

When he was on the phone with his wife, Miss Yang didn't know where to hide, and she didn't come out until they finished calling.

"It's good to tell her to give her the second half of the night," she said. "

said: "My husband used to say to me like this, saying that the bed and the second half of the night are already good for you, and there is still a queue outside, you have to recognize the situation, now it is a man's world." "

Her husband didn't say it was "me" in the world.

The bank Xu still came, and after he came, they went out for a ride.

This time, Ah Xian went with them, and the bank allowed to drive the car all the way to the villa area of Luye Island.

Seeing the small villas in Luye Island, Miss Yang said: "If you come to make pollen, you can buy a house here in less than a year." "

Po thought about helping her pull a classmate to do it, and asked, "Do you want to find someone to cooperate?"

She said, "Okay." "

He knew that she needed 100,000 yuan to open the store, and asked, "Do you need 100,000 yuan?"

But she said, "No, 10,000 is enough." "

He said with a big grin: "It's only 10,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan can be picked up on the road, you don't have 10,000 yuan?!".

She said, "No, all my money is used for living expenses." "

The bank turned off the lights after parking the car in a remote place, and it was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers, which was his habit again.

Ah Bao thought that there were often people robbing recently, and said: "It's not good, it's not good, you can't explain it to people if something happens, people ask you where and what are you doing?!".

They went back to the square in the city to have a barbecue, and Po said, "If the fat man and Lian Sheng know that we are out to have a good time, they will not be able to sleep." "

He said, "Tonight is not as lively as that night, and that night, the fat man passed by after picking me up, and he had to keep honking his horn." "

The square is near Bao's house, and Bao deliberately said to Miss Yang: "You like to eat barbecue so much, it would be nice if you lived here." "

She said, "I came to your house and you drove her away." "

She pretended to be helping the bank Xu all the time, saying: "Once I had a toothache, Brother Xu brought me medicine in the rain overnight, I was very touched and will never forget it, so I always wanted to help him introduce people." "

Ah Xian didn't want to participate in her game anymore, for fear of forcing the bank Xu into a real psychopath, and said to Ah Bao: "Brother Xu is not in a good mood tonight. "

Po joked, "I'm 'Sunset Infinitely Good'." "

Ask Miss Yang, "Are you also 'the sunset is infinitely good'?"

She said: "I am 'a pine on the top of Mount Tai, flying through the clouds still calmly, born with a fairy cave, infinite scenery in the dangerous peak'." "

She even recited poetry.

Feeling defeated again, the bank was disheartened and took a nap in his chair.

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